• 然而,情况如此复杂即使知道投入我们无法预测产出。

    But despite knowing the inputs, we can't predict the outputs yet because there's so much complexity.


  • 一旦大楼投入使用它要消耗原来设计预测多得多的能量。

    Once a building opens, it may use more energy than was predicted by the design. And how a building is used — how many occupants it has, for example — affects its energy consumption.


  • 那次地震日本预测地震海啸上投入大量努力

    The calamity initiated a massive effort in Japan to predict earthquakes and tsunamis.


  • 一旦大楼投入使用,它要消耗比原来设计预测多得多的能量。

    And how a building is used - how many occupants it has, for example - affects its energy consumption.


  • 为了能使研发投入获取最大限度的回报信息技术(IT)公司必须能够预测这些多变采纳方式能迅速做出反应

    Information Technology (IT) companies must be able to forecast and quickly respond to these shifting adoption patterns in order to maximize the return on their research and development investment.


  • 过去100年里,地震学家将大笔经费投入地震预测研究,收获廖廖

    Over the past century, seismologists have invested a vast amount of money and effort in trying to predict earthquakes-without a single unequivocal success.


  • •库维尔是一位受人尊敬计算机科学家、拥有一系列发明的发明家未来学家。他预测2010年之前有5500万台机器人投入使用

    Ray Kurzweil, a respected computer scientist, serial inventor and futurist, predicted that some 55m robots would be in circulation by 2010.


  • Emarketer预测这次下降短暂,而且2010年的广告投入会有13.2%的增长

    EMarketer expects that this drop will be short-lived, however, and predicts a 13.2% increase in AD spending in 2010.


  • 通过图书馆事业投入缺口进行预测结合分析其产生缺口缺口扩大原因提出相应对策措施

    This paper makes the prediction on the input gap for the library cause, analyzes the reasons why the gap exists and is enlarged, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures.


  • 研究了过去200年间泥土样本预测重金属杂质的集聚物会没有工业投入未来

    He profiles soil samples from the past 200 years and extrapolates concentrations of heavy metals and foreign substances into a future without industrial inputs.


  • 重点在于讨论动态投入产出模型一般结构理论特征放在它们能源预测应用上。

    The emphasis is on discussion of a general structure and theoretical characteristics of the dynamic input-output models and on their uses for energy forecasting.


  • 预算成本定期更新反映完工预测成本,并确保项目完工前现金投入

    The budgeted cost should also be updated periodically to reflect the estimated cost to completion as well as to insure adequate cash flows for the completion of the project.


  • 运用非线性理论研究企业环境成本生产投入之间动力学关系预测环境成本与生产投入发展趋势

    The dynamic relationship between the environmental cost and production input of enterprise was studied by non-linear theory to predict the development trend of environmental cost and production input.


  • 文件针对财务方面资金的分期投入回收资金收支平衡利润分配诸方面做了预测

    In financial aspect, forecast is made from periodic input of investment to payoff term thereof, balance between expenses and receipts, distribution of profits and so on.


  • 作为预测AGC购买需求基础模型保证系统投入购买的AGC容量实际需求达到实时平衡提供依据。

    The model, as a basis for forecasting demand for AGC to buy, is necessary for decision making to ensure that the AGC system put in or capacity purchased and actual demand achieve real-time balance.


  • 利用投入占用产出技术系统科学方法2030年中国粮食产量、粮食进口量自给率进行预测

    Using the input-occupancy-output techniques and system science methods, this paper makes a forecast about Chinas grain output, grain import and self-support rate in the year 2030.


  • 网友意见评价:电力公司投入重要决策活动都是市场价格的一个很好的预测

    An important input to the decision-making activities of a Genco is a good forecast of the market prices.


  • 本文运用灰色GM1,1)模型线性回归模型对科技经费投入进行预测实际算例可知其精确度是相当高

    The expenditure of the funds for scientific research is predicted by means of the GM(1,1)Model and the Linear Regression Model with high accuracy.


  • 广告投入博弈分析中,笔者同样构建了博弈模型预测卖场广告投入所带来收益的模型。

    In the analysis of the investments of advertisements, we have also built a game model and a corresponding prediction model.


  • 领导行为集体效能更应该看作群体水平的预测变量角色投入应该看作是个体水平的预测变量。

    Leadership behavior and collective efficacy should be regarded as group variable, and role involvement should be regarded as personal variable.


  • 客运量预测衡量建设项目经济成本预测建设项目投入运营经济效益关键性指标

    Passenger volume forecast is a key indicator to weigh the basic project economic cost and economic benefit after a project puts into service.


  • 结果表明角色压力组织公平组织支持工作投入组织承诺较好的预测效力。

    The results showed that role stress, organizational justice and perceived organizational support were good predictors of job engagement and organizational commitment.


  • 系统根据股票历史数据分析预测股价未来一段时间内的走势,进而投资者进行股票操作支持。指导投资者投入资金一定情况下,如何操作才会使总收益为最大。

    According to the analysis to the history data of the stock, the system can forecast the stock's trend in future and guides the Stockholders operate on the stock.


  • 系统根据股票历史数据分析预测股价未来一段时间内的走势,进而投资者进行股票操作支持。指导投资者投入资金一定情况下,如何操作才会使总收益为最大。

    According to the analysis to the history data of the stock, the system can forecast the stock's trend in future and guides the Stockholders operate on the stock.


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