• 作为回答,彼得站了起来,约翰床上连人带毯子脚踢床。

    For reply Peter rose and kicked John out of bed, blankets and all; one kick.


  • 整体视角来看作为整体自己当做整体中一个完整部分

    From the holistic perspective, you see yourself as an integral part of the universe as a whole.


  • 宇航员月球带回土壤岩石样品NASA这些作为我们确实登上月球物证

    The astronauts returned with soil and rock samples, which NASA also cites as physical evidence of our presence on the moon.


  • 六月份起,洲际酒店集团(IHG)开始测试智能手机作为房间钥匙

    Starting in June, the Intercontinental Hotel Group is testing out the use of smartphones as room keys.


  • 可以它引种家里,作钵子作为亮丽点缀,摆在跟前桌子上10月一直开三四月

    It also makes a fantastic house plant for a cool spot so you can pick the flowers from the table in front of you as you eat. They'll flower from October to March/April.


  • 作为球迷一种幸福因为童年联系了起来,童年现在生活中的一个人和每一件联系了起来,其他任何东西都无法做到这一点。

    To be a fan is a blessing, for it connects you as nothing else can to childhood, and to everything and everyone that marked your life between your time as a child and the present.


  • ·德北菲尔总是能够什么地方找到安慰:“啦,作为真正嫡亲后裔,只要王牌出得好,应该吸引住的。”

    Joan Durbeyfield always managed to find consolation somewhere: 'Well, as one of the genuine stock, she ought to make her way with' en, if she plays her trump card aright.


  • 作为回报,同样他们项目移除不是问题的采用或者违犯纠正

    In return, also remove them from program and that is not the issue citations or violations that's probably corrected.


  • 发现哪些因素使你出类拔萃,你应该将其作为卖点。这样你可以更多精力价格转移独特价值之上。

    When you discover what sets you apart and you sell it, you can put more focus on competing on your uniqueness rather than on your price.


  • 绿色植物稀释的——啊哈——肥料吸取养分,然后净化作为报答。

    The greenery received nourishment from the dilutedahemfertilizer and purified the water in return.


  • 入口环境得到信息添加请求中的同一加密字段,以修改后请求作为响应

    This response is the original request to which the Entry Point now added the information deducted from it's environment in the same encrypted field.


  • 西方股票市场作为一个检测手段,可以金钱错误使用机构手中拿走

    In a western market, a check would be the equity markets, which would presumably pull money from institutions suspected of using it poorly.


  • 切特·霍夫,“参与者记录来看,一般有这种他们实际上没有过的行为当成是自己作为错误记忆的占四分之一。”

    Echterhoff says, on average, participants reported false memories of doing an action they really didn't do almost a quarter of the time.


  • 作为华尔街悲观分析人士之一,罗森伯格上周自己今年季度美国经济增长率预期2.2%调低至1.8%。

    Mr Rosenberg, one of the most bearish analysts on Wall Street, last week reduced his forecasts for US economic growth in the first quarter of this year to 1.8 per cent from 2.2 per cent.


  • 星期天架原定巴西里约热内卢飞往巴黎空客A330客机飞行途中坠毁,一个潜在的原因就是飞机速度仪表的错误调查人员已经作为调查的重点

    Investigators have been focusing on incorrect speed readings as a potential reason for why the Airbus A330 went down on Sunday en route to Paris from Rio DE Janeiro.


  • 然后Text操作器可以文本中提取结构化信息它们作为列(其中包含找到姓名技能日期概念)添加输出中。

    Text operators can then extract structured information from text columns and add them to the output as new columns containing found concepts like names, skills, dates etc..


  • 第一天起,您就JUnit构建测试,且作为Ant构建过程一部分尽可能频繁运行

    From day one, tests have been authored with JUnit and run as often as possible, as part of an Ant build process.


  • 代替DTS作为一个首要方式大量数据其他类似平面文件微软数据库数据源移入到SQLServer中,SQL Server移出。

    It replaces DTS packages as one of the primary ways to move large amounts of data into and out of SQL Server from other data sources such as flat files and non-Microsoft databases.


  • 宏观方面看,就是税收作为一个整体考察或者说考察整个国民经济税收负担水平

    In respect of macro method, we study tax as a whole or study the tax burden degree of the national economy.


  • 完全我们固定工作环境中解放出来——无论在那里,都可以作为的办公室,”通过语音网络技术电话Nortel公司的彼得•卡本告诉我们。

    It completely decouples us from location—my office is wherever I happen to be, ” says Peter Carbone of Nortel, via his VoIP phone.


  • 当前教育规划指导思想应该理性主义走向有限理性,应当有限理性作为教育规划重要认识论基础

    The guiding principle of educational planning should transfer from rationalism to bounded rationality, which should be regarded as the epistemological foundation of educational planning.


  • 宏观层次生产和消费作为一类生灭过程来研究。

    From macroscopic layer, economic system is regarded as a class of growth process.


  • 好几部好莱坞大片曾经作为拍摄背景五十年代的《联合车站》(自然,指的就是它),八十年代的《银翼杀手》,再到九十年代的《星际迷航8:第一接触》。

    It has served as a backdrop for many Hollywood films, from "Union Station" (naturally) to "Blade Runner" and "Star Trek: First Contact".


  • 人们19世纪开始浪漫爱情作为婚姻基础

    Sheldon:Romantic love as the basis for marriage has only existed since the 19th century.


  • 纪实类文学作品常常个人视角出发思考重大事件,不是自己作为故事中心

    Her non-fiction has always considered grand matters from a personal perspective, without making herself the centre of the story.


  • 作为梵蒂冈城的首席驱魔师职责就是魔鬼身上驱除走。

    And as the Vatican's chief exorcist, it's his job to expel the devil when someone is possessed.


  • 符号学角度如果《红字》作为一个符号,这个符号的所指就是文学作品传达读者的信息

    From the Angle of semiotic study, if we take a literary work as a sign, its signified is the message it conveys.


  • 阳光海风自制了祝福心灵深处切下几许关怀作为礼物送给祝国庆快乐

    Pack a bag of sunshine two sea breeze, made a few kilograms of blessings, from the heart of the deep cut a few of the care, as a gift to you, I wish a happy National day!


  • 因此可以一个设备镜像去掉,作为数据快照,并且保持数据安全

    So you can move one devices out of mirror and use it as snapshot while still having your data safe and secure.


  • 因此可以一个设备镜像去掉,作为数据快照,并且保持数据安全

    So you can move one devices out of mirror and use it as snapshot while still having your data safe and secure.


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