• 因此上个月Swoopo开始让流标打折购买想要物品,折扣价相当于其在竞标的钱。

    So last month Swoopo began letting failed bidders purchase the item they wanted at a discount equivalent to the amount they spent bidding.


  • 有时他们提供6果酱其它时间为24种;品尝果酱的顾客会得到一张打折购买果酱的优惠券。

    Sometimes they offered six varieties of jam, at other times 24; jam tasters were then offered a voucher to buy jam at a discount.


  • 另外提出问题者均可获得打折购买商品优惠(特价商品除外)谢谢各位顾客监督

    Also ask questions get caught in the discount offer to purchase goods (Note special exception of goods) Thank you for the supervision of customers!


  • 可能会仔细考虑购买商品数量但是你可以一周打折任何一款产品都买回家

    You may want to carefully consider the amount of produce you buy, but you can shop the sales by buying whatever is on sale that week.


  • 但是多拉基亚教授发现36%顾客购买除了打折产品以外的产品服务

    But Dholakia found that just 36% of customers buy goods or services beyond what was offered in the deal.


  • 批量购买、整体烹调——参加一个美国科思科连锁企业打折购物俱乐部

    Buy in Bulk, Cook in Bulk - Join a discount shopping club like Costco.


  • 但是定价之前需进行盈亏平衡需求价格弹性分析,即提价打折购买习惯会发生什么变化

    But deciding what to charge requires careful analysis of such things as break-even points and price elasticities of demand-how buying habits change after a price rise or a discount.


  • 不用说打折出售的地方整套购买勉强能够接受衣服然后穿着它们工作的地方。

    Needless to say I shopped only from the sale racks and pieced together barely acceptable outfits to wear to my mostly casual workplace.


  • 不用说打折出售的地方整套购买勉强能够接受衣服然后穿着它们工作的地方。

    Needless to say, I shopped only from the sale racks and pieced together barely acceptable outfits to wear to my mostly casual workplace.


  • 如果你更换购买品牌或者购买打折品牌的话可以省下大笔

    You can save a lot of money by switching to store brand goods or by buying the brand that is on sale.


  • 前者购买打折债券贷款希望获得快速回报后者全额付款,则喜欢持有段时间以期更高回报

    The first group has bought the bonds or loans at a discount and is looking for a quick return; the second, having paid the full price, would prefer to hold on in hope of a higher payout.


  • 此外,尽管REDcard有利于促进销售由于人们利用购买更多打折产品这些商品的销售利润率反而受到了影响。

    The REDcard helped boost sales, but because people were using it to buy more products at discounted prices, the profit margin for those sales took a hit.


  • 很多人奇怪为什么这些投资者资金投入到这个机构当中直接购买打折债券保险

    Many wonder why any investor would put money into such vehicles when they can buy bonds directly at a discount or get the insured version.


  • 经历了大幅度打折销售零售商削减备货的产品样使消费者适应全价购买商品不是习惯于等待打折

    After two years of heavy discounting, retailers cut the number of products they held in stock rooms, in an attempt to train shoppers to buy items at full price rather than wait for sales.


  • 购买打折商品能节省

    Buying on-sale items saves money.


  • 中断购买关注他们想要东西是否打折

    Before the interruption, shoppers fixated on whether the object they desired was a bargain.


  • 人们倘若假日期间维持他们已经习惯生活水准富足消费必须购买打折商品,而且大量打折商品。

    If people had any chance of maintaining their standard of living and enjoying the consumer riches they had become accustomed to during the holiday season, they would need bargains - and lots of them.


  • 不要因为打折购买另外一台台灯

    Don't buy another pair of table lamps just because it's on sale.


  • 虽然他们购买的是,但是他们能廉价的地方打折的物品从而省钱在路边理发而不是理发店里;在露天农贸市场而不是超市购买棕榈酒而不是葡萄酒

    Even though they buy in smaller quantities, they save money by buying cut-price goods from cheaper outlets: kerbside haircuts not salons; open-air stalls not supermarkets; toddy not wine.


  • 现在航空公司打折不屈曲的预先行程购买上面70%。

    Currently the airlines can discount inflexible tickets purchased in advance of travel by up to 70%.


  • 投资人PelotonPartner明星对冲基金突然崩溃深感不安,基金会信贷紧缩过程购买售价打折资产并深信此举不错赌注

    Investors were perturbed by the sudden collapse of Peloton Partner's star hedge fund, which had bought assets priced at a discount during the credit squeeze in the belief they were a good bet.


  • 顾客迫不及待排队购买fukubukuro(春节时日本商店出售装有打折商品密封幸运”)的场面使记忆犹新。

    The sight of excited customers lining up to buy fukubukuro (sealed "lucky bags" of discounted goods sold by Japanese stores at New Year) is still fresh in our minds.


  • 如果我们购买数量多,能不能打折

    Do you give a discount if we buy it in large quantities?


  • 比如说一家航空公司向乘客赠送打折这种卡一家有名服装公司购买大衣价格会低很多。

    One airline, for example, offered its passengers discount CARDS that could be used to purchase coats at greatly reduced prices from a well-known clothing company.


  • 如果购买联合起来,他们可以打折大批的商品。

    When buyers cooperates, they can make large wholesale purchases at a discount.


  • 知道,有的可能会一直等到自己喜欢的商品打折买下来,因为他们愿意全价购买

    You know how one might, say, wait until something they like goes on sale before they buy it because they simply will not pay full price for it?


  • 如果购买联合起来,他们可以打折扣买大批批发商品。

    When buyers cooperate, they can make large wholesale purchases at a discount.


  • 打折商品社会每个购买商品必须格外小心以免上当受骗

    In the society full of discounted products, every person has to be careful whenever he makes purchases lest he should be cheated.


  • 打折商品社会每个购买商品必须格外小心以免上当受骗

    In the society full of discounted products, every person has to be careful whenever he makes purchases lest he should be cheated.


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