• 因为那些购买汽油的人和使用公路的人,所以汽油税可能支付这项政府服务公平方式

    Because those who buy gasoline are the same people who use the roads, the gasoline tax might be viewed as a fair way to pay for this government service.


  • 那些例子每一评者都不同方式指责当权者,他们故意表现得对什么不感兴趣。

    Each critic in those examples is charging, in a different way, that someone in authority is intentionally being incurious.


  • 能够成功有把握的方式就是成为第一第一之中这件事情就意味着能够看到其他人看不到的机会。

    The more promising way to success is to become the first - or among the first - to do something, and that means you should see something that other people don't.


  • 帮助这些企业成长创造就业成本效益极高方式霍桑说,第一决赛选手刚开始一共只雇佣了330现在他们雇佣500多人。

    Helping such firms grow is an extremely cost-effective way to create jobs, argues Mr Harthorne; the first class of finalists have already hired over 500 more people than the 330 they began with.


  • 第一白人来到之后罗基人学会了许多白人生活方式

    When the first white men came, the Cherokee copied many of their ways.


  • 需要CoE调拨一了解组织文化运作方式人员

    You need to staff your CoE with people familiar with the culture and the way the organization works.


  • 阿拉伯世界华尔街反对者我们看到憎恨我们靠借贷度日的生活方式

    From the Arab world to the Wall Street protesters, we are seeing a generation who resent our lifestyle based on debt.


  • 不久之后,第一殖民者住了进来开始寻求快捷赚钱各种方式

    Before long the first settlers move in and start to look for ways to make a quick buck.


  • 可以交互方式使用它,可以通过脚本模式使用它。

    The utility can be used both interactively or in batch mode for scripts.


  • 除非移民一起,极其危险方式坐船前往蓝佩杜萨岛,否则别无他法,人们受到很大限制

    Unless you are amongst the group of migrants who are getting on the boats to Lampedusa in that extremely dangerous fashion, you have very limited if actually no option, no alternative.


  • 如果MD b以事务的方式锁定资源(例如可以锁定数据库),则结束之前这些资源保持锁定

    If the MDB locks resources transactionally (for example, it may lock a database row), these resources will not become unlocked until the end of the batch.


  • 影响了后来诸如约翰韦恩加里库伯克拉克盖博吉米斯图尔特等一大明星表演方式,出现了《关山飞度》、《正午》、《费城故事》等影片。

    It took stars like John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, and Jimmy Stewart to depict that race of men—and epics like Stagecoach, High Noon, and The Philadelphia Story.


  • 17世纪欧洲第一殖民者首次踏上澳大利亚大陆时,他们发现这里的住居民有一种与众不同农耕方式

    When the first European settlers arrived in Australia in the 17th century, they observed a strange farming practice among the natives.


  • 第一FogCreek插件可以修改项目工作流使其与团队工作方式相匹配,以及增加自定义项目域等等。

    The first batch of Fog Creek Plugins lets you modify your case workflow to match your team's working style, add custom case fields and more.


  • 帮助行动起来想出一个名为“txteagle”的服务:以短信方式业务分包出去,同时回报小额酬劳

    To help them do so, he came up with a service called txteagle which distributes small jobs via text messaging in return for small payments.


  • 当时全世界人大以「躲树后面」来解决个人卫生问题罗马人是继克里特之后第一改良这种处理方式的民族。

    The Romans were the first group of people after the Cretans to improve on the "go-behind-a-tree" method of personal hygiene that dominated the world at the time.


  • 加州到密苏里州,第一通过快马邮递方式,只用10天时间就送到了。

    In this way, the letters would be carried between California and Missouri. The first letters sent by Pony Express from California took ten days to reach Missouri.


  • 崭新产业模型正在浮现,报告的作者总结出了三个主要的模型。第一种是大订单模型,即机构订阅者通过签订网站通行协议付钱方式可以在网上阅读刊物的文章题目

    Entirely new business models are emerging; three main institutional subscribers pay for access to a collection of online journal titles through site-licensing agreements.


  • 英国议员开销丑闻可能就是这么一回事,议员们开始堕落的生活方式因为他们看见自己同僚有一这样做。

    It's likely that this is what happened in the MPs' expenses scandal in the UK, when MPs started behaving in a corrupt way because they saw a few of their peers were doing it.


  • 编辑器一些快捷方式选择文本

    There are shortcuts in the editor to selecting blocks of text or lines.


  • 处理电脑处理数据一种方式输入的数据集中然后处理。有别于实时处理。

    Batch processing method of computer processing where input data is collected into batches before processing as distinct from real tine processing.


  • 处理电脑处理数据一种方式输入的数据集中然后处理。有别于实时处理。

    Batch processing Method of computer processing where input data is collected into batches before processing, as distinct from Real tine processing.


  • 如果价格合理付款方式竞争力的话,我方有一数量可观的订单

    If you can give us right price and competitive payment term, we will place a large order.


  • 据说为了报复同盟国毁坏他们扫雷舰日本在安汶机场斩首刺杀方式处决随机挑选的一囚犯

    Allegedly as an act of reprisal after the Allies destroyed one of their minesweepers, the Japanese randomly selected prisoners and executed them via beheading and bayonet near the island's airfield.


  • 据说为了报复同盟国毁坏他们扫雷舰日本在安汶机场斩首刺杀方式处决随机挑选的一囚犯

    Allegedly as an act of reprisal after the Allies destroyed one of their minesweepers, the Japanese randomly selected prisoners and executed them via beheading and bayonet near the island's airfield.


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