• 毕竟多方认为收益率股价一个好消息,因为这会鼓励投资者退出固定收益资产寻找更高回报

    After all, bulls were previously arguing that low yields were good news for equities, as they encouraged investors to move out of fixed-income assets in search of higher returns.


  • 硬性期权锁定中,投资者在到期之前无权赎回投入资金;在软性期权锁定中,他们能够早早退出不得不支付据说有3- 5%的赔偿金。

    In a hard lock-up, investors have no right to redeem before their time is up; in a soft lock-up, they can get out early but have to pay a redemption fee of, say, 3-5%.


  • 如果投资者预计银行会遭受巨大损失担心银行会随之国有化,他们会选择退出

    If a bank looks about to suffer large losses, investors fear nationalisation is imminent-and head for the exit.


  • 同时增加迹象表明其他人退出时有更少投资者转向对冲基金

    Meanwhile, there are growing indications that fewer investors are shifting into hedge funds while others are pulling out.


  • 那些认为股票多年一直估值过高投资者无辜的,尽管他们很多人退出市场伤口去了。

    Investors who had been arguing that stocks were overvalued for years were totally vindicated, although many of them had pulled out of the market to lick their wounds.


  • 另外交易所指数基金提供每日价格流动性允许投资者迅速退出改变他们市场地位而不遭受出来受到严重损失。

    In addition, ETFs can provide daily pricing and liquidity, allowing investors to exit quickly and change their market position without incurring heavy discounts on selling the product.


  • 过去数月蜂拥进入规模较小散户投资者争相退出保护自己收益

    Retail investors, who have been piling into the small silver market for months, scrambled for an exit to protect their gains.


  • 2008年,投资者出于变现需要,或仅仅是退出,涌现赎股兑现潮,冥府守门狗公司暂停了该业务。

    Faced with a flood of redemption requests in 2008 by investors who needed liquidity or simply wanted out, Cerberus suspended withdrawals.


  • 投资者开始退出时,实体公司母公司今年早期震惊变成行动

    New Entity's parent group was shocked into action earlier this year when investors began to pull out of the group.


  • 之所以诱饵是因为随着泡沫市值急剧上升个在泡沫升至最高峰之前退出投资者闲置大量的资金。

    It is a lure because during the bubble values are rising steeply, so an investor who exits before the bubble has peaked may be leaving a good deal of money on the table.


  • 然而新的交易型开放式指数基金特殊目的在于一个已经供不应求市场退出使投资者工业用户直接参与供应竞争

    Yet the express purpose of the new ETFs is to take copper off a market that is already tight, bringing investors and industrial consumers into direct competition for supplies.


  • 大部分学院式投资者确实已经退出

    Most institutional investors did get out.


  • Zynga投资者流量下跌收入影响甚微因为许多退出玩家不会购买虚拟商品

    And Zynga investors say the drop in traffic had little effect on revenue because many players who dropped out didn't buy virtual goods.


  • Cerberus曾预计一旦克莱斯勒实现私有化,从而退出公众的视野,那么可能会成长为小但更强公司找到债券投资者帮助他们做到这点并不困难

    Cerberus expected that once Chrysler was private and outside the public glare it could build a smaller, stronger company, and it wouldn't be difficult to find debt investors to help them do so.


  • 巴克莱不是唯一一家退出基金管理银行(尽管持有更名贝莱德全球投资者的19.9%股份)。

    Barclays is not the only bank retreating from fund management (though it is retaining a 19.9% stake in the renamed BlackRock Global Investors).


  • 哥本哈根峰会在制定2012年以后减排目标方面没有取得进展,随后,银行投资者退出市场

    Banks and investors are pulling out of the carbon market after the failure to make progress at Copenhagen on reaching new emissions targets after 2012.


  • 自从1992年意大利退出欧洲汇率机制(ERM)将自己的货币贬值后,由于投资者信心不足利率上下波动

    After Italy left the European Exchange rate Mechanism (ERM) and devalued its currency in 1992, for example, it suffered from volatile swings in interest rates due to a lack of investor confidence.


  • 如果某个民粹主义者赢得意大利大选强制退出欧元区外国投资者违约难道他们不是至少有可能刺激真正经济复苏

    If a populist were to win the Italian election, force a euro exit and default on foreign investors, is it not at least possible they would spur a genuine economic recovery?


  • 格里投资者(包括银湖一个大型私人资本运营公司)希望尽快退出可能觊觎LinkedIn首次公开募股最近给它带来财富

    GLG's investors, which include Silver Lake, a big private-equity firm, want an exit soon, and are probably looking lustfully at the fortune LinkedIn's initial public offering recently generated.


  • 并不一定帮助初创企业投资者希望看到退出返回

    But it doesn't necessarily help startup investors who are hoping to see exits and returns.


  • 不断地警告称黄金并不是一种神秘商品,只有那些认为黄金价格不会下跌投资者全部退出市场以后,金价有可能真正触底

    Gold, he repeatedly warns, is not a mystical commodity and its real bottom will not be reached until those investors who think it cannot fall have all left the market.


  • 证券公司退出机制涉及众多的中小投资者,甚至影响其他的相关金融机构

    Securities corporation withdrawal mechanism involved not only many investor, but also related financial institutions.


  • 损失影响大多数投资者成绩因素之一,这些损失通常投资者介入交易缺乏退出计划直接结果

    Big losses are one thing which destroys most investor's performance, and these are almost always a direct result of the investor failing to plan, before entering a trade, how he will exit it.


  • 唯一解释这一现象的理由投资者认为存在某个欧元区国家拖欠债务甚至退出欧元区的可能性

    That only makes sense if investors believe there is a possibility a euro-zone member might default or even quit the single currency.


  • 那些直接措辞知道投资者退出项目然后这里原因

    Just use direct terms: You know an investor is pulling out of the project, and here's why;


  • 公司上市或者被兼并时,大多数股权投资者退出

    Most equity investors cash out of their investments in start-ups when the business goes public or gets acquired by another business.


  • 随着国库券经济领域退出历年发行国库券成为钱币市场的收藏对象,受到投资者追捧

    As the Treasury bills in the economic sphere exit, calendar year issued by the Treasury also became the object and coin collections of the market, is sought after by investors.


  • 投资者进入证券市场决定退出时间不确定因此承担退出风险风险资产退出需要一定费用

    The exit time when investors decide to withdraw securities business is uncertain, so they have to be charged with withdrawal risk, and need to pay the costs of withdrawal of risk assets.


  • 投资者进入证券市场决定退出时间不确定因此承担退出风险风险资产退出需要一定费用

    The exit time when investors decide to withdraw securities business is uncertain, so they have to be charged with withdrawal risk, and need to pay the costs of withdrawal of risk assets.


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