• 确保总是针对申请职位修改技能专业知识内容

    Make sure to tailor your skills and expertise to the individual position you are applying for, always.


  • 例如一个叫作划分需求优先级”的任务需要来自不同角色技能专业知识

    For example, a task called "prioritize requirements" needs to combine skills and expertise from different roles.


  • 没有过去经验指导现代保险公司工作那么他们如何时间内获取这些经营技能专业知识呢?

    With no past experience to guide their efforts, how will the insurers now pick-up these underwriting skills, expertise and knowledge base in a short time?


  • 如果时间并且志愿者的空位能够让你展示技能专业知识,那么这会你的领域作为专家曝光一种方法

    If you have time and if there's a way to volunteer in a capacity where you can use your skills and expertise, volunteering is another way to gain exposure as an expert in your career field.


  • 架构使可以现行技能水平进行测评确保同事员工都拥有所需专业知识企业增值

    The framework allows you to measure current competency levels to make sure your staff members have the expertise needed to add value to the business.


  • 真正掌握专业知识技能,就要时间进行复习练习,此外别无选择。

    For truly mastering a subject-area or skill there simply is no substitute for putting in the time to review and practice.


  • 虽然在众多应聘者不一定优秀的事业执著追求扎实专业知识技能一定不会失望

    Although many candidates in I may not be the most outstanding, but my career to persistent pursuit and solid professional knowledge and skills, must not let you down.


  • 灯谜题目来自维修,质量生产部门工作相关内容,大家欢乐参与活动的同时,学习分享专业知识技能

    The lantern riddle content is related with MTNC, quality and production, associates join in the event happily, at the same timethey also learn from each other, share professional knowledge and skill.


  • Burrell是的英国互动电视市场观众接受度等方面的确领先美国但是专业知识技能实际上是分布在世界各地的,美国是一个主要地区

    Burrell: Well, yes the U.K. market is ahead of the U.S. in terms of audience take-up, etc., but the expertise actually lies all around the world and the U.S. is a major player.


  • 在岗的上岗船员进行各级专业知识技能的培训,迫在眉睫。

    To on guard groom with what the sailor before mount guard has various and professional knowledge and technical ability, extremely urgent.


  • 员工好比木桶这个是由员工人文素养及掌握的各项专业知识技能构成的。

    The staff is like a bucket at the end of the barrel, the barrels by the end of the humanistic quality of staff and his understanding of the knowledge and skills of the professional composition.


  • 根据单位计划需要一般管理人员进行专业知识质量管理岗位技能培训

    According to the plan requirement of each department, the common management persons will be provided with necessary training on professional knowledge, quality management and job skills.


  • 我们会有代理人管理培训学前儿童家庭教育指导专业知识技能培训。

    We have agent responsible for arranging management training and professional knowledge for home tutor training.


  • 具体统计专业知识高度技术技能常见工作要求

    It is very common for the job requirements to include specific statistical expertise and highly technical skills.


  • 专业知识专业技能方面急需提高的要求程度内容有所侧重;

    Meanwhile, their requirement is different in the degree and the content of speciality knowledge and technical ability.


  • 2009年,加拿大病人安全研究所(CPSI)发布安全能力确定一个框架要求所有卫生专业知识技能态度

    In 2009, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) released the Safety Competencies, a framework that identifies knowledge, skills and attitudes required by all health professions.


  • 贝丝我们为什么相信维基资讯资料?那些写手可能专业知识技能

    Beth: Why should we trust the information on even those wikis? The authors may still lack expertise.


  • 合格的科技期刊英文编辑必须具备广博专业知识熟练编辑技能、深厚的科技英语写作能力高度责任心

    A qualified English editor should have wide professional knowledge, master editing skills, good written ability of English as well as high sense of responsibility.


  • 曾几何时,要一个茶倒水的服务生变成企业当家人是很有可能的,如今若想爬公司高层首先掌握专业知识技能

    Going from the tea boy to company head may once have been possible; but these days to start the route to the top, you have to have specialist knowledge and skills.


  • 负责管理档案人员应有档案专业知识技能企业管理知识

    Personnel responsible for the archive management should have professional knowledge and skill for archive and enterprise management.


  • 就要求我们善于融合英语专业技能课程相关专业知识课程

    The key to improving curriculum efficiency is to integrate English language skill training with specialized knowledge learning.


  • 即使小时天数收取客户只是买进时候他们正在经验专业知识的优势,技能广度

    Even if you charge by the hour or day, your clients are not just buying the time you put in. They're also buying the benefits of your experience, expertise, and breadth of skills.


  • 就要求报关员具备一定国际贸易相关知识报关专业知识还要掌握报关专业技能

    This requires customs broker must have certain international trade and related knowledge and professional knowledge, but also the customs declaration to the professional skills.


  • 希望专业知识技能我的病人,我挽救很多生命,我介意工作辛苦简朴生活方式

    I hope that with my professional knowledge and skill and with my great love for the patients, I will be able to save a lot of people's lives, and I don't mind working hard or living a simple life.


  • 高职财会专业招收中职生绝大多数是中专职高对口专业毕业生过数专业课程具有一定的专业知识技能

    Because the majority of graduates of the technical secondary school majoring in accounting have learned some special courses on accounting, they possess some specialized knowledge and skills.


  • 高职财会专业招收中职生绝大多数是中专职高对口专业毕业生过数专业课程具有一定的专业知识技能

    Because the majority of graduates of the technical secondary school majoring in accounting have learned some special courses on accounting, they possess some specialized knowledge and skills.


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