• 感谢了自己的儿子和那条狗救了他们的命,他以为的伤心事变成了桩幸事。

    He thanked his son and the dog for saving their lives and turning what he felt was a sad thing into a lucky one.


  • 觉得关于圣诞节伤心的事圣诞树拆卸开来。

    Some people feel the saddest thing about Christmas is taking down the Christmas tree.


  • 努力自己伤心丑陋青蛙变为王子仍然伤心丑陋。

    I was trying to turn into a prince from a sad, ugly frog, but I still felt sad and ugly.


  • 下,连魂都吓跑了,尖叫妈妈面前,自己哥哥打掉了,说着就伤心欲绝地大哭起来。

    Marlene was terrified, and began crying and screaming, and ran to her mother, and said, "Oh, mother, I have knocked my brother's head off," and she cried and cried and could not be comforted.


  • 7时候倒是伤心经历祖母我的创作兴趣看作是种非常恶劣行为,这件事情大概会永远影响到我在艺术创作上的表达方式

    There was one, rather sad experience when I was seven, that criminalized my creative interests in the eyes of my grandmother and possibly affected the form of my creative expression forever.


  • 小猫怎么丢失拳击手套的事解释他们如此伤心以致他们了。

    Once again, the three little kittens explained how they lost their mittens. And they became so sad that again they began to cry.


  • 曾经有意正文字母小写,为了去表现出伤心或者是失望吗?(笑声好吧

    Have you ever purposely lowercasedthe first letter of a text in order to come across as sad or disappointed?(Laughter)Okay.


  • 深信某种罗曼蒂克伤心生活给毁了,才使变得这样强硬而苛刻,目前最需要女人

    She was certain that some romantic sorrow had blighted his life and made him hard and bitter , and she felt that what he needed was the love of a good woman.


  • 德北菲尔德太太衣服帽子身边椅子上已经计划中的外出准备好了,这位家庭主妇感到伤心理由不是她必须出趟门。

    Mrs Durbeyfield's jacket and bonnet were already hanging slily upon a chair by her side, in readiness for this contemplated jaunt, the reason for which the matron deplored more than its necessity.


  • 我会伤心时候伤心原谅比较笨,懂得安慰别人,不懂得让开心只好陪你因为姐妹。

    I will be sad when you are sad, forgive me this person is stupid, do not know how to comfort others, do not know how to make people happy, have to accompany you to cry, because I put you as a sister.


  • 几天,辆货车到了河边慢慢车上应有尽有垃圾倒入这时候阵臭味散发出来感到十分伤心但是怎样呢?

    A few days later, a truck drove over a river, slowly put the car into the river in the refuse everything, this time the smell distributed burst out, I am very sad, but it can do?


  • 年轻人周围木片碎金属片,伤心起了床垫

    Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house.


  • 妻子非常伤心剩下仙草丈夫起。

    Due to the heavy grief, the wife buried the left immortal grass with her husband.


  • 仅仅自己鼓足勇气没有结果的感情结束意味自己点不伤心让对方伤心感受到愧疚)。

    Just because you summoned the courage to end your dead-end relationship doesn't mean you're not feeling a little heartache yourself (or experiencing some guilt for causing your ex heartache).


  • 自己房间个人伤心

    You shut yourself in your room and grieve alone.


  • 爱上个人就是自己交给对方,确信他不会自己伤心

    To love someone is giving them your heart but trusting them not to break it.


  • 王子自己玩笑弄出人命伤心极了,他装置重新打开伸手抓住边缘

    The first prince, in such grief that his joke had been deadly, turned the rig back on and grabbed the rim himself.


  • 爱上个人就是自己交给对方,确信他不会让自己伤心。罏。

    Too love someone is giving them your heart but trusting them not to break it.


  • 向往自己生活能雨水无私美好留给别人伤心不快乐故事随风而

    I aspire to their own lives as selfless as rain, all the better left to others, so sad and unhappy story will disappear.


  • 已婚妇女总是伤心发现即使丈夫盲人,也会不时深情目光投向年轻美的女性

    A married woman is always having a sad discovery: even if her husband is blind, every now and then he tends to cast a loving glance upon those beautiful young women.


  • 爱护朵玫瑰不是努力根除只能学习如何被它的刺刺伤,还有,如何自己的爱的人

    Love roses, and not to the eradication effort, it is not only learn how to it, and how the spurs stabbed, don't let own prickles stabbed beloved.


  • 又气又伤心为什么阿姨应该我说谎的事告诉给客人?。

    I was very hurt and sad. Why should my aunt tell a visitor that I told lies?


  • 醒来时,仍然床垫年轻人周围碎木片碎金属片,伤心捡起了床垫,

    Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house.


  • ¤所有的伤心伤心不在终点。

    I love a happy ending, for they are so rare.


  • 已婚妇女总是伤心发现即使丈夫盲人,也会不时深情目光投向年轻美的女性

    A married woman always has a sad discovery: even if her husband is blind, every now and then he tends to cast a loving glance upon those beautiful young women.


  • 她们自己感情希望小小的伤心大堆漂亮话掩藏起来。

    They conceal all their feelings and desires and little heartbreaks behind a lot of sweet words.


  • 她们自己感情希望小小的伤心大堆漂亮话掩藏起来。

    They conceal all their feelings and desires and little heartbreaks behind a lot of sweet words.


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