• 而且导致顶级超级天使们之间品牌鸿沟逐渐侵蚀。

    And that will cause the brand gap between the top VCs and the super-angels gradually to erode.


  • 不管结果如何,超级天使之间冲突对于创始人们是个好消息。

    Whatever the outcome, the conflict between VCs and super-angels is good news for founders.


  • 需要更多试验确认治疗维他命C效用,意谓著一旦出现感冒症状需立刻维他命C。

    More trials are necessary to settle the possible role of therapeutic vitamin C, meaning administration immediately after the onset of symptoms.


  • 老年小鼠传输因子会恢复细胞增殖潜力-使用异丙肾上腺素造成大规模增加1,5 - 1,7

    Administering of TF restored the potential of cell proliferation in old mice - use of isoproterenol resulted in mass increase of 1, 5-1, 7 times!


  • 显示出,如果幼鼠投与异丙肾上腺会造成唾液腺大量的增加1,6 - 1,8老年小鼠则显示其增加量会减少

    It was revealed that if in young mice administration of isoproterenol causes an increase in the mass of salivary glands of 1, 6-1, 8 times, whereas in old mice reduction of the mass was demonstrated.


  • 垄断检察官发现市场占有率低于40%、且这种方式搞垄断的企业几乎天方夜谭。而现在还没有一个银行的占有率40%沾上边 ---》在市场占有率低于40%的情况下采取这样的价格主导手段是罕见的。现在没有一家行的市场占有率达到40%的水平。

    But it is rare for trustbusters to find a single firm that dominates in this way with a market share below 40%. No investment bank comes close to that threshold.


  • 天使最大区别之一他们想要公司份额。

    One of the biggest differences between angels and VCs is the amount of your company they want.


  • 天使之间无人地带对于创业公司来说非常不便因为正好许多创业公司募集的资金相符。

    The no man's land between angels and VCs was a very inconvenient one for startups, because it coincided with the amount many wanted to raise.


  • 然而,他这样一位理性美的热爱可能会互联网上大部分信息怀疑眼光。

    However, such a lover of beauty and reason might look askance at much of the content on the Internet.


  • 至少可以点钱一个值得考虑选择就是:绩优股——尤其是那些融合股息收益率强劲资产负债表现金为一体的股票。

    One alternative worth considering for at least some of your stash: Blue-chip stocks-especially those that combine high dividend yields with strong balance sheets and cash flow.


  • 高盛工作主要处理收购兼并

    I worked at Goldman Sachs doing merges and acquisition for ten years.


  • 届时将就希腊重组进一步纾困举行会谈。并且上周芬兰赞成票之后很可能批准葡萄牙协议

    There will be talk of Greek restructuring and further bail-outs, and probably approval of a deal for Portugal after the Finland gave its assent last week.


  • 摩根士丹利支付给公司的年利率为9%(瑞银近期发行的证券利率一致),税后股息相比5个百分点的溢价

    The 9 per cent interest rate, which is line with that paid by UBS in its recent issue, represents a 5 percentage point after tax premium to its dividend.


  • 今天早上朋友一起了早饭,家风合伙人,我已经和他的公司合作过了。

    I had breakfast this morning with a friend who is a partner at a VC firm I've worked with a few times.


  • 分析师北京知情人士表示已经汲取外管局的经验:透明公开没什么好处避免被批评方法避开外界监督

    Analysts and Beijing insiders say CIC has learnt from Safe that transparency and openness do not pay and the way to avoid criticism is to avoid outside scrutiny.


  • 通过这些项目谷歌试图凭借谷歌的独特关系,打造专有的交易渠道

    Through these programs Google Ventures is attempting to leverage its unique position within Google and create exclusive deal flow channels.


  • 尽管人们“明日黄花”的定义不同,但是,模式是否成明日黄花的讨论已经有一时间

    Discussions about whether or not the VC model is broken have been ongoing for some time, although arguably what constitutes "broken" might different for investors and for entrepreneurs.


  • 他们认为倒闭以及冰封信贷市场这些明尼阿波利斯郊区人们什么关系呢?

    Failing investment Banks and frozen credit markets - what have these to do with the leafy suburbs of, say, Minneapolis?


  • 不过关系最为紧密就业顾问一致认为,今年行会在一个有限院校圈子中展开招聘

    But the consensus among careers officers who have the closest links with investment Banks is that they are looking within a narrow circle of institutions this year.


  • 大众传媒中心所作全国民调显示,在中期选举中可能的中间选民倾向于共和党的票。

    A new national poll by the Pew Center for the People and the Press found that independent voters who are likely to vote in the mid-term election favor Republicans.


  • 这家受人尊敬盈利能力风险承受能力银行老板们羡慕不已。

    Bank bosses peered enviously at the profits and risk-taking prowess of the venerable investment bank.


  • 因此随着公司银行零售银行部门遭受部门相似困难,银行将会遭遇第二金融危机。

    As a result, Banks will experience a second wave of financial difficulties, as their commercial and retail arms go through similar pain to their investment-banking divisions.


  • 充足资金财务杠杆率相伴是对服务需求量减少。

    As well as dearer funding and lower leverage, the investment Banks face the prospect of weakened demand for their services.


  • 因此过去天使之间的明显界限已经变得模糊得不像样了。

    So the previously sharp line between angels and VCs has become hopelessly blurred.


  • 这个计划揭幕的同一天,高盛的财报预期,这主要来自的巨额费用

    On the same day as the plan’s unveiling, Goldman Sachs reported better than expected results, thanks largely to outsized investment-banking fees.


  • 就是为什么大举倒闭的原因,商业银行不同,后者必须保留足够的储备金以应付可能的损失

    That's why so many have fallen, unlike commercial banks that are required to keep reserves against potential losses.


  • 就是为什么大举倒闭的原因,商业银行不同,后者必须保留足够的储备金以应付可能的损失

    That's why so many have fallen, unlike commercial banks that are required to keep reserves against potential losses.


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