• 薇薇安·托马斯没有接受过正式的医学训练努力抗击重重困难成为了心脏外科医生最终获得了约翰·霍普金斯大学荣誉博士学位。

    Vivien Thomas, who had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds, he became a cardiac surgeon and eventually to receive an honorary doctorate from Johns Hopkins University.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院社会流行病学家托马斯·格拉斯说:“大多数专家认为这些变化环境有关。”

    "Most experts agree that the changes were related to something in the environment," says social epidemiologist Thomas Glass of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


  • 纽约城市大学罗森菲尔德鲁本托马斯称,网络正日益成为寻找另一半的重要社交平台,确定无疑的。

    Rosenfeld and Reuben Thomas, of the City University of New York, found the Internet is the one social arena that is unambiguously gaining importance as a place where couples meet.


  • 如果说蜻蜓喷气式战斗机,那么蝗虫就像横跨大陆波音747型飞机。这项研究研究人员之一,牛津大学艾德里安·托马斯如是说

    If dragonflies are like fighter jets, then locusts are like continent-spanning 747s, says Adrian Thomas of the University of Oxford, coauthor of the new study.


  • 所以几天费城托马斯·杰弗逊大学找到有关它的新闻稿时,我真迷住了。

    So I was intrigued when I got a press release a couple days ago from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.


  • 佛蒙特州立大学心理学家托马斯·奥博杰注意看看如今的电视节目傲慢粗鲁几乎家常便饭

    "Take a look at television these days, and it's becoming almost commonplace to be arrogant and crude," notes psychologist Thomas Achenbach of the University of Vermont.


  • 然而大都会人寿仍然占据纽约大学斯特恩商学院维拉尔•阿查里亚,托马斯·古利,罗伯特·恩格尔马修·理查森拿出排名表。

    Yet MetLife occupies just that position in a ranking put out by Viral Acharya, Thomas Cooley, Robert Engle and Matthew Richardson of the Stern School of Business at New York University.


  • 但是正如南加州大学副教授托马斯·克罗克提醒我们那样:做好一项工作还是是个道德问题

    But as Thomas Crocker, an associate professor of constitutional law at the University of South Carolina, reminds us, doing a good job, or not doing it, is very much a moral question.


  • 建筑承包商牧师托马斯路易斯安那州立大学一个名为“Chapel教堂工作人员

    Thomas Ray, a building contractor and ordained minister, is on the staff of a church called the Chapel on the campus of Louisiana State University.


  • 得克萨斯州贝勒大学历史教授托马斯·基德(Thomas Kidd)指出,“整洁”一句出自18世纪传教士约翰·卫斯理创建卫理公会教派

    The "cleanliness" passage was coined by John Wesley, the 18th century evangelist who founded Methodism, says Thomas Kidd, a history professor at Baylor University in Texas.


  • MarisaC .Weiss医学博士乳腺癌放射肿瘤学家lankenau医院托马斯·杰弗逊大学卫生系统费城

    Marisa C. Weiss, M.D., breast radiation oncologist, Lankenau Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University Health System, Philadelphia, pa.


  • 托马斯·林奇耶鲁大学癌症研究中心主任,也是上述研究报告的撰写人之一谈到,相比之下,化疗可以早期肺癌患者多活个月

    In comparison, chemo can give newly diagnosed lung cancer patients an extra two to three months of life, says study co-author Thomas Lynch, director of the Yale cancer Center.


  • 原本以为甘油三脂浓度上升,不过,确信它们没有升高,还需要更多数据。”英国伯明翰大学肥胖专家尼尔·托马斯(Neil Thomas)

    "I wouldhave expected the levels to go up, and would need more data to beconvinced they don't, " says Neil Thomas, an obesity expert from the University of Birmingham, UK.


  • 马里兰大学(Universityof Maryland)地质学教授托马斯·霍尔兹(Thomas Holtz)称,一新发现可能填补恐龙进化南极环境空缺。

    The new find could fill in gaps in the evolution of dinosaurs as well as the Antarctic environment, according to Thomas Holtz, professor of geology at the University of Maryland.


  • 根据美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学心理学教授托马斯罗德鲍的说法,几乎每个人或多或都会受到社交焦虑的困扰。

    According to Thomas Rodebaugh, a psychology professor at Washington University in st Louis, US, almost everyone suffers from at least a little social anxiety.


  • 加州大学社会学家托马斯·雪芙曾过,羞耻感会抑制个人表达各种情绪——愤怒这种情绪是少有例外

    Thomas Scheff, a University of California sociologist, has said that shame inhibits the expression of all emotions—with the occasional exception of anger.


  • 通过使用以上三种指标,托马斯•格雷德尔教授来自耶鲁大学研究人员得出了处于濒危状态的金属名单

    Using these three categories, researchers from Yale University led by Professor Thomas Graedel were able to see which metals and metalloids are most at risk within each group.


  • 对自有住宅主要经济论点布兰德斯大学Brandeis University)托马斯·夏皮罗话说就是目前为止唯一重要家庭财富积累方式”。

    The main economic argument for home ownership is that, in the words of Thomas Shapiro of Brandeis University, “it is by far the single most important way families accumulate wealth”.


  • 托马斯·杰斐逊大学医院网站

    This is the website of Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals.


  • 乔纳森·泰勒·托马斯在剧中扮演大学,他回家圣诞节,可谁知却被抛荒郊野外,身无分文

    Jonathan Taylor Thomas stars as a college student trying to get home for Christmas, but ends up stuck in a desert with no cash.


  • 马克托马斯大学毕业不久,一天,两人一家酒馆相遇,于是一起打台球

    Mark and Thomas, recent college graduates, run into each other at a pub and decide to shoot a round of pool.


  • 于是,弗吉尼亚大学托马斯-塔尔赫姆同事决定研究第三假说差异关键农业

    That led Thomas Talhelm of the University of Virginia and his colleagues to look into a third suggestion: that the crucial difference is agricultural.


  • 这里安葬托马斯·杰弗逊。他是《独立宣言》起草人,《弗吉尼亚宗教自由法案》的起草人弗吉尼亚大学的创始人。

    Here was burned Thomas Jefferson author of the Declaration of Independence of the statute of Virginia for religious freedom and father of the University of Virginia.


  • 牛津大学学术社的研究显示,《终成眷属》除了威廉·莎士比亚之外还有另一位作者托马斯·米德尔顿。

    All's well That Ends well has another author as well as William Shakespeare, according to research from Oxford University academics.


  • 牛津大学学术社的研究显示,《终成眷属》除了威廉·莎士比亚之外还有另一位作者托马斯·米德尔顿。

    All's well That Ends well has another author as well as William Shakespeare, according to research from Oxford University academics.


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