• 世界卫生组织报告称,治疗费用生产力损失来看,抑郁是世界上产生负担最重疾病

    The World Health Organization reports that depression has the greatest burden of disease worldwide, in terms of the total cost of treatment and the loss of productivity.


  • 这份报告显示妇女男性容易抑郁焦虑

    As the report shows, women are more susceptible to depression and anxiety than men.


  • 研究者们点明本次报告目的并非那些接受药物治疗患者才使用抑郁药。

    The researchers noted that for the purposes of this study, antidepressant use was not limited to those taking such medication solely for depression.


  • 然而第五开始就报告高度抑郁腹部肥胖BMI增长速度要快那些报告更少抑郁症状人。

    However, the people who started out reporting high levels of depression increased in abdominal obesity and BMI at a faster rate than those who reported fewer symptoms of depression at year five.


  • 报告,有焦虑抑郁症状孩子19%的他们青春痘相比之下,那些报告说没有精神苦闷症状的孩子中只有12%长了青春痘。

    Roughly 19% of all kids who reported symptoms of anxiety and depression said they had acne, compared to only 12% of those who reported no mental distress.


  • 第五年中,高度抑郁人群腰围大约那些报告轻度抑郁人粗了1.6厘米

    In year five, the waist circumference of the high-depression group was about 1.6 centimeters greater than those who reported low depression.


  • 研究发现,又一代妇女家庭关系崩溃亲人丧亡举债过度,而把自己置身危险境地。精神忧郁患者有三分之一服抗抑郁症药,报告对此现象提出警告

    Generations of women are in crisis due to relationship breakdown, bereavement or debt, according to a report warning that one in three has taken anti-depressants.


  • 他们今年发表环境与健康展望》的报告时,这些儿童有可能显现出焦虑抑郁注意力不集中症状

    By age 7, the children were more likely to show symptoms of anxiety, depression and attention problems, the researchers reported this year in Environmental Health Perspectives.


  • 研究研究报告末尾,研究人员表示:“未来研究的方向在于弄清巧克力心情的特殊关系的生物学基础,以及巧克力是否能够帮助治疗抑郁症。”

    In conclusion the authors said, “Future studies are required to elucidate the foundation of the association and to determine whether chocolate has a role in depression, as cause or cure.”


  • 研究结果显示,“抑郁可能增加内脏脂肪堆积物,”VEGOLZANGS的研究小组研究报告中写道

    The results suggest that "depression may promote visceral fataccumulation, " Vogelzangs and her group wrote in their studyreport.


  • 报告中的另一个发现表明:摄入橄榄油可能减少情绪抑郁风险

    But eating olive oil might actually lessen the risk of depression, another finding in the report shows.


  • 2008年德国研究人员报告,与老板相比,在老板手下工作的女性雇员更易抑郁失眠头疼以及心痛

    In 2008 German researchers reported women who answered to a female supervisor suffered more depression, insomnia, headaches and heartburn than if their boss was a man.


  • 所有人中,约有20 %报告忧郁症状5年后没有抑郁的人相比较这些患者额外有50 %较高心脏问题的风险。

    In all, about 20% of the participants reported depressive symptoms; over five years, those patients had a 50% higher rate of additional heart problems, compared with their non-depressed peers.


  • 风险最初是由服用帕罗西汀的患者父母报告的,但是FDA却决定2004年强制所有抑郁药物添加自杀警告包括三环类药物

    This risk was initially reported in patients using paroxetine, but the FDA decided in 2004 to mandate the warning on suicidality for all antidepressants, including tricyclics.


  • 所以,充足、高品质睡眠可以成为防治抑郁的一项措施。”研究报告上周五的《睡眠》杂志上发表

    "Adequate quality sleep could therefore be a preventative measure against depression and a treatment for depression," he added in the study published in the Friday issue of sleep magazine.


  • 这个观察报告表明精神因素可能加重妇女孕期产后抑郁可能性

    This observation suggests psychiatric factors may increase a woman's likelihood of developing depression during pregnancy or postpartum.


  • 报告作者希望该此项最新研究可以相关SSRI类药物帮助病人战胜抑郁进一步深入研究铺平道路。

    The study authors are hopeful that this latest research might pave the way for continued research into the mechanism through which SSRIs help patients battle depression.


  • 研究人员上周报告显示,抗抑郁药物对于严重抑郁患者来说,疗效看似十分明显,但对于轻度抑郁症患者来说,并不尽然

    Researchers reported last week that antidepressant drugs seemed to be effective mainly in people with severe depression, not those with milder forms.


  • 研究报告写道:“在87名抑郁病人有9名受试者发现些带有变异的等位基因。

    The paper reporting the study states: "Nine subjects from a cohort of 87 depression patients were found to carry the mutant allele.


  • 怀孕期间抑郁母亲胎儿都有损害,Golding和他的同事报告中表示

    Depression during pregnancy is harmful for both mother and child, Golding and colleagues note in their report.


  • 科学家杂志》(New Scientist magazine)上的文章说其它研究报告证明,安眠药治疗患者能够减轻他们抑郁程度

    Other studies have shown that treating patients with sleeping pills can alleviate their depression, according to the article in New Scientist magazine.


  • 报告指出失眠出现感情问题机率睡眠充足者的4,他们感到抑郁集中力不足的机率也是睡眠充足3倍。

    It showed people with insomnia were 4 times as likely to have relationship problems, 3 times as likely to feel depressed and 3 times as likely to suffer from a lack of concentration.


  • WHO报告中国疾病负担:分布情况显示抑郁成为我国疾病负担最大第二疾病

    The China sickness distribution report by WHO also indicated that the depression has already become the second most serious disease in China.


  • 我们没有发现抑郁接触录像电脑游戏收音机之间有同样关联。”他们报告写到。

    "We did not find a consistent relationship between development of depressive symptoms and exposure to videocassettes, computer games, or radio," they report.


  • 某些女性报告绝经几年里存在情绪起伏易怒焦虑抑郁症状。

    Some women report mood swings, irritability, anxiety and depression in the years leading up to menopause, called the perimenopause.


  • 研究发现,16.5%的母亲报告说自己完宝宝后遭受抑郁困扰长达6个月

    It found 16.5 percent reported suffering from depression for up to six months after giving birth.


  • 患有抑郁患者可能他们的COPD症状更加敏感并且更加有可能报告这些症状。

    Depressed patients may be more sensitive to their COPD symptoms and more likely to report those symptoms.


  • 患有抑郁患者可能他们的COPD症状更加敏感并且更加有可能报告这些症状。

    Depressed patients may be more sensitive to their COPD symptoms and more likely to report those symptoms.


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