• 天生扭曲者无法教育

    Crooked by nature is never made straight by education.


  • 也许自我形象扭曲厌食治疗有所启发。

    This may also have implications for treating people who have a distorted self-image, or disorders such as anorexia.


  • 不管怎样,这位穿越时空很多也许穿越第四时候产生了扭曲的副作用。

    In any case, the time traveler has enormous feet, probably a side-effect of warping through the fourth dimension. See for yourself.


  • 随着人群响起奇怪喊叫声,一些狂热开始扭曲他们身体

    Eerie cries begin to ring out from within the crowd and a few of the devotees begin to contort their faces and bodies.


  • 其他扭曲关系到消费必须花钱多少

    The other distortion concerns how much consumers have to spend.


  • 本身而论,谣言含有管理有价值信息同时虚假扭曲资讯不在少数

    As such, the rumor mill contains valuable information for managers, as well as no small amount of distorted or false information.


  • 至少提出了更高利率可能伤害消费因此日本银行应该可能最小化经济扭曲的同时,尝试使利率正常化。

    At the very least, it suggests that higher rates are unlikely to harm consumers, so the BoJ should try to normalize them as soon as possible to minimize economic distortions.


  • 消费选择那些市场上的强势品牌扭曲

    Consumer choice will be distorted by and subjugated to the marketing of brands.


  • 长期受创伤受害经常不真实扭曲方式感觉到脱离自我,只感受自己内心的经历现实

    Chronically traumatised victims often feel a sense of detachment from the self, and experience internal states and reality in an unreal or distorted way.


  • 测试之前有一半申请收到口头书面的警告,不诚实答案这个测试检测出来任何扭曲事实的行为都会影响到雇佣的决定。

    Before the test, half of the applicants were warned verbally and in writing that dishonest answers could be detected by the test, and that any misrepresentation would affect hiring decisions.


  • 这些消减税款达到每年数千亿美元之巨,从而消弱了税基,也扭曲行为而且减税的好处大多被富裕纳税占去了。

    Such deductions, which are worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year, narrow the tax base and distort behaviour, and their benefits flow disproportionately to the most affluent taxpayers.


  • 数据可能所选领导有色眼镜扭曲这会掠夺需要感觉到自己的技术过程所有权的授权团队

    The data may be skewed by the rosy glasses of selected leaders, which robs the team of the empowerment needed to feel ownership of their own craft and process.


  • 但是通用领导人愿意相对较小的金额上扭曲原则”的行为可能投资分析家们感到不安

    But the news that GE's leadership was willing to bend the rules over relatively tiny sums may well disconcert investors and analysts.


  • 反对认为,人为干预生命组成要素错误他们还警告攻克不孕不育的技术会扭曲破坏家庭成员之间的正常关系

    Opponents argue that it is wrong to meddle with the building blocks of life and warn that the advances taking place to tackle infertility risk distorting and damaging relations between family members.


  • 幸存鲨鱼恐惧,特别是因为卖座电影大白鲨”的宣传,被无限扭曲夸大。

    The survivors said the fear inspired by sharks, most famously in the massively popular film "Jaws," is hugely distorted.


  • 如今这种模式已经扭曲成了滑稽自我模仿:很多银行资产没有销路正如他们每天必须回到市场央求贷款帮助他们存活下去

    Today, that model has warped into self-parody: many of the Banks' assets are unsellable even as they have to return to the market each day to ask for lenders to vote on their survival.


  • 难怪许多创新(公司)为了做到一切而出现扭曲情况。

    It's no wonder that, in trying to do all this, many innovators (and companies) get twisted up in knots.


  • 其实若是自然光下、水中段距离外这种图案色彩有助于扭曲轮廓让它潜在掠食视线中消失

    The pattern and colors actually help distort the fish's outline when seen in natural light at a distance through water, helping the animal disappear from the view of potential predators.


  • 目击称,爆炸发生不久,鲜血淋漓尸体酒店家酒店正面变成了扭曲金属

    Witnesses reported seeing bloodied bodies being carried away moments after the explosions, which turned the facades of both hotels into masses of twisted metal.


  • 研究指出如果正在考虑星系分布,但是正在考虑错误宇宙观,你将会混乱扭曲结束,”施特劳斯

    The researchers "pointed out that if you're looking at the distribution of galaxies, and you're looking at the wrong cosmology, you're going to end up with a distorted mess," Strauss says.


  • 研究指出如果正在考虑星系分布,但是正在考虑错误宇宙观,你将会混乱扭曲结束,”施特劳斯

    The researchers "pointed out that if you're looking at the distribution of galaxies, and you're looking at the wrong cosmology, you're going to end up with a distorted mess, " Strauss says.


  • 虽然绝大多数摄影极度憎恶哪怕在底片上留下的一点点手指印,但是.阿里.通常故意选择抓,蚀刻等方式来扭曲自己的底片。

    While most photographers are loathe to let a stray fingerprint near their negatives, Ben Ali Ong chooses to scratch, etch and generally distort his on purpose.


  • 实际上免除增值税的措施相当于为部分消费提供补贴扭曲了公众的选择

    But exemptions from VAT distort choices by, in effect, subsidising some consumers over others.


  • 但是这个数字经常提供投资扭曲现实。

    But that number often provides the investors with a distorted picture of what really took place.


  • 富裕国家央行多年该方法了,原因是认为该方法无效认为扭曲市场,或皆有

    Central Banks in richer countries have not used them for many years, considering them ineffective, distorting or both.


  • 意味着验证设计不能增加文字扭曲程度打击攻击验证系统的人。

    This means designers of CAPTCHAs cannot simply increase the amount of distortion to foil attackers.


  • 意味着验证设计不能增加文字扭曲程度打击攻击验证系统的人。

    This means designers of CAPTCHAs cannot simply increase the amount of distortion to foil attackers.


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