• 三星这次伟大数字技术娱乐营销相结合的方式引起了贾佳(北京)注意

    Samsung caught the attention of Alfreda Jia (BJ) with this combination of digital and entertainment marketing, 4 Night Stories.


  • 通讯娱乐苹果公司产品大大改变全世界人们获取信息使用技术方式

    From communications to entertainment, Apple products have profoundly changed the way people around the world obtain information and use technology.


  • 近两年来,主要消费类电子产品娱乐产业市场推动下三维电视相关产品获得了长足发展,技术仍然很大局限性

    Three-dimensional television and the like got a major marketing push nearly two years ago from the consumer electronics and entertainment industries, yet the technology still has major limitations.


  • 尖端技术使用者娱乐消费者这类家庭用户通常包括青少年

    Sophisticated users of technology and heavy consumers of entertainment; such households often contain teenagers.


  • 我们Myspace重新定位成一家社交娱乐型网站,并且引入全新技术平台产品内容

    We repositioned Myspace (NWS) as a social entertainment destination and introduced an entirely new technology platform, new products and refreshed content.


  • IBM提供了支持服务进行个性化整合技术使电视成为家中娱乐信息通信中心

    IBM provides technology which enables personalization and consolidation of services so that televisions can become a center for entertainment, information, and communication at home.


  • 正如增强现实技术展示的,不仅增加纸媒出版物娱乐互动性,还能极大地提高记者说服力的方式讲述故事能力

    Augmented reality can not only add fun and interactivity to a print publication, but, as shown here, it can also vastly improve a journalist's ability to tell a story in a compelling way.


  • 建筑内部空间设有居住用房办公室科学实验室娱乐场所,同时还包括一系列采用生物降解技术菜园回收废品的同时能够提供食品

    The interior spaces feature room for housing, offices, scientific laboratories, and entertainment, and a series of bioremediating vegetable gardens provide a source of food while recycling waste.


  • 这次活动中,来自非传统通信供应商高管们也作了重要演讲亚马逊电子商务网首席技术维京娱乐集团的首席执行官等。

    The event keynotes included executives from non-traditional communications providers, such as the CTO of online retailer Amazon and the CEO of Virgin Entertainment Group.


  • 学科(案例里多媒体娱乐技术)提供一个媒介理解是谁是什么激发了做的”。

    The discipline (in our case, multimedia and entertainment technology) becomes provides a context into this inquiry toward understanding "who am I" and "what is motivating me to do what I want to do."


  • 最近的一则招聘信息中,微软交互娱乐业务部门(IEB)寻找高级技术主管领导“构建未来电视”的测试团队-架构设计扩展电视内容电视设备的测试基础设施

    The post adds: “We are looking for a senior technical leader to help us architect, design and extend test infrastructure that scales across TV content and TV device types.”


  • 娱乐技术中心的游戏开发工作事业需要迅速开发可靠性较低开发式开发费用

    The rapid development and high reliability needed by the Entertainment Technology Center are also highly advantageous in a game-development studio, since they lower development time and costs.


  • 洛杉矶世界商业国际贸易娱乐文化媒体时尚科学技术教育中心之一

    Los Angeles is one of the world's centers of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and education.


  • 资深专家顾问传授先进技术管理理念全面提升中国娱乐行业水平

    Senior experts will teach the concept of advanced technology and management to enhance the level of the Chinese entertainment industry.


  • 虚拟现实技术应运而生,并应用于军事、工业娱乐

    Now, Vr technology is used for military affairs and show business.


  • 设计目的在于为文化活动娱乐技术架构之间提供新的公共空间,为城市景观创造一个充满活力的地标

    The design aims to provide a new intersection between public space, cultural programs, entertainment, technology and architecture, creating a vibrant landmark within the urban landscape.


  • 信息技术我们每一个人提供了免费获得人类几乎所有知识艺术娱乐可能性。”——意思就是:我们任意获取我们所喜欢的。

    "Information technology gives us the potential to provide free and universal access to almost all human knowledge, art and entertainment" -translation: to help ourselves to anything we fancy.


  • 提供八项功能数字娱乐标准版权中间件技术开发、数字社区培训增值服务、主题设计展览公司等。

    Provide a total of eight functions: digital entertainment standard, copyright, middleware technology development, digital community, training, value-added services, design and Exhibition companies.


  • 而是多种现象集合,例如宽带技术永远改变我们娱乐方式正如无线技术迅猛发展已经改变我们个人习惯工作习惯一样。

    For example, the broadband technology will change forever the way we enjoy entertainment, as the rapid development in wireless technologies has already changed our personal and work habits.


  • 沉浸自己最新头条新闻体育娱乐商业技术

    Immerse yourself in the latest top stories, business, world sports, entertainment, technology and more.


  • 公司不断质量产品技术满足家庭娱乐市场需求

    The company unceasingly has met needs of the Home entertainment markets by the high quality product and the technology.


  • 虚拟现实技术远程教育、虚拟购物、电力系统飞行仿真数字化地球游戏娱乐领域广泛的应用。

    Virtual reality has been widely used in the fields such as distance learning, virtual shopping, electric power system, flying simulation, digital earth, etc.


  • 虚拟现实技术飞行仿真交互式GIS、虚拟购物、数地球游戏娱乐领域广泛的应用。

    Virtual Reality has been widely used in the fields such as flying simulation, interactive GIS, virtual touring, digital earth, information visualization, architecture walkthrough, etc.


  • 专业的娱乐运动员测试设计阶段他们的帮助罚款歌曲技术回应

    Professional and recreational athletes tested early stages of the design, and their technical feedback helped fine tune it.


  • 随着信息技术在世界范围内迅猛发展普及,网络已经成为大学生生活、学习、娱乐重要组成部分

    With the fast development of information technology worldwide, Internet to college students has become a part of its life.


  • 随着信息技术在世界范围内迅猛发展普及,网络已经成为大学生生活、学习、娱乐重要组成部分

    With the fast development of information technology worldwide, Internet to college students has become a part of its life.


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