• 为此我们查看来自世界各地的结果有些用户反馈速度有数提升,有的反馈速度差不多报告速度很慢的。

    In that, we're seeing results all over the map. Some users report a few times speed, some report similar performance, and there are reports quite a bit slower performance.


  • 英国一项报告表明该国大多数濒临灭绝野生物种松鼠当地小龙虾正在惊人速度消失。

    Some of Britain's most endangered wildlife, from red squirrels to native crayfish, are vanishing from the countryside at an alarming rate, a report warns.


  • 根据报告大水在以每天810英寸速度逼近。

    According to one report, the water is advancing at a rate of between 8 and 10 inches a day.


  • 去年的一报告指出订阅费文章准备成本费用一直高于通胀率速度稳步上升

    A report last year pointed out that the costs both of subscriptions and of these "article preparation costs" had been steadily rising at a rate above inflation.


  • 根据《2010年世界社会科学报告》,2000年以来,全世界社会科学专业学生人数每年11%的速度增长。

    According to the World Social Science Report 2010, the number of social-science students worldwide has swollen by about 11% every year since 2000.


  • 然而可以继续定制报告使用连接速度这个维度。

    However, you can continue to use Connection Speed as a dimension in custom reports.


  • 然而可以继续定制报告使用连接速度这个维度。

    However you can continue to use Connection Speed as a dimension in custom reports.


  • 报告一个很好的随着时间速度指示

    This report gives you a good indication of velocity over time.


  • 测试使用不同电脑联想戴尔索尼所有情况下报告的结果是“连接速度非常没有明显缺陷。”

    The testers used different kinds of computers -- a Lenovo, a Dell and a Sony -- and in all cases reported "very good connection speed and no apparent defects.


  • 然而第五开始就报告高度抑郁腹部肥胖BMI增长速度要快那些报告更少抑郁症状人。

    However, the people who started out reporting high levels of depression increased in abdominal obesity and BMI at a faster rate than those who reported fewer symptoms of depression at year five.


  • 报告说:“吸烟相关医药支出生产力损失每年更快的速度增加

    Tobacco-related medical expenditures and loss of productivity are increasing by the year at an expanding rate.


  • 所以今天那个组长叫来了。我告诉要以最快速度完成这个任务,这个周末前报告交给

    So I called the team leader in today and told him to go full steam ahead and send me a report by the end of the week.


  • 薪金增长速度原先报告的数据大为降低。

    The pace of wage and salary growth was also much slower than first reported.


  • 因为业务用户更多参与,所以这种实践有助于所需SAPBW报告分析加快需求收集开发回归测试流程速度

    This practice could help to accelerate requirements gathering, development, and regression testing processes for required SAP BW reports and analysis as business users could be more involved.


  • 使用ADS - B技术速度变化传播信号作为状态向量报告一部分几乎是一瞬间就能探测到

    With ADS-B, velocity changes are broadcast almost instantaneously as part of the State Vector report.


  • 调查报告显示出,亚洲经济体增长速度远超发达国家过程中涌现大量的百万富翁亿万富翁

    The report's findings illustrate how Asia's economies are growing much more quickly than developed countries and, in the process, minting scores of new millionaires and billionaires.


  • 委员会表示一旦IARC报告全文发表可能将夜班列入职业病范畴,加快补偿审批速度

    The board said it might recognise night working as an occupational disease once the full IARC report was published, speeding up approval of pay-outs.


  • 从来自所有来源以及DOTS报告病例观察到,2000年以来病例发现的速度有所增长。

    The acceleration in case-finding since 2000 has been observed in the case reports from all sources, as well as from DOTS programmes.


  • 这份报告可能没有揭示恢复速度多大但是被破坏较小渔场没有什么太多可恢复的了。

    That may not reveal much about the rates of recovery, but with fewer collapses, recoveries would become less necessary.


  • 减少需要筛查数据之后,可以加快报告速度改进任务关键型业务流程响应性。

    With less data to sift through, you speed reporting and improve responsiveness of mission-critical business processes.


  • 报告警告说,这种现象有可能导致长期利率以远超过预期速度攀升,对增长前景产生不利影响。

    This, the report cautions, could cause long-term interest rates to rise much faster than expected, and dampen growth prospects.


  • 如果现在速度继续下去,”报告,“它们2035年之前甚至更早消失可能性非常的。”

    If the present rate continues, ” the report says, “the likelihood of them disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high.”


  • CTT查询特定时间段里TomTom具体路线数据库生成速度模式道路使用报告

    Custom Travel Times queries TomTom's database for specific routes within specific time periods to generate road usage and speed pattern reports.


  • 报告指出诸如韩国这样的国家已经准备下决心把速度推高到100Mbps

    The report pointed out that countries like South Korea are already committed to speeds of 100mbps.


  • 研究小组报告如果以每小时100公里速度行驶,这个系统减少3.66的刹车距离

    The team reported that at a speed of 100km/h (65m/h) the braking distance was reduced by 3.66 meters (12 feet).


  • 报告指出这些迹象表明冰雪变化正在加快全球变暖速度

    There is evidence that global warming is accelerating as a result of these changes, says the report.


  • 本周报告显示澳大利亚海岸大堡礁珊瑚生长速度1990年以来已经下降了13%。

    A report this week suggests that the growth of coral on the Great Barrier Reef, off Australia, has slowed by 13% since 1990.


  • 动态分析-流程对比分析-流程持续时间分析——报告(15)中,可以看到将来流程的速度手工流程的二倍。

    Dynamic Analysis - process Comparison Analysis - process Duration Comparison a "In this report (Figure 15), you can see that the To-Be process is twice as fast as the manual process."


  • 动态分析-流程对比分析-流程持续时间分析——报告(15)中,可以看到将来流程的速度手工流程的二倍。

    Dynamic Analysis - process Comparison Analysis - process Duration Comparison a "In this report (Figure 15), you can see that the To-Be process is twice as fast as the manual process."


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