• 一方我们可以使用这些技巧一些虚假或者邪恶的事;另一方,我们可以使用它们来做一些好的事情。

    And while you can use these techniques to promote something fake or evil, you can also use them to promote something good.


  • 系列下一技巧文章我们研究验证一方异常处理

    In the next tip in this series, we'll examine the other side of validation: exception handling.


  • 很多情况下使用各种技巧,来保证不同类型用户正常使用同一比如隐藏高级功能。

    But in many cases you will be able to accommodate both types of users in the same interface through various techniques, such as progressive disclosure.


  • 问题品牌经常忘记社交网络人性化因此这些技巧值得重新考虑一下

    The problem is, brands often forget the human aspect of social media, so these tips are worth revisiting.


  • 从另一方来看,除了解决问题技巧以外,项目经理需要综合管理技能

    Project managers on the other hand, need general management skills, along with a knack for problem solving.


  • 如果处理危险情况的良好擒拿技巧,请你看到打斗结果无情的一

    Once you have a good hold of a situation, focus on it relentlessly for results.


  • 涉及到现代主义一方即使是从文体上,以及写作技巧上,它也是独特的

    So, that's one aspect in which it shares something with modernism, even though stylistically, and as a matter of craft and composition, it looks very distinct.


  • 这些技巧使得招待环节也成为策略一方基辛格解释道,这样做使得外国客人主人财富慷慨镇静折服,变的敬畏、挫败。

    Such tactics make hospitality "an aspect of strategy," Kissinger explains, leaving a foreign guest awed, discomfited, or wooed by the host's wealth, generosity, and composure.


  • 一方结构化标记(structural markup)则是一个实现 通用设计的有力技巧

    Structural markup, on the other hand, is a powerful universal design technique.


  • 课程设计重点在于扩大知识特定词汇改善沟通技巧工作背景

    Courses designed to widen your knowledge of specific vocabulary and improve communication skills in a work context.


  • 一方科学插画师必须非常小心确保事物看上去如此整洁Heras事物看上去是真的才是真正的技巧,你必须知道如何去增加污点完善之处。”

    On the other hand, scientific illustrators must always be careful to make sure things don't look too clean and pure, Heras says. "Getting things to look authentic is the real trick," he says.


  • 发现一个技巧可以阴影参数模拟阴影。

    There is another technique I have found using a negative parameter for shadow density to fake an area shadow.


  • 但是,从一方来讲,大家赞叹恋人吵架技巧

    On the other hand, you could also congratulate the couple on their arguing skills.


  • 一方当前潮流,相对稳定变化下,明确临界点的祈祷一个相当陈旧修辞技巧,让平静的人们产生恐惧

    On the other hand, the invocation of poorly defined tipping points is a well worn rhetorical trick for stirring the fears of people unperturbed by current, relatively modest, changes.


  • 涉及到现代主义一方即使是从文体上,以及写作技巧上,它也是独特的

    So, that's one aspect in which it shares something with modernism , even though stylistically, and as a matter of craft and composition, it looks very distinct.


  • 本文阅读理解能力培养,阅读技巧速度培养和进行大量阅读训练三方来阐述如何提高学生阅读效率

    This paper treats of how to improve the students reading efficiency, by improving reading comprehension, reading skill and reading speed and making a lot of reading practice.


  • 新手入门级自由泳指导-专业游泳教练学习一些技巧,一方可以自立下水自信心,另一方也掌握一些关于自由泳的知识

    Guide to front crawl for beginners - Learn a few techniques from our expert swimming teacher, to build up your confidence in the water and your knowledge of the front crawl swimming stroke itself.


  • 目的探讨大型听神经显微外科手术治疗技巧效果听神经的保护

    Objective To explore the microsurgical technique and results of the large acoustic neurinoma and the facial nerve preservation.


  • 近年来,研究认知学的科学家已经证明些小技巧有效帮助我们学习掌握更多的知识,这是学习过程中最重要的一方

    In recent years, 6 cognitive scientists have shown that a few simple techniques can reliably improve what matters most: how much a student learns from studying.


  • 自由水底壁的各种组合边界条件程序应用映射技巧处理。

    In this program, free water surface condition and boundary condition on seabed and bank are satisfied by means of images.


  • 通过不同织物特性分析。阐述了不同绒织物缝制要点技巧

    This article analyse the property of different pile fabric, expound the sewing main points and technique of the different pile fabric.


  • 新手入门级自由泳指导-专业游泳教练学习一些技巧,一方可以自立下水自信心,另一方也掌握一些关于自由泳的知识

    A Guide to front crawl for beginners - Learn a few techniques from our expert swimming teacher, to build up your confidence in the water and your knowledge of the front crawl swimming stroke itself.


  • 一方沉思技巧一方它是一种更具灵性咒语控制意念的连接

    One is a contemplation technique, and another a more spiritual connection that controls the mind with a mantra.


  • 第三章“叙事技巧”分别信件穿插时间安排开放式结尾应用分析其艺术功能。

    Chapter three discusses other narrative techniques used in the novel from three aspects, namely, insertion of letters, the arrangement of time, and the use of open-ending.


  • 教育娱乐软件作为一种新的学习方式一方可以学习获取信息技巧,另一方使学习者习惯于数字世代特有的思维方式

    As a new learning method, the edutainment software can help learners acquire the skill of using information and let them more used to the thinking mode of digital generation.


  • 工作一方已经帮助到了人力资源管理这方技巧对于我成为一个出色的人力资源经理至关重要的。

    My job, on the other hand, has helped me acquire the "people" skills that are crucial to being an effective H. r. manager.


  • 就是为什么人们常说我们理解乐谱音乐性内容时,我们解决技巧一方问题。

    I believe that is why we say if you understand the musical aspect of the score, you will be able to solve the technical aspect of it.


  • 就是为什么人们常说我们理解乐谱音乐性内容时,我们解决技巧一方问题。

    I believe that is why we say if you understand the musical aspect of the score, you will be able to solve the technical aspect of it.


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