• 我们应该继续减免费用提高保障扩大小型企业管理局提供小企业贷款规模

    We should continue to waive fees, increase guarantees, and expand the size of SBA-backed loans for small businesses.


  • 这种增长背后关键因素农业生产率提高贸易扩大

    Among the key factors behind this growth were increased agricultural productivity and an expansion of trade.


  • 即使是前肢发育不全羽毛扩大手臂表面积略微提高升力

    Even rudimentary feathers on forelimbs could have expanded the arm's surface area to enhance lift slightly.


  • 过去50年里,改良农业科技技术显著提高了农作物产量,耕种面积扩大12%。

    Over the last five decades, improved farming techniques and technologies have helped to significantly increase crop yields along with a 12% expansion of farmed land use.


  • 制造商需求增加刺激而扩大生产品种提高产品质量

    As demand has increased, so manufacturers have been encouraged to diversify and improve quality.


  • 实际上斯德哥尔摩随着城市规模扩大人民富裕程度的提高汽车的使用量在近年来有所下降。

    In Stockholm, car use has actually fallen in recent years as the city has become larger and wealthier.


  • 随着城市规模不断扩大城市更新水平的不断提高,城市建设中的各个方面问题越来越复杂

    The various aspect problems in city construction are more and more complex with cities' scale and up-to-dateness continuously growing.


  • 当前复杂多变的国际形势下双方应该进一步增加互信扩大合作,将两国关系提高新的水平

    Under the fluctuating international situation, both sides should build up mutual trust, expand cooperation and raise bilateral relations to a new level.


  • 但是公司产生的利润不足以维持规模扩大,这主要是因为编审队伍抵制任何提高效能举措

    But it was not profitable enough to sustain the expansion, mainly because the editorial staff resisted moves to improve efficiency.


  • 世界人口不断增长收入提高导致肉类消费有更高需求同时扩大畜牧生产空间造成限制

    The steadily growing world population and increasing incomes creates higher demand for meat, but at the same time leaves limited space for expansion in livestock production.


  • 有赖于商业部门帮助,降低所提供产品服务成本快速提高生产率扩大规模

    It rapidly increased productivity and scale, lowering the cost of goods and services it provided relative to business's offerings.


  • 麦凯恩则同样包括了乔.沃泽尔巴赫,那个奥巴马俄亥俄州会见过水暖工。 提高税收妨碍扩大业务包括雇佣两个工人计划

    McCain said this would include Joe Wurzelbacher, whom Obama had met in Ohio, and would prevent him a planned expansion of his business that included taking on two workers.


  • 通过数字音乐消费变得更加将便提高客户的认知价值进而扩大销售

    By making digital music purchases more accessible, it should raise their perceived value, leading to more sales.


  • 至少货币主义者建议削减利率提高货币供给凯恩斯主义者支持扩大赤字

    At least the monetarists propose cutting rates and expanding the money supply and the Keynesians promote deficit spending.


  • 最有希望计划大修教育包括提高特许学校绩效工资水平扩大作用

    Most promising is his plan to overhaul education. This includes raising standards and expanding the role of charter schools and merit pay for teachers.


  • 如果这些导致级别继续降低加州借贷成本提高预算缺口将继续扩大

    And if all this leads to more downgrades, California's borrowing costs will increase and the budget gap will further widen.


  • 报告认为扩大社会性别平等有助于提高生产率改善子女福祉使得制度具有代表性,改善全体人民发展前景

    Greater gender equality can increase productivity, improve outcomes for children, make institutions more representatives, and improve development prospects for all, according to the report.


  • 石油公司那时并不需要在提前还清债务、提高股票派息增加现金持有以及扩大资本支出中间做选择

    Oil companies didn't have to choose between paying down debt, raising stock dividends, increasing their cash balances or expanding capital budgets.


  • 先进集成制造中心顾问当地提供提高生产效率扩大生产的咨询。

    Its Advanced Integrated Manufacturing Center has a staff of consultants that advise many local businesses on increasing productivity or expanding operations.


  • 今后学习通过扩大词汇增大阅读面提高自己英语水平。并且要拿到大学英语四极证否则作为英语专业的学生就太没有说服力了。

    I will enlarge my vocabulary and increase reading to improve my English in future study, also I will get college English brand four certificate, otherwise I can not persuade others as a English major.


  • 转向劳动密集型的城市经济增长有助于减少农业中的富余劳动力从而提高农村人均收入进而扩大农村消费能力。

    More labor-intensive urban growth would help reducing surplus labor in agriculture as well, thus raising rural per capita income and therefore the capacity to consume on the countryside.


  • 扩大规模可以提高效率,这需要资本设备

    Scaling up would be more efficient, but requires capital equipment.


  • 在全球市场希望扩大可供客户交易金融产品组合,提高交易能力,这个过程需要资金投入

    Globally, Nomura wants to enhance its trading capacity by building up an inventory of financial products for clients to trade, a process that also costs money.


  • 句话说,即使面临着不断扩大平等个人幸福还是不懂提高

    In other words, individual well-being is improving even in the face of growing inequality.


  • 他们必须提升竞争力扩大出口提高增长减轻债务压力

    They must become more competitive in order to export, grow and ease their debt burden.


  • 第二中期组成部分扩大能源项目资助提高国家承受高涨的动荡燃料价格的长期能力。

    A second component, for the medium-term, would scale up financing of energy projects to reduce a country's longer-term vulnerability to high and volatile fuel prices.


  • 虽然无线技术不会完全解决克服这些因素,但是它们可以用来扩大产出提高效率,节约成本

    Although wireless technologies do not totally overcome these factors, they can be leveraged to maximize output, efficiency and reach at a fraction of the cost and time.


  • 虽然无线技术不会完全解决克服这些因素,但是它们可以用来扩大产出提高效率,节约成本

    Although wireless technologies do not totally overcome these factors, they can be leveraged to maximize output, efficiency and reach at a fraction of the cost and time.


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