• 系统功能包括:备件技术文件管理、备件供货到货管理销售分配管理、库存管理功能应用。

    This system includes spare parts technical file management, spare parts supply and discharge management, sales and distribution management as well as stockpile management.


  • 接下来创建虚拟软盘一项可行的、与管理程序无关的技术,用于激活引擎提供输入参数文件

    Next, a virtual floppy disk is created, which is a viable, hypervisor-independent technique for providing the input parameter file to the activation engine.


  • 年度受欢迎服务器诊所专栏有几篇文章解释了如何服务器管理常见桌面技术包括PDFDOC文件

    Several of 2002's most popular Server clinic columns explained how to manage common desktop technologies, including PDF and DOC files, from servers.


  • Jazz技术平台控制构件管理团队所创建源代码文件以及其他工件

    The source control component of the Jazz technology platform manages the source code, documents, and other artifacts that a team creates.


  • 本文探讨的技术已经成功应用文件传输portlet,该protlet采用GridFTP协议管理两个第三方数据网格节点之间大型数据集。

    The technique in this article has been successfully applied to a file transfer portlet that makes use of the GridFTP protocol for managing large datasets between two third-party data grid nodes.


  • 会谈后,双方签署了经济技术地震管理3个合作文件共同会见记者

    Following the talks, both sides signed three cooperation agreements concerning economy, technology and seismic management. They also jointly met the press.


  • 系列中的下一篇文章继续介绍文件研究在台计算机上大量的文件进行管理实用程序技术

    The next article in this series continues with files and explores utilities and techniques to manage hundreds or thousands of files on multiple computers.


  • 不仅仅技术思想的开发人员需要项目注册文件变更同时还有少数技术意识业务用户需要管理构件相关的非代码。

    It is not just technically minded developers who need to register file changes for a project, but also less technically aware business users who need to manage non-code related artifacts.


  • 就是不是使用VFS技术访问现有外部资源而是要将特殊用途数据库(位于应用程序内部)当作一个完整文件系统进行管理

    That is, rather than using VFS technology to access existing external resources, it manages a special-purpose database, internal to the application, as a complete filesystem.


  • 无论是浏览器安全保护代码管理乃至检测存储介质重复文件散列技术都在其中发挥重要作用

    Whether it is browser security protection, code library management, and even the detection of duplicate files stored in the media, hashing technology plays an important role.


  • 基于集群技术大规模文件系统中,有效数据管理系统实现的核心

    In the large scale file systems based on the cluster technology, the efficient management of meta-data is critical.


  • 准备工程报价投标文件现场管理协调技术支持

    Prepare quotation and tendering documents; manage and coordinate on site; technical support.


  • 阅读理解文件大量报告,其中有许多专门机构和技术一项重要的任务内在履行管理和行政的职责

    Reading and comprehending a large number of documents and reports-many of them specialized and technical-is a vital task that is intrinsic to fulfilling management and executive responsibilities.


  • 使用内存映射文件技术多线程调度技术用于管理调度大数据量地形数据和纹理数据。

    Using Memory Map File and Multi-thread dispatch technology, to manage and dispatch large terrain data and texture data.


  • 利用数据库技术开发了工艺文件管理模块包括新建工艺、编辑工艺、删除工艺浏览打印工艺等功能。

    Making use of the database technique, process management module was developed including building, editing, deleting, preview and printing process planning.


  • 管理指导实验室所有工作包括实验室人员管理产品认证原辅材料和产品验证技术规范文件化。

    To manage and conduct work in Lab, including personnel management, product certification, verify raw material and final product, documentation of specifications.


  • 及时更新销售用产品技术文件数据库编写翻译所有文字工作管理相关产品检测认证

    Undertake the update of product documentation and database. Creates and translates all kinds of literatures. Manage the test and approval for the responsible products.


  • 工程变更是指由于设计文件技术规范修改而引起合同变更对工程造价管理工作较大的影响

    The change of project refers the changes of contract caused by the modification of design document or technical specifications, which has great impact on the work of project cost management.


  • 本文论述了系统开发流程图档装配数据库设计图纸浏览文件传输权限管理关键技术实现方法

    This thesis illustrates the key techniques and realizing technology on the process of system development and Tree of Assembly, database design, drawing browsing, file transfer, popedom management etc.


  • 领导柴油机产品开发包括技术文件准备物料清单设置操作规程准备,项目管理

    Lead new product development of diesel engine which includes technical document preparation, BOM set up, operation instruction preparation and project management, etc.


  • 笔者任职以来一直主持企业技术管理全面工作工程项目施工组织设计文件接触较多。

    I have been presiding complete work of enterprise technology management since I took the position and often touch files of engineering project construction organization designs.


  • 本文介绍一个实用的硬盘文件安全管理系统设计实现,并对系统的主要设计思想及所采取的技术措施进行详细的讨论和说明。

    This paper introduces a useful safety management system for disk files, its design principle and its implementation. A fundamental design method technical measures are described in detail.


  • 技术服务、运营及项目有关的文控人员保持有效联系对完工的项目进行竣工文件接收管理

    Keep effective contact with Engineering Group document controllers, receive and manage as-built documentation upon project completion.


  • 支持新设备采购收货验收安装调试工作,参与制作技术中英文文件新的管理报表

    Provide support in the process of purchasing, checking and acceptance, installation and adjustment etc. Help develop the bilingual technical documents and update the management forms.


  • 第二十四环境影响评价技术文件种类登记管理办法相关规定由环保总局另行制定。

    Article Twenty-Four SEPA formulates the technical document categories, measures of registration management and relevant regulations of EIA.


  • 文件这个问题进步一步提供方面例子重要性注脚如何技术能够用来成功地管理面对技术离间代谢工程

    The papers in this issue provide further examples of this importance and illustrate how the technology can be used to successfully address the technical challenges of metabolic engineering.


  • 强化专有技术商业秘密文件管理签订竞争禁止合同

    Strengthen the management of the business secret file, Sign the contract of forbidden competition.


  • 本文研究集群文件系统特征提出了一种分布式元数据管理技术

    This paper studies the characteristics on the cluster file systems, and proposes a solution to the management of distributed metadata.


  • 研制图像资料气象信息管理系统技术关键解决气象PCX图像格式文件获取、保存显示等问题。

    The key to develop the meteorological information management system involving image data is the acquirement, storage and display of the meteorological PCX diagram format file.


  • 研制图像资料气象信息管理系统技术关键解决气象PCX图像格式文件获取、保存显示等问题。

    The key to develop the meteorological information management system involving image data is the acquirement, storage and display of the meteorological PCX diagram format file.


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