• 公司美国托凭证(adr)纽约证交所交易

    The company also has American depositary receipts that trade on the New York Stock Exchange.


  • 凭证银行发行金融工具代表一家国外公司公开上市证券

    A negotiable financial instrument issued by a bank to represents a foreign company's publicly traded securities.


  • 凭证银行发行金融工具代表一家国外公司公开上市证券

    Depository Receipt a negotiable financial instrument issued by a bank to represents a foreign company's publicly traded securities.


  • 同时这些股票美国以存凭证形式在纽约证券交易所进行交易

    And also the shares are traded in the form of American Depositary Receipts in New York Stock Exchange.


  • 只有2 %病人停止治疗药物不良反应美国存托凭证(adr)。

    Only 2% of patients stopped therapy due to an adverse drug reaction (ADR).


  • 公司通过新加坡证券交易所网站继续公布台湾托凭证上市募集资金的使用情况。

    The Company will continue to make further announcements via SGXNet as and when the remaining proceeds of the aforesaid TDRs issued are materially disbursed.


  • 中国凭证(CDR)境外注册公司中国境内发行代表境外公司股票的可转让证券。

    Chinese depositary receipt (CDR) is a certificate issued by a depositary representing ownership of a specified number of shares in a foreign company.


  • 目前,新东方赋予承销商一个30天的选择权,承销商在30天内还可另113万股美国存托凭证

    New Oriental has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 1.13 million ADSs.


  • 纽约证交所上市时,药明康德采用的是一种比较奇怪托凭证,而这又一家开曼群岛的公司有关联。

    WuXi trades on the New York Stock Exchange through an odd depository share tied to a Cayman incorporation.


  • 德昌电机同时还是摩根斯坦利资本国际指数成份股通过美国大通银行美国拥有项美国凭证计划

    It is also a constituent stock of Morgan Stanley Capital International Index and has a sponsored American Depository Receipt Program in the United States through JPMorgan Chase Bank.


  • 该公司画在今年回购约5%股份此外上市的美国存托凭证更加重要,分析师可能将提升其评级。

    Another plus is a program to buy back up to5% of its shares this year. Moreover, its unlisted ADR will become more important and possibly will be upgraded.


  • 这些股份还是全球凭证形式提供的 ,仅占银行资产净值的10%,剩下固有75.5%国家持有。

    The shares, also offered in the form of global depository receipts, represent a mere 10% of the bank’s equity, leaving a solid 75.5% still owned by the state.


  • 该公司计画今年回购约5%股份此外上市的美国存托凭证更加重要,分析师可能将提升其评级。

    Another plus is a program to buy back up to 5% of its shares this year. Moreover, its unlisted ADR will become more important and possibly will be upgraded.


  • ADR即美国凭证美国存银行美国的投资者发行的,代表美国公司股票所有权的种可流通证券。

    ADR American Depositary Receipts, were issued by American Depositary Bank to American investors, which represent, a sort of circulative stocks owned by non American companies.


  • 这些股份全球托凭证形式公开发行,仅占银行资产净值10%,剩下固有的75.5%国家持有。

    The shares, also offered in the form of global depository receipts, represent a mere 10% of the bank's equity, leaving a solid 75.5% still owned by the state.


  • 凭证为登记持有人名下或者持有人为背书人证券证书,代表台湾公司的在非台湾银行的一定数目股份

    TDR is a certificate registered in the holder's name or as a bearer security giving title to a number of shares in a non-Taiwan-based company deposited in a bank outside Taiwan.


  • 帝国烟草计划维持美国凭证工作,作为一个使投资者维持美国存凭证一级项目美国柜台市场进行交易

    Imperial Tobacco intends to maintain its ADR facility as a Level I programme to enable investors to retain their ADRs, which will be traded on the over-the-counter market in the USA.


  • 最近,一支名为“标准普尔指数存托凭证”(SPDR)的黄金交易所交易基金(etf)成为全世界市值最大的交易所交易基金。

    A gold exchange-traded fund (ETF) known as SPDR recently became the largest ETF by value in the world.


  • 纽约股票交易所公司美国托凭证交易额下降了1.10美元,就是1.6个百分点,最后成交价格67.20美元。

    On the New York Stock Exchange this afternoon, the company's American depository receipts were trading down $1.10, or 1.6 percent, to $67.20.


  • 堪称中国[gm66nd]([gm99nd])百度股价比2008年底低点涨了四美国存托凭证市盈率为85倍(2009年收益来计算)。

    Shares of Baidu, often called China's [gm99nd], have quintupled since their late-2008 low and now trade in the U.S. at 85 times the company's profits for the previous year.


  • 相识决这个需要别人解答题目,潜在插手考虑怎样刊行其他类型股份称为托凭证收益-不过中国商业以及本钱限制变患上异常复杂

    To solve it the potential entrants are considering how to issue other types of shares known as depository receipts-but that is complicated by Chellona's trading and capital restrictions.


  • 订货方将预付恩康公司帐户,同时将汇款凭证传真至公司;

    Ordering party will remit in advance the full amount to the Tonecon Hearing Equipment Co. account and fax the remittance receipt to our company;


  • 订货方将预付恩康公司帐户,同时将汇款凭证传真至公司;

    Ordering party will remit in advance the full amount to the Tonecon Hearing Equipment Co. account and fax the remittance receipt to our company;


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