• 这个时候如果知道自己多少资本,就很难别人推荐如何投资

    It's hard to recommend how to invest at this time without knowing how much capital you have.


  • 为了保护自己投资或许会答应一些条约或者契约表述资金不足的公司可能难以消化

    To protect themselves, investors may want you agree to covenants and representations about your company that might be difficult for an under-funded startup to swallow.


  • 一旦自己生意,并且让运转了起来,那就容易得到贷款投资者们放心

    Once you get your business up and running, it is much easier to get loans to buy your investor out.


  • 存在一些其他可以避免错误但是底线保护你自己的利益的同时一定按照投资者的方式经营,这样才能他们钱。

    There are other pitfalls to avoid, but the bottom line is this: Play by the lenders' rules to get them to open their checkbook, but protect yourself at the same time.


  • 没有因为受不了投资要求压力无法开始经营自己买卖的。

    There's no point in launching a business that will eventually sink under the weight of your investors' demands.


  • 因此决定自己资金投入公司来向投资者展示公司的未来是能够取得真正成功。

    Therefore your decision to invest your own money can provide information toinvestors about the true prospects of the firm.


  • 资金意味着投资负责这部电影重点在于不受约束的。可以做出自己判断甚至是失误

    Funding means you're answerable to your funders and the whole point of this film was that I would be free - free to make my own decisions and my own mistakes.


  • 同时自己也许掂量下金融风险承受能力因为需要短的时间完成尽可能投资收益。

    Also, you'll need to weigh your tolerance for risk against your financial goals, since you need to achieve as much investment growth as possible in the time you have available.


  • 好吧可以说美国银行家们四分之一个世纪内从放宽的金融政策授权了热情引领世界寻找复杂的方法通过隐藏风险愚弄投资自己创造财富。

    Well, you could say that American bankers, empowered by a quarter-century of deregulatory zeal, led the world in finding sophisticated ways to enrich themselves by hiding risk and fooling investors.


  • 应该事先揣摩投资想法不是让凭自己的臆想瞎

    You should feel them out in advance, and never be in the position of guessing what you think they want to see.


  • 一旦澄清自己需要短期投资获得资金的几率将变大,因为们变成互惠互利关系

    Once you make it clear that you don't need short-term venture, you then have a shot at getting mentorship because the relationship is mutually beneficial.


  • 如果自己也是投资的话,不妨设立一套自己法则虔诚地笃信你自己的法则。

    And if you're an investor yourself, feel free to set and religiously follow your rules.


  • 基本上投资会希望给他们一个大体描述包括做什么怎样赚钱,还有自己简历

    Well, it doesn't. At this stage, all most investors expect is a brief description of what you plan to do and how you're going to make money from it, and the resumes of the founders.


  • 公司寻求风险投资资金时候,可能拒绝,然后或许得出结论认为自己想法可行

    There's one other difficulty with looking for a lot of outside investment for your start-upyou might not get it, and then you might conclude that your idea isn't going to work.


  • 每天至少6个半小时都会自己聪明愚蠢程度一个实时的了解,市场不会投资者的经历专业知识净资产而加以区别对待。

    For six-and-a-half hours a day, at a minimum, you get a real-time reading of how smart or idiotic you may be, and markets don't discriminate based on experience, expertise or net worth.


  • 同职场中普通人际关系不同导师之间的关系你自己未来一种深层次长期投资

    Being different from the average network contact, the relationship with the mentor is a long-term deep-seated investment in your future.


  • 如果买进指数基金不用担心因为自己基金经理错了股票而使投资收益远远落后市场平均水平

    And if you buy index funds, you don't have to worry about badly lagging behind the market averages because you or your fund managers pick the wrong stocks.


  • 一个案件投资知道自己股票

    It's a case of investor know thyself and thy stock.


  • 难怪找不到客户投资,不能成功推销自己,老板欺负不好好发工资也没处诉苦

    No wonder we find it hard to pitch big clients and investors, sell ourselves as the best, or demand the pay we deserve.


  • 资金可以自己储蓄外部投资贷款

    Funding can be from your own savings, outside investors, or loans.


  • 真正的快乐就是自己看作投资倾听一个年轻人讲述他新近商业计划因为这个计划那样兴奋

    That is you can treat yourself as a investor and listen to the updated business plan from a young man who is so excited for it.


  • 投资应该仔细做好研究一旦开发摸索出自己的逻辑和思路付诸行动也是所有投资建议

    Jim Rogers: It is the same advice as I would give any investor: Do your research carefully and once you have developed your own opinion, act on it.


  • 通过公开创意回应投资的意见,会使项目计划更加引人注目,需要对所有自己提出的目标负责

    By putting your ideas out there and having investors to answer to your business plan is put into sharp relief and any goals you set, you become accountable for.


  • 沟通创业导师顾问潜在雇员投资畅谈自己商业设想时,可以画出商业模式图,也可也进行调整。

    Communication: you can draw and redraw the model as you tell the story of your business to mentors, advisers, potential recruits, and potential investors.


  • 沟通创业导师顾问潜在雇员投资畅谈自己商业设想时,可以画出商业模式图,也可也进行调整。

    Communication: you can draw and redraw the model as you tell the story of your business to mentors, advisers, potential recruits, and potential investors.


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