• soap -role元素包含soap角色定义处理器扮演其中的一个角色

    The soap-role elements contain soap actor definitions that a handler will play as a role.


  • 尽管如此机组人员明白如果前往红色星球任务真的发生的话,他们其中扮演一个举足轻重角色

    Nonetheless, the crew members will know that, if a mission to the Red Planet ever does take place, they will have played a significant part in it.


  • 房地产市场其中扮演一个重要角色

    A big role is played by the property market.


  • 其中的原因导致萧条的这场全球不平衡系统中,法国只扮演一个很小的角色

    One reason is that it was a bit-part player in the system of global imbalances that precipitated the slump.


  • 现代企业一个复杂基础设施数据其中扮演重要角色

    A modern enterprise is a complex infrastructure with data playing a crucial role.


  • 长期以来研究人员都认为少年情事微不足道昙花一现的。但新的研究显示孩子成长过程中却是一个重要因素家长也要其中扮演重要的角色

    Long dismissed by researchers as trivial and fleeting, teen romance is emerging as a powerful factor in kids' development — one in which parents have a major role to play, new studies show.


  • 魔兽世界游戏迎来第五个生日已经不仅仅只是一个让玩家其中化身为术士战士兽人精灵角色扮演网络游戏了。

    World of Warcraft marks its fifth birthday as something more than just an online role-playing game where users become wizards, warriors, orcs and elfs.


  • PurchaseOrder具有四个角色服务协作其中个角色过程自身扮演

    The Purchase Order process is a service collaboration with four roles, including one played by the process itself.


  • 对于Go - ForIt开发者意味着用户随时扮演两个角色其中一个:“顾客PA

    To the Go-ForIt developers, this means that at any time a user will be acting in one of two roles, either a Customer or a PA.


  • 让我们假设一个项目交付系统其中涉及扮演不同角色用户多种内容组合。

    Let's consider a project delivery system that involves various users with different roles and diverse sets of content. Let's consider a system that has the following user groups.


  • 开始报纸的那些评论介绍,不单是有关她其中扮演一个很小角色歌剧的,也看其它的。

    She began to read the newspaper notices, not only of the opera in which she had so small a part, but of others.


  • 法律哲学艺术哲学也是一样,着手理解这些概念这些概念其中扮演角色(常常是本质而必要角色)的那些实践生活一个重要贡献

    As with the philosophy of law, so with the philosophy of art, coming to understand these concepts is an important contribution to the life of the practices in which they figure, often constitutively.


  • 你们所有人都其中扮演角色并且请相信我们一个贡献更有价值的一部分。

    You can all play a part and believe us that every contribution is as valuable as any other.


  • 其中成员感到疲劳时,一个承担主导职责伙伴扮演旁观者角色而得到休息

    When one partner gets tired, the other can take the lead, allowing his or her partner to rest by playing the observer role.


  • 一起作巡回演出过去几年里扮演很多角色其中重要一个就是的老大哥

    I've worn a lot of hats on the road with him over the past few years with none being more important than big brother.


  • 然而我们现在所知整体生物体老化非常复杂取决于很多因素粒酶其中扮演角色而已。

    However, we now know that ageing of the overall organism is more complex than this and depends on several factors, only one of which is the part played by telomeres.


  • 消费者需求其中扮演什么角色很难准确判断,全国各地的工资快速上涨所以似乎也是一个重要因素

    It is impossible to know precisely what role stronger consumer demand is playing in this process-wages are certainly rising quickly across the country, so it is likely to be a significant factor.


  • 其中扮演不同角色并且其中一个生活中二个不同阶段所有这些看起来似乎很刺激富有挑战性

    I play two different characters in it, and one is at two different stages of her life; all that seemed stimulating and challenging.


  • 《魔兽世界》一个大型多人在线角色扮演游戏”,其中可以扮演种族大职业以及其中上千个待完成任务。

    World of Warcraft is a "massively multiplayer online role-playing game" that lets you play as ten different RACES nine playable classes and has thousands of quests to complete.


  • 《魔兽世界》一个大型多人在线角色扮演游戏”,其中可以扮演种族大职业以及其中上千个待完成任务。

    World of Warcraft is a "massively multiplayer online role-playing game" that lets you play as ten different RACES, nine playable classes, and has thousands of quests to complete.


  • 《魔兽世界》一个大型多人在线角色扮演游戏”,其中可以扮演种族大职业以及其中上千个待完成任务。

    World of Warcraft is a "massively multiplayer online role-playing game" that lets you play as eight different races, nine playable classes, and has thousands of quests to complete.


  • 商务交际文化影响跨国商务交际成功与否其中非言语交际扮演一个重要角色

    Business communicative cultures contribute greatly to the success of multinational business communication, in which nonverbal communication is playing an important role.


  • 并且我们其中扮演一个黑暗残酷角色

    And it is a dark, cruel role we play.


  • 日本当前流行角色扮演爱情游戏”设定的其中一个情境游戏女性自己选择的白马王子安全地共度时光,而不用和活生生的真人打交道。

    That's the scenario for one of several role-playing "love games" currently popular in Japan, allowing women to safely spend time with their choice of Mr.


  • 一个人都其中扮演多个角色表演都可分为七个阶段

    And one man in his time plays many parts, his ACTS being seven ages.


  • 普通银行进入筹融资平台其中一个办法扮演贷款中介角色

    One solution is for regular banks to get together with crowdfunding platforms to act as funding agents.


  • 日本京都大学比较认知专业教授田和夫领导的专家团队进行了实验其中有3狗,每组18只,试验中用到了角色扮演他们主人需要打开一个盒子

    Researchers led by Kazuo Fujita, a professor of comparative cognition at Kyoto University, tested three groups of 18 dogs using role plays in which their owners needed to open a box.


  • 日本京都大学比较认知专业教授田和夫领导的专家团队进行了实验其中有3狗,每组18只,试验中用到了角色扮演他们主人需要打开一个盒子

    Researchers led by Kazuo Fujita, a professor of comparative cognition at Kyoto University, tested three groups of 18 dogs using role plays in which their owners needed to open a box.


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