• 有关方面今年启用网络游戏分级制度打击游戏粗俗内容

    The authorities will introduce a rating system to online games this year to crack down on vulgar content.


  • 我们永远不会停止打击游戏骚扰创造一个安全有趣环境努力

    Our efforts to reduce in-game abuse and create a fun, safe environment for everyone are never-ending.


  • 另一个打击游戏百战天虫款题材比较少游戏最终演绎涉及到计算角度风速然后一齐发射。

    Another cult hit, Worms was the final evolution of an obscure genre of games that involved calculating angles and wind speeds to deliver lethal volleys at friends.


  • 正如大家可能已经知道的,最新补丁以及内容添加计划中,我们加入了许多旨在打击游戏中的出售金币垃圾邮件技术模块手段。

    As many of you know, the latest content patch, along with many great new content additions, contains technical counter-measures designed to combat in-game gold spamming.


  • 采用3DV摄像机设计的拳击游戏是从电视机上部捕捉玩家使用者打击对手躲避对方击打准确度高出很多。

    A boxing game using 3dv's camera focused on the players from atop a TV set, allows users to hit an opponent with far greater accuracy, and to duck a punch.


  • 最后打击一下认为游戏都受排斥观念一个研究发现游戏白领专业人员自信社交能力。

    And strike your notions of gamers as outcasts: one researcher found that white-collar professionals who play video games are more confident and social.


  • 孩子们夏日阳光游戏,在绿坡上被称为“流浪者”的、友善的狗类一起滚爬嬉戏的时候这些怀念过去的人们当天受到打击

    That same day those who yearn for the olden days, when children played tag in the summer sunlight and rolled down grassy slopes with friendly dogs called Rover, received two more blows.


  • 绿色和平组织气候一个多人战略游戏玩家成为活跃分子打击气候变化

    Greenpeace Weather is a multiplayer strategy game where players become activists to fight against climate changes.


  • 然后海战部分:虽然不想自我打击太多一些开发商权利发布只有海战的游戏呢!

    And then there's the naval game: not to blow our own trumpets too much, but some developers would publish that as a separate game in its own right!


  • 修正快速打开游戏菜单打击对象导致生命值指示坚持屏幕

    Fixed: Quick opening the In-Game menu after hitting an object causes hitpoints indicator to persist on screen.


  • 激烈的行动,打击叹为观止特殊效果爆炸继续游戏空袭

    Intense action-hit with the stunning special effects and explosions in the continuation of game Air Strike!


  • 宝石捻度一个最有吸引力猜谜游戏取得了很大打击因为台式机发射

    Bejeweled Twist is one of the most attractive puzzle games and has been a great hit on desktops since its launch.


  • 我们团队中的知识产权犯罪组(IPCU加紧打击盗版游戏软件偷窃其他知识产权的成员

    Our team in the Intellectual Property Crime Unit (IPCU) has stepped up its fight against counterfeiters stealing game software and other intellectual property rights of our members.


  • 采用3DV摄像机设计的一款拳击游戏是从电视机上部捕捉玩家使用者打击对手躲避对方击打准确度高出很多。

    A boxing game using 3dv "s camera focused on the players from atop a TV set, allows users to hit an opponent with far greater accuracy, and to duck a punch."


  • 无聊时候玩玩吧,看谁记录最高游戏介绍:类似企鹅游戏把握打击时间,把骑单车小子打飞出去,小编成绩750哈哈

    Penguin : a similar hard game on the game, against a good grasp of the time, cyclists son fight Heck, Xiaobian The result is 750 meters, Kazakhstan Ha!


  • 但是摔跤比赛或者其他体育运动中,显然不是“杀死”某人的意思而是游戏打击对手减轻己方压力。

    But in wrestling or sports it obviously wouldn't mean that. Instead, it means to remove the threat from the opponent by beating them in the game.


  • 打击就和厌烦一样游戏体验造成损害。

    Being overwhelmed is sometimes as detrimental to a play experience as being bored.


  • 清算不能获得驻扎步兵游戏装备武器支持,移动时他们只能靠碾压来打击步兵。

    The Reckoner does not gain the weapon type of the garrisoned infantry though, and while moving it can only run over infantry to do damage.


  • 因此拖延EMP打击的效力能够游戏玩家争取决定性优势

    Hence prolonged EMP strikes can potentially leave you with a decisive advantage.


  • 不过不论游戏玩家什么方式进行EMP打击游戏玩家你知道游戏玩家敌人做好准备抵抗游戏玩家你的一轮打击

    However, no matter what approach you use to deliver an EMP strike, you can be sure that your opponent will be ready to counter it next time round.


  • 游戏中使用大量打击特效火焰冰冻巫术效果,物理战斗法术攻击,弓弩射击全都配置华丽音效,加上雄壮的背景音乐使得整个游戏性很高。

    The game have adopted large amount of the hit effect, fire, freeze and witchcraft effect together with gorgeous background music, which makes the game being easy to play.


  • 游戏中使用大量打击特效火焰冰冻巫术效果,物理战斗法术攻击,弓弩射击全都配置华丽音效,加上雄壮的背景音乐使得整个游戏性很高。

    The game have adopted large amount of the hit effect, fire, freeze and witchcraft effect together with gorgeous background music, which makes the game being easy to play.


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