• 碰撞过程会挤牙膏一样表下岩浆碰撞另一侧

    Like squashing one end of a tube of toothpaste, the impact also pushes subsurface magma to the opposite side of the moon from the crash point.


  • 通常现代世界快速步调经常加速变化可以把月人的情绪生活逼到崩溃的边缘。

    Oftentimes the stressful pace of life in the modern world and the seemingly constant acceleration of change can drive the feeling life of the Pluto-Moon over the brink.


  • 我们3向前拨以后,我们就进入夏令时

    When we put the clocks forward in March we go into daylight saving time.


  • 俱乐部会议日期改到了星期六122日。

    The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd.


  • 去年10被捕拿着血迹斑斑的

    He was arrested last October still carrying a bloody knife.


  • 一个赦免期中交出了2 000

    2 000 knives have been handed in during the month-long amnesty.


  • 我们访问时间37日。

    I timed our visit for March 7.


  • 这家公司1停止运作开始资产换成现金。

    The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January.


  • 他们目标产品从设计投产的时间缩短18个以内

    They aim to cut production lead times to under 18 months.


  • 我们已经索赔时限延长730日了。

    We have extended the time limit for claims until July 30.


  • 出于无知,以为日期搞错了因为11日刚刚过去

    In my ignorance, I assumed he had his dates wrong, as the first of January had just passed.


  • 今年2我们广告投放集中廉价车型,并我们的地段陈列室展示这些车型时,整体销量有所下降

    In February, when we focused our advertisements on our inexpensive models and featured them on our lot and in our showroom, overall sales were lower.


  • 他们寄给东西都好,左右就回来了

    I filled in whatever they sent me, and I returned like at the end of August.


  • 8普鲁斯特写信瓦列特,告诉打算这些材料写成小说。

    By August, Proust was writing to Vallette, informing him of his intention to develop the material as a novel.


  • 考夫曼知道地区官员是否预算短缺的问题隐瞒到了11选举之后直到选民批准学校发行2.12亿美元的债券

    Coffman says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortage until after the November election, when voters approved a $212 million bond issue for schools.


  • 应该听说过去年四一则新闻安柏·海德因为条狗带去澳大利亚时没有海关申报面临诉讼

    You may have heard the news last April about how Amber Heard was facing lawsuits for taking her two dogs into Australia without declaring them to customs officials.


  • 1998年3威廉姆斯一位朋友不情愿地进了一家戒赌治疗中心写信告知赌场威廉姆斯的问题

    In March 1998, a friend of Williams's got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions, and wrote to inform the casino of Williams's gambling problem.


  • 过去了,花盆里还是什么也没有。就是知道自己种子弄死了。

    Six months went by, still, nothing is in Ling's pot. He just knew he had killed his seed.


  • 去年10举行一次重要会议上生物学家其他科学家他们注意力转向了植物和动物。

    Biologists and other scientists turn their attention to plants and animals at an important meeting that took place last October.


  • 去年10计划告诉了我波普顿学校学生

    Last October, I told my pupils in Pompton School about my plan.


  • 问题当然纳特·特纳起义发生1831年10他们这些议题推到起义之后。

    The problem was, of course, Nat Turner's Insurrection; it had just occurred in October of 1831 and they held these debates in the wake of it.


  • 宵的由来是源于人们农历的第一个叫做“元”,晚上叫做“宵”。

    Yuanxiao comes from the fact that people call the first lunar month the Yuan Month and night Xiao.


  • 了一天、两天、一个、两个……他总是野花的种子撒在路边。

    After one day, two days, one month, two months...he always kept putting the wild flower seeds along the roadside.


  • 2021年2,天问一号探测器第一张火星的照片送回了中国。

    Tianwen I probe sent the first picture of Mars back to China in February, 2021.


  • 大约六个大的时候,许多婴儿可以一个物体从一只手移到另一只手。

    At around six months old many babies can move an object from one hand to another.


  • 的一个清晨,一位好心的女士一只小喜鹊送到我家来照顾。

    Early one October morning, a nice woman sent a young magpie to my home for care.


  • 初的阳光下,他花了整整一天的时间木棍插在番茄幼苗旁。

    He spent one whole day in the early June sun, hitting wooden sticks into the ground by young tomato plant.


  • 年10,莉娜·帕尔森在瑞典莫拉打理花园时,摘了一小胡萝卜,准备扔掉。

    Last October, while tending her garden in Mora, Sweden, Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small carrots and was about to throw them away.


  • 产后6矫正过来。

    I had to wait for 6 months post partum to have it corrected.


  • 产后6矫正过来。

    I had to wait for 6 months post partum to have it corrected.


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