• 担心他们女儿出国

    What she was afraid of was their taking her daughter abroad.


  • 终于女儿出去了

    She finally married her daughter off.


  • 那位老太太女儿地址了,知道怎么办

    The old woman lost his daughter's address. She didn't know what to do.


  • 记得,我上学老师女儿跳舞短裙带到教室里,问我们有没有穿。

    I also remember at school when I was eight or nine years old my teacher had brought her daughter's tutu and asked anyone if they wanted to try it on.


  • 午夜遥远一边电脑扮着鬼脸唱着女儿最爱听丈夫她女儿抱到电脑旁看着屏幕里的母亲。

    Her husband holds their daughter in front of the computer while Mommy makes those funny faces in the middle of the night far away, singing her favorite song.


  • 其实更多做好朋友,而不是女儿

    I don't really think of her as a daughter so much as a very good friend.


  • 女儿担心母亲在那里忽视,所以决定母亲一个热情友好的地方。

    The daughter feared her mother would be ignored there, and so she decided to move her into a more welcoming facility.


  • 签署了转让手续,房子女儿名下。

    She has signed the house over to her daughter.


  • 准备女儿有钱人

    She will wed her daughter to a rich man.


  • 的父亲微笑着女儿带进了厨房。

    Her father smiled and took his daughter into the kitchen.


  • 那个邪恶继母两个女儿中的一个把她的大脚趾下来适应鞋子的大小。

    The wicked stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe.


  • 一位先知告诉远征军统帅门农,牺牲自己女儿伊菲革涅亚,献给阿耳特斯。

    A prophet told the commander of the expedition, Agamemnon, that he had to offer his daughter Iphigenia as a sacrifice to Artemis.


  • 那张乱七八糟的字条拿给当时21岁的儿子乔治20岁女儿布里吉特看要求他们格·丽特,因为当时还要照顾生病婴儿和一对5岁大双胞胎女儿

    He showed his jumbled writing to his son George, then 21, and daughter Brigid, 20, making them promise not to tell Margaret, who had a sick baby plus 5-year-old twin girls in her charge.


  • 与此同时帕默早餐会上公布的告诉了他女儿尽管尼科尔担心哥哥可能会坐牢,但害怕重新掀开过去伤口

    Palmer, meanwhile, talks to his daughter about appearing at the breakfast. Although she is worried for her brother, Nicole is even more fearful about reopening past wounds.


  • 抛弃宿舍生活,选择看门人的大楼这位演员因此可以JohnMayerKeithRichard女儿Theodora称为邻居

    By ditching dorm life for a doorman building, the actress gets to call John Mayer and Keith Richard's daughter Theodora her neighbors.


  • Ganesh先生遇到过最大压力来自岳母。当初,因为公司编制内的稳定工作才同意女儿给他。

    Mr Ganesh says the strongest opposition he encountered was from his mother-in-law, who had blessed his marriage to her daughter because of his stable job in corporate planning.


  • 由于无法养活女儿,在关女士他们三个银币的价钱邻居做童养媳

    Unable to feed their daughter, they sold Guan to a neighbor as a child bride when she was 5 years old for three silver COINS.


  • 母亲这一下可真得意可以趁着这个出去的女儿没有充军北方之前把她当作宝贝似的显给街坊四邻看看。

    And their mother had the satisfaction of knowing that she should be able to shew her married daughter in the neighbourhood, before she was banished to the North.


  • 王后生了小孩子丑陋女儿来到城堡其中一个假扮成一个看护,最后母亲和孩子都捉控制中。

    She and her ugly daughter came to the castle when the queen had a little baby, and one of them pretended to be a nurse, and at last got the mother and child into their power.


  • 王后浴缸里淹死这个女人把她自己的丑陋女儿放在了王后床上国王并不知道已经不在了。

    They shut the queen up in the bath, and tried to suffocate her, and the old woman put her own ugly daughter in the queen's bed that the king might not know she was away.


  • 听到过一件真的让我很震惊妈妈女儿学校回家,但是一直没有目光手机移到孩子身上。

    I was really shaken by the story of the mom who never looked up from her phone while picking up her daughter from school.


  • 自己两个女儿不要的衣服里们想要的,然后剩下捐给慈善机构

    She'll let her two daughters have first pick of the cast-offs and then will give the rest to charities.


  • 女儿里斯本大学,这不,回来以后就得了这个名字啦。

    I sent my daughter to study at the university in Lisbon, and that's what she came back with.


  • 王后告诉国王曾经继母多么残忍对待听到这些变得非常生气这个巫婆女儿都绳之于法。

    The queen told the king how cruelly she had been treated by her stepmother, and on hearing this he became very angry, and had the witch and her daughter brought to justice.


  • ,差点忘了,说服父母放心女儿交给他!

    Oh, and he had to convince her parents to let her go!


  • 走到棺材旁,冰冷玻璃上贴了会后,就温和地女儿身旁的一个座位

    She approached the casket and after leaning her face against the cold glass for a moment was gently led to a seat near her daughter.


  • 走到棺材旁,冰冷玻璃上贴了会后,就温和地女儿身旁的一个座位

    She approached the casket and after leaning her face against the cold glass for a moment was gently led to a seat near her daughter.


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