• 猛地浸入冷水中。

    She plunged her face into a bowl of cold water.


  • 他用枕头捂住死了。

    He put the pillow over her face and suffocated her.


  • 贴近

    He puts his face close to hers.


  • 意图转过去,看到男孩们一个地走上跳板

    His intention was to turn her face so that she should see the boys walking the plank one by one.


  • 一头扎进枕头埋起来

    She threw herself back on her pillow and buried her face.


  • 记得表妹有一次吹了泡泡然后泡泡破了口香糖都遮住了!

    I still remember my cousin once blew a big bubble and then it broke, covering her face with gum!


  • 向前了倾身子,窗户上,这时马车剧烈地摇晃了一下。

    She leaned forward and pressed her face against the window just as the carriage gave a big jolt.


  • 安妮第一次走进凯勒家的门时精力充沛海伦匆忙安妮的衣服差点撞倒

    When Anne first walked through the Kellers' door, the energetic Helen nearly knocked her over in her hurry to feel Anne's face, clothing and bag.


  • 另一个女人他的尸体半翻转过来以看清似乎辨认死者是否是认识的人,然后走开了。

    Another woman half-turns him to get a look at his face, apparently to see if he is someone she knows, and then walks on.


  • 看到一位母亲和蔼孩子转向许多生活工作忙碌父亲几乎不认识他们的孩子

    He saw only one mother hug her child warmly and bring her face close to his; many of the busy fathers hardly knew their children.


  • 丁纳太太站在稍微后面一点;正当伊丽莎白默不作声的时候,达西却要求赏个位亲友介绍一下。

    Mrs. Gardiner was standing a little behind; and on her pausing, he asked her if she would do him the honour of introducing him to her friends.


  • 写道:“衣襟遮着孩子整个身体,整个灵魂都哭泣片衣襟扯下来看看我的宝贝。”

    There was a flap of cloth over its face. My entire body, my entire soul cried out to me to turn the flap down, to look at my baby's face.


  • 然后轻轻地抱进了怀里。 他低头看着然后温柔颊。

    Then he took her gently in his arms, leant over her face, and softly stroked her cheek.


  • 走到棺材旁,冰冷玻璃上贴了会后,就温和地女儿身旁的一个座位

    She approached the casket and after leaning her face against the cold glass for a moment was gently led to a seat near her daughter.


  • 麦堆的另一头下来扭到一边,躲开伙伴

    She sat down at the end of the shock, her face turned somewhat away from her companions.


  • 老天保佑前妻两个孩子没事匆忙行李转盘下旅行箱,冲卫生间洗了,开始给回电话

    I pray that she and our two children are OK, quickly pick my holdall off the carousel, nip to the bathroom to wipe my face, and call her back.


  • 给了坦尼娅一个拥抱雷公一样怒气冲天,便迅速把她私人派对房里

    He gave Tanya a hug and, seeing that her face was like thunder, whisked her into the private party room.


  • 约瑟夫转向拉起的手。

    Joseph turned to her and took her hands.


  • 开始手脚乱摆狂拍桌子,而波塔什哭丧着团塞嘴里大嚼,然后出来

    She started wildly gesticulating and pounding the table with her fists while Potash stuffed paper into his mouth, chewed it up and spit it out.


  • 跪了下去身子俯得更低了,已经感觉到呼吸温暖了,不一会儿,他的接触一起了。

    He knelt and bent lower, till her breath warmed his face, and in a moment his cheek was in contact with hers.


  • 今天妻子决定自己戒酒所,因为早餐的时候,为什么会有一只眼睛用指甲我的

    Today, my wife checked herself into an alcohol rehab clinic after she glanced up at me while she was eating her breakfast and asked how I got a black eye and fingernail scratches all over my face.


  • 莉莉·艾伦英国炙手可热女歌手网络名人。近日躲避狗仔的拍摄,竟然将棉被披上身,包得紧紧的出门。

    British pop star and MySpace hero Lily Allen recently tried to hide herself from the paparazzi in a quilt while walking down the street.


  • 那人停下来放下水桶弯着腰,只手放在孩子的肩上,想黑暗看清

    The man halted; he set the bucket on the ground, bent down and placed both hands on the child's shoulders, making an effort to look at her and to see her face in the dark.


  • 亲吻滚动并且枕头

    Give her kiss on the check and she rolls over and buries her face in the pillow.


  • 着的时候,自己靠在白发上,悄悄掉下一滴眼泪,心里道:“他也许就是母亲吧,!”

    When he was seated, she leaned her cheek against his white hair, and dropped a silent tear, saying to herself: "Perhaps this man is my mother."


  • People》杂志的最新采访中披露,Gaga有机会洗漱时,总是象牙自己得纯净无暇。

    According to a new interview with People, Gaga has always cleansed with Ivory soapwhen she gets the chance to cleanse, that is.


  • 不是这个意思,”生气回答举起颤抖地捂住,“我的意思是,如果真的存在上帝,就不该如此残忍我造就得如此倾城。”

    "I don't mean that, " she replied angrily. She lifted a trembling, splayed hand toward her face.


  • 不是这个意思,”生气回答举起颤抖地捂住,“我的意思是,如果真的存在上帝,就不该如此残忍我造就得如此倾城。”

    "I don't mean that, " she replied angrily. She lifted a trembling, splayed hand toward her face.


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