• 建立了梯度面积投影曲线模型用于候选人校验。

    A model of grads area projection curve is built to verify face candidate.


  • 本文提出了基于灰度投影曲线和边缘检测进行人眼定位算法

    In this paper a new method of locating eye features in facial images based on gray level projection is put forward.


  • 实验结果表明圆周积分投影圆周梯度积分投影曲线具有良好旋转尺度不变性

    The experimental result shows that the curves corresponding to circular integral projecting and circular grads integral projecting own excellent steadiness when target rotates and flexes.


  • 可以检查面投影曲线表面看看预测曲线是否显示了预期想得到的表面形状

    You can check the surface shape by projecting curves to the surface and see if the projected curve shows the surface desired shape where it is projected.


  • 通过字符图像水平垂直两个方向投影曲线分别进行小波分解得到投影曲线近似表示。

    The projective curves along the horizontal and vertical directions were obtained from the character images, and were approximated by using wavelet decomposition.


  • 一种方法是分别得到横竖条码在水平垂直方向的一维灰度投影曲线根据它们相关性判断图像是否匹配

    The other method uses 1-D cyclostyle matching algorithm to obtain horizontal and erect gray scale projection curves of two list images, then compares with them if its not homology.


  • 以此基础,提出通过测量投影曲线间接测量主刃各切削角度方法,较好地解决了任意刃钻头切削角度测量问题。

    Then a new method is proposed to measure indirectly cutting angles of drills with arbitrary point geometry by measuring the curve of the main edge projected.


  • 考虑眼角点特征,眼角位置眼角区域内水平加权方差投影曲线垂直加权方差投影曲线峰值,可通过加权方差投影曲线分析对眼角细定位

    Owing to the existence of both peaks of eye corner position at the projection curves of WVPF in horizontal and vertical directions, the eye corner positions are located by analysis of peaks of WVPF.


  • 所做就是F投影向量方向上,得出F沿着曲线的值,然后再把这些起来。

    What I do at any point is project F to the tangent direction, I figure out how much F is going along my curve and then I sum these things together.


  • 然后系统地阐明了点、各种球面曲线以及球面的园投影方法性质

    It also expounds such ar projective methods and properties for points various spherical curves and sphere systematically.


  • 最后,我们还研究了一般生长曲线模型不同预测变量下的简单投影预测关于协方差稳健性

    Finally, robustness of the simple projection predictor in the general growth curve model with different linear predictable variable on the covariance matrix are investigated.


  • 计算表明,空间线型预应力筋水平投影曲率不宜,线型不宜太复杂,应尽量选择波形曲线

    The results show that it is inadvisable to select a large curvature of horizontal projection and a complicated space curve, while the use of single waved curve would be better.


  • 具有公共对称平面曲面交线平面上的投影为二次曲线

    It is known that the projection of the intersection of quadrics with common plane of symmetry on this plane is a curve of second order.


  • 把手零件建模详细介绍了UG曲线空间组合投影命令原理及其具体应用

    This paper takes a handle for example to introduce the concrete principle and application of UG curve space composite projection order.


  • 提出了一种利用控制顶点投影计算平面NURBS曲线最小距离的算法。

    The projection method of control points for calculating the minimum distance between a point and a planar NURBS curve is proposed.


  • 本文提出正交投影卷积曲面曲线对应的概念和相关定理图像轮廓和三维人体模型之间的架起一道桥梁;

    Second we present the convolution surface and curve correspondence theorem under orthogonal projection, which provide a bridge between 2D image contour and 3D human model.


  • 基于投影保持PH性质特性,通过球极投影把球面数据投影平面上,构造一条平面PH曲线

    Based on the stereographic projection that preserves Pythagorean-Hodographs, a spherical rational ph curve is constructed to solve this problem.


  • 给出曲线投射方程关系一般导出几种曲线投射的投影关系式并举例说明。

    The ordinary style of the curve projection equation and the formule of some kinds of the curve projection as well as the examples for its application are given.


  • 球面上共焦点之椭圆曲线球心投影中仍投影共焦椭圆、双曲线

    The cofocal ellipse and hyperbola of spherical surface will also be projected into the cofocal ellipse and hyperbola in gnomonic projection.


  • 方法:利用曲线合方法模拟大脑外形曲线借助有限元方法等位线投影算法完成eit仿真成像。

    A curve of a real brain shape is simulated with the curve-fitting methods and EIT in the brain is finished with finite-element methods and Equipotential Lines Back-Projection algorithm.


  • 首先,在外侧创建与铺丝路径相对应的特定曲线然后曲线特定方向投影指定的偏置曲面上,形成初始路径。

    First, a specific curve is created around the core module, and then it is projected on to specified surfaces in a particular direction and the projections are taken as initial paths.


  • 如果要求将轮廓曲线投影到与曲线平面垂直的面上,并且曲线不是平面的,则显示以下消息。

    Placement outline curves are not planar. floor outline curves are not planar. top outline curves are not planar.


  • 模型一方面采用粒子群算法优化投影指标函数逻辑斯谛曲线函数参数确保模型参数准确性

    The model, on the one hand, uses the PSO to optimize the projection index function and the parameters of LCF so as to ensure the accuracy of the parameters used in the model.


  • 提取文字图形轮廓将它们投影曲面上矢量化,得到曲线多边形。

    Contours of letters and images were extracted and projected into a curved surface, and curvilinear polygons were acquired by vectorization.


  • 提取文字图形轮廓将它们投影曲面上矢量化,得到曲线多边形。

    Contours of letters and images were extracted and projected into a curved surface, and curvilinear polygons were acquired by vectorization.


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