• 今天我们介绍著名手表公司格雷厄姆设计的款式。

    But in this post we want to show you two models created by famous company Graham.


  • 大部分汽车制造商著名手表公司合约并用他们标志来生产手表

    Most auto makers have contracts with famous watch companies and produce watches with their labels.


  • 许多主要IWC奢侈手表制造业者瑞士IWC手表公司许多出名喜好运动协会

    Like many of the leading IWC luxury watch manufacturers the Swiss IWC watch company has an association with many famous faces and sporting stars.


  • 美时(品牌手表公司)为了征集未来手表设计创意举办了一场比赛手表正是在该比赛中脱颖而出的。

    The projects comes from a design contest organized by Timex to get new ideas for their future projects.


  • 瑞士手表公司帕玛·强尼·弗勒·里耶设计令人印象深刻布加迪表属非卖品,布加迪eb16.4威龙系列车主的随车礼物

    Impressive watch concept Bugatti by Swiss company Parmigiani Fleurier is not for sale but is attached as a gift to happy owners of supercar Bugatti EB 16.4 Veyron.


  • 这么同时,对道德操守嗤之以鼻其中包括接受试图打通政府部门关系的一家公司馈赠的劳力士手表法拉利跑车礼物

    But it did so while holding its nose at the ethics of his conduct, which included accepting gifts such as a Rolex watch and a Ferrari automobile from a company seeking access to government.


  • 这么同时,对行为道德操守嗤之以鼻,他的行为包括接受试图打通政府部门关系的一家公司赠送的劳力士手表法拉利跑车礼物

    It did so while holding its nose at the ethics of his conduct, which included accepting gifts such as a Rolex watch and a Ferrari automobile from a company seeking access to government.


  • 对于那些希望智能手表日益成熟的智能手机平板电脑市场上占据一席之地的公司来说,是个消息

    That is bad news for any firm that may hope that smartwatches can make up ground for maturing smartphone and tablet markets.


  • 公司今早收到公司寄来一万二千块“智能手表

    Your shipment of twelve thousand "Smart" watches was received by our company this morning.


  • 以 Fitbit,该公司周一发布了第一款智能手表,它的销售目标很明确——提高健康水平将其宣传工具,而不是玩具”。

    Fitbit, for example, released its first smartwatch on Monday, selling with a clear purpose—to improve your fitnessand promoting it as a "tool, not a toy".


  • 然而并不满足,又回到明尼阿波利斯巴克合伙建立了一家新的邮购公司出售手表珠宝

    Restless, however, he returned to Minnesota and established a new mail-order firm selling watches and jewelry, with Roebuck as his partner.


  • 经济低迷时期,即使大城市公司职员也纷纷典当劳力士手表钻石项链维持生计

    Even the employees in big city are hocking their Rolex watches and diamond necklaces to make ends meet in the economic downturn.


  • VUITTON中国蒙古诸如手表鞋子等产品线业务的扩张意味着这家皮具公司继续成为LVMH增长率主力。

    Vuitton's expansion into China, Mongolia and new product lines such as watches and shoes, suggest that the leather-goods firm will continue to be LVMH's main source of growth.


  • 管理者正在观望历峰集团是否允许Net - a - Porter销售公司旗下的其他品牌卡地亚手表

    Executives are now watching to see whether Richemont will allow Net-a-Porter to sell its many other brands, including Cartier watches.


  • 还有多如牛毛的公司生产着假冒列产品劳力士手表,而这些假冒产品又在街头巷尾售出

    And myriad companies churn out the fake Gillettes and Rolexes sold on street corners.


  • 印度TitanIndustries公司有着相似机敏,面临国外品牌TimexSwatch的进军,印度手表市场占有率依然能够增长。

    Similarly astute was India's Titan Industries, which has increased its share of India's wristwatch market despite the entry of foreign brands such as Timex and Swatch.


  • 款表Patek公司制作的排名第二复杂手表(排名第一是个怀表所以可以不计)。

    This watch is the second most complicated wristwatch (the first one was a pocket watch so it doesn't count) that Patek has produced.


  • 日本SII公司(精工仪器公司)手机用户定制版蓝牙手表

    SII (Seiko Instruments) in Japan has done a prototype of their bluetooth watch for mobile phone users.


  • 指甲可能风格手表了,等热销市场时,所有的流行公司估计只有等着的份了。

    This would probably be the most stylish watch and all popular companies would cry if it hits the markets.


  • 据报道过去由于手表制造商斯沃琪集团雀巢以及制药公司华股份有限公司拉动瑞士30公司收益增长率高达38%。

    The 30 largest Swiss companies reported earnings growth of 38 percent during the past four years, buoyed by exports from watchmaker Swatch Group AG, Nestle and drugmaker Novartis AG.


  • 我们交易货币购物成为流动性,我们交易的公司成为你每天之工作的地方,我们交易的黄金成为你腕上手表

    We trade the currency you circulate when you shop. We trade the companies you work for each day. We trade the gold on the watch on your wrist.


  • 日本一家公司同意手表不精确向我们赔偿总价值百分之四。

    The Japanese Company agreed to compensate us for the defective watches by 4% of the total value.


  • 当然公司生产这些手表存在了。

    Of course, the company that produced these watches does not exist anymore.


  • 行业排名第二的Richemont公司拥有不太多样化资产组合,但手表珠宝交易量较大,然而手表和珠宝的需要量一直以来都特别薄弱

    Richemont, the industry's second-largest company, has a less varied portfolio and greater exposure to watches and jewellery, demand for which has been especially weak.


  • 三家公司淘宝剔除标价7500元以下仿冒名牌手表周二进行的一项调查显示欧米茄手表网上售价仅为一半

    The companies said Taobao should ban listings of their watchespriced at under RMB 7, 500 ($1, 180); a search on Tuesday turned up a number of Omega watches priced at about half that amount.


  • 公司制造2012手表纪念泰坦尼克号沉没100周年。

    The company will make 2,012 watches to coincide with the centenary anniversary of the Titanic's sinking in 2012.


  • 公司制造2012手表纪念泰坦尼克号沉没100周年。

    The company will make 2,012 watches to coincide with the centenary anniversary of the Titanic's sinking in 2012.


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