• 起来有点大海捞针一个单独运行程序有成千上万字节数据,漫无目的的在数据海洋里乱找结果不会很理想。

    This may sound a bit like a needle-in-a-haystack problem. There are in many cases millions of bytes of data in a single running program.


  • 隔壁房间漂亮三十多岁纽约职业女孩正在心情忐忑地等着布兰德因为她的皮肤杆菌麻痹了,另一个皮肤病医师治疗结果

    Next door a pretty thirtysomething New York career girl is waiting for Brandt in a state of panic because her skin has been frozen by Botox, the result of visiting another dermatologist.


  • 根据我们研究结果这些差别我们计划实施一个类似Google是不是要工具解决拼写错误的问题

    With the results of our study and these differences in mind, we plan to implement a project similar to Google's "did you mean" tool to overcome spelling problems.


  • 他们某一个特定东西他们搜索到某一个结果的时候,这个结果是广告还是仅仅是网页结果并不重要,重要的是正是用户在搜索的,所以他们就会

    Google they are looking for specific things. When they search, it


  • 幸福就是身体加上记性。 注:你们家房子着火了,你去邻居家洗脸盆接水,结果被新闻联播吸引住了,把着火的事儿了给忘了。

    Happiness is good health plus a bad memory。


  • 无论是个意大利团子菜谱还是个能用上你家里那些罗勒粗燕麦粉的菜谱,两个引擎都能为满意结果

    Both have good result if you are looking for a good gnocchi recipe or if you need a recipe to take care of all that basil and couscous in your house.


  • 可以确定某个目标比方说,“一个适应性0.99999的个体”,停止但是结果算法永远不会结束因为那个个体。

    You can define some goalfor instance, "look for an individual with fitness of 0.99999" and stop there, but then the algorithm may never end because it hasn't found that individual.


  • 重新一遍,结果失望约瑟夫结果也是一样

    I departed to renew my search; its result was disappointment, and Joseph's quest ended in the same.


  • 老板知道为什么时候,借口提供合理原因结果会大相径庭

    When your boss wants to know why, there is a world of difference between offering an excuse and providing a legitimate reason.


  • 结果一手包办了。我大部分程序游戏的设计,给游戏配设计图时候还得背景音乐

    As a result I had to wear many hats, as I did a majority of the programming and game design while writing some of the music as well as doing the concept art.


  • 如果一个不仅仅名字,在搜索结果键入“&imgtype=face”,将会把搜索结果限制那些人脸图片的。

    If you are looking for a person and not just their name, type&imgtype=faceafter the search results to narrow your results to those with images of faces.


  • 自己的内容( “芝加哥喜剧俱乐部克里夫兰,达美乐比萨” ) ;Google自动语音朗读接近8个查询结果

    Call the number, say what you’re looking for (“comedy clubs, Chicagoor “ Domino’s Pizza, Cleveland”), and Google’s auto-voice reads off the closest eight matches.


  • 比如,cleanscores.com餐馆的卫生检查结果放在网上还有网站孩子们活动罗列出来或者帮助人们停车位

    For instance, cleanscores.com puts restaurants’ health-inspection scores online; other sites list children’s activities or help people find parking spaces.


  • 这个时候与其委屈接受这项任务,结果根本不成,借口解释为什么做完不如开始直截了当地拒绝。

    This time, their grievances to accept the task, the results did not finish, still have to find an excuse to explain why can't finish it on time, but also as a start to say without mincing words.


  • 结果带来。助教一下你所得结果总体外观决定是否重做实验

    Bring your results. Consult your TA about the general appearance of your results. Decide whether any experiments should be repeated.


  • 纽约公寓如同在丛林捕捉猛兽一样困难重重。好多天了,可是都毫无结果

    It's jungle out here in New York to go apartment hunting. I've been looking around for days, but in vain.


  • 他们要求男女研究对象同时完成几个简单任务比如钥匙简单数学题结果发现女性处理问题要好得多。

    They found that when women and men work on a number of simple tasks - such as searching for a key or doing easy math problems - at the same time, women significantly outperformed men.


  • 研究结果显示人们喜欢男人电子游戏的时候,吵着要丈夫听她讲话,只有1%的女性对时间。

    The findings reveal that women struggle most to hold down their spouse's attention while they play video games - with a mere 1 percent tuning into what is being said.


  • 算法保持链接算法简洁优势同时,给出了处处光滑逼近结果

    The algorithm can obtain a smooth approximation result, and in the meantime it holds the simplicity and the effectiveness of hinge-finding algorithm.


  • 他们一个很好的方法创造群体思考汇集智力,但是最终结果往往丢失我们微妙的地方。

    They're a great way to generate group-think and pack mentalities, but the end result is often missing the nuance we're looking for.


  • 如果今天你们还是因为急于工作而不去思考那么或许将来要继续承受痛苦工作结果

    If today you or because was anxious to get a job without thinking, then maybe will continue to endure pain for the results of my work.


  • 试验结果验证迭代加权法分析准确性

    The results from experiment verify the veracity of the inverse iteration and weighted form finding method.


  • 结果是,希望,想象容易

    Turns out, it's easier to stay near water than you think.


  • 结果制标本鞭毛丰富伸展自然、清晰

    Results in all specimen, the flagella were abundant, stretched fully and were easy to find.


  • 研究者,这种现象导致一个结果债务越重,毕业生收入工作可能性就

    Researchers say one effect is that the higher the debts, the more likely graduates are to look only for high paying jobs.


  • 试点测量结果表明效果良好工作效率大幅度提高

    These measures show satisfactory ore prospecting results and can greatly raise the working efficiency.


  • 试点测量结果表明效果良好工作效率大幅度提高

    These measures show satisfactory ore prospecting results and can greatly raise the working efficiency.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定