• 正如上文提到扩展编译了方法数量影响内存消耗,尽管性能从中获得好处往往要比增加内存消耗重要

    Expanding the number of compiled methods, as we mentioned above, has a footprint impact although the benefit to performance is usually more critical than the footprint increase.


  • 这种设计好处,在于如果变量必须更改的话,那么一个变量可以得到扩展使得变量得到显著的增加或者降低

    A benefit of this design is that each variable class can be extended if the value must be modified on return, such as numerically incremented or decremented.


  • 经过几年构建扩展维护庞大分布式应用之后,程序员逐步体会到平台无关行为和平台无关数据好处了。

    After years of building, extending, and maintaining large, distributed applications, programmers are learning to appreciate the benefits of platform-neutral behavior and platform-neutral data.


  • 扩展状态应用程序好处并不明显,原因在于,增加了复杂性以及状态数据复制相关性能影响

    The benefits of scaling stateful application are less impressive due to increased complexity and the performance impact associated with replication of state or data.


  • 这样使用RDF好处之一可以保证向后兼容其他RDF处理情况下扩展其他功能

    One advantage of using RDF in this scenario is that it may be extended in such a way as to add additional functionality without breaking backwards compatibility for other RDF processors.


  • 增加这样一个随时可变的扩展不会下游客户带来任何好处

    Adding an extension which might change would not have helped the downstream customers.


  • 注意这种方法好处正在使用一般性用途而不需要修改uml工具uml标准扩展机制构建输出流程定义

    Note that the beauty of this approach is that you are using a general purpose, unmodified UML tool and UML's standard extension mechanisms to build and export the process definition.


  • 系列第 1部分讨论了结合使用GangliaNagios好处然后展示如何使用自定义的监视脚本安装扩展 Ganglia。

    Part 1 of this series discussed the benefits of using Ganglia and Nagios together, then showed you how to install and extend Ganglia with homemade monitoring scripts.


  • 最后认为SOA使得Cisco的内部职能被抽取出来供Cisco的合作伙伴生态系统使用,将SOA的好处扩展到了整个供应链

    Ultimately, in his views SOA enables taking the functionality that Cisco has in house and offer it to its partner ecosystem, extending the benefits to the entire supply chain.


  • 因为AJDT扩展Eclipse中的JDT,所以自动得到了这里添加注释支持的好处

    Because AJDT extends the JDT in Eclipse, it automatically benefits from the annotation support added there.


  • 分别定义不同成分主要好处容易扩展比如所有表单控件添加class属性

    The primary advantage of defining everything separately is that it's simple to extend, for example by adding a class attribute to all form controls.


  • JBind所具有好处是,在考虑过的所有数据绑定框架中,它支持Schema彻底,并且提供上面所说XPath扩展

    JBind has the advantage of offering the most complete Schema support of any of the data binding frameworks considered, as well as the XPath extensions mentioned above.


  • 到目前为止已经了解使用Flex好处一些如何操作扩展Flex组件,并且深入了解了Flex组件生命周期

    So far you've learned about the benefits of using Flex and the use cases where it makes sense, how to manipulate and extend Flex components, and you've drilled down on its component life cycle.


  • 增加所带来好处应用程序将来扩展提供良好框架

    The added benefit is that it provides a good framework for future extensibility of the application. The BaseAction class provides the following functionality.


  • 如果方面分解利用这种模式好处那么您可能使更具扩展

    If you split your aspect to take advantage of this pattern, you may also be making it more extensible.


  • 此处讨论这个主题恰到好处因为上面最后提到的广泛存在个人信贷扩展,货币流通性最强的。

    The subject is apropos, for it is in the above last far-flung extension of credit by individuals that the velocity factor is especially potent.


  • 如果遵循这个建议过程工程团队成员使用一个扩展过程的项目团队就可能暗示声明一致性中得到好处

    By following this recommendation, process engineering team members and project teams that use an extended process may benefit from the implied declaration consistency.


  • 好处如果发布了新的RSS版本,就可以通过添加新的样式表扩展应用程序

    The advantage here is that should a new version of RSS be released, you can extend the application by simply adding a new stylesheet.


  • 这次事故不是我们理由否定计算毕竟所带来的好处(扩展降低成本设备独立性性能)远远超过缺点

    This incident is no reason for us to shun cloud computing, though. Its benefits (scalability, cost reduction, device independence, performance and more) far outweigh its cons.


  • 如果Firefox用户,毫无疑问你肯定已经知道浏览器最大一个好处就是,具有大量有用扩展可以使用

    If you're a Firefox user, you undoubtedly already know that one of the huge advantages of the browser is the big galaxy of useful extensions you can use with it.


  • 好处是你可以服务器进行模型验证在必要时扩展模型。

    This gives you the benefits of model validation on the server side, and makes it easier to extend your model if needed.


  • 能够尺寸显示器显示视频文件游戏同时还可以使用外部备份存储这些只是智能手机扩展几点好处

    Being able to display video, documents and games on a full sized monitor while having additional backup storage are just a couple of benefits of the smartphone dock.


  • AOP在帮助我们解决代码散乱杂糅问题同时,还有其它一些好处:(1)系统容易扩展

    Besides helping us resolve the problems of code scattering and tangling, AOP also brings us many other goods: (1) Easier system extending.


  • 计算提供了众多战略战术好处包括IT行业的资本检索、可性、业务敏捷性扩展和带来的成本效益。

    Cloud computing provides numerous strategic and tactical benefits, including it decapitalization, accessibility, business agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.


  • 学习语言很多好处这也可以扩展学习任何一种新技能

    Learning a new language has multiple benefits, many of which extend to learning any new skill.


  • 如果饮食已经很健康的话经常食物方面扩展一下可以更多的好处

    But if your diet is already healthy, spreading out what you eat over more frequent meals may have additional benefits.


  • 如果饮食已经很健康的话经常食物方面扩展一下可以更多的好处

    But if your diet is already healthy, spreading out what you eat over more frequent meals may have additional benefits.


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