• 不仅仅意味着手机使用者不再需要四处寻找合适充电器而且产品规格包括减少50%的待机能耗

    Not only will it mean phone users no longer have to hunt for the right charger, but the specifications for the new device include a 50% reduction in standby energy consumption.


  • 这种技术规格基于许多手机制造商已经开始使用微型usb连接器

    The technical specifications are based on the micro-USB connector that many mobile manufacturers have already begun to use.


  • 首先WAC应用程序不能充分利用手机硬件规格因为需要对所有硬件都适用,就是得考虑所有种类的设备

    First, WAC apps can't take advantage of a phone's hardware specifications, because they need to be written for all devices.


  • 为了取得成功,中兴还需要推出一些顾客喜爱的、高规格手机

    To succeed, it will need to produce some desirable, high-specification handsets.


  • 首次苹果公司的竞争对手采用高规格手机对抗苹果公司10月4卡布提诺市举行新闻发布会畅谈苹果”中即将推出的新产品。

    This is the first year when Apple's rivals may well have higher-specced phones than what comes out of Cupertino in the Let's Talk iPhone event on October 4.


  • 包括所有这些设备运行准确硬件规格型号以及每个手机基准以便了解这些智能手机多么强大

    This chart includes specifications and model Numbers for the exact hardware running in all of these devices, and benchmarks for each so that you know just how powerful these phones really are.


  • 这些总结观点苹果公司提出他们称之为他们HTTP流媒体直播规格规定可以手机3G网络上播放视频质量

    To put all this into perspective, Apple has put forth what they call their HTTP Live Streaming specs, which dictates how the quality of video that can be broadcast over a cellular 3G network.


  • 规格表单无法手机一个细微功能都罗列在案,有些功能并不那么显眼,所以商家觉得没有必要广而告之

    The spec sheets rarely have room every little thing a phone can do, and some features are obscure enough that marketers don't feel the need to publicize them.


  • 我们知道许多其它地方提供手机详尽规格说明分析所有描述软件硬件

    We know there are plenty of other places where you can get detailed specs, analysis, and descriptions of everything about this phone, from hardware to software.


  • 如果到现在市场上智能手机,你所有功能规格得头昏脑胀

    If you're in the market for a current generation smartphone all the new features and specs can be confusing at best.


  • 任何一手机重要特征规格清单极少提及的“操作系统”。

    The most important feature on any phone is one rarely mentioned in a spec list: the operating system.


  • 按照技术规格应该至少速度功能上与苹果顶级手机持平

    According to its technical specifications it should also be at least as fast and powerful as Apple's top device.


  • 比如,如果用户搜索某个手机照片规格那么旁边显示配件手机广告图片帮助

    So if the user is searching for a specific phone image and specs, it makes sense that commercial offerings for accessories and cases would co-exist in the commercial header.


  • 下面是一张内容巨广泛易于阅读对照图表帮助智能手机功能规格世界里清楚的漫游

    This extensivebut easy to read! —chart will help you navigate the world of smartphone features and specifications.


  • 尼克·伍德表示说现在手机设计出现一个很明显同质化现象许多受欢迎手机采用石板型的造型、带有类似的相机存储规格

    Mr Wood said there was a pronounced homogeneity to smartphone designs, with many of the most popular phones adopting the same SLATE shape with similar camera and storage specs.


  • 没有手机之间大量推出操作系统由于微软软件严格最低硬件规格严格控制

    There isn't a great deal between the launch handsets for the new operating system, given Microsoft's strict control of the software and stringent minimum hardware specifications.


  • 苹果管理人士一直置身事外。苹果位发言人拒绝置评,只是证实了产品规格表示韩国用户可以下载手机软件

    Apple executives have stayed out of the fray. A company spokesman declined comment except to confirm product specifications and that software will be available for downloads.


  • 要买编委无线话筒。我规格手机图片。我可以电邮他们

    I want to buy CEC Wireless phones. I have the specifications and phone photo. I can email them to you.


  • 规格一个内部天线无法给定直接影响提前天线性能很大程度上依赖环境手机

    The specifications for an internal antenna cannot be given directly in advance because the performance of the antenna is highly dependent on its environment, the handset.


  • 多年国际旅客携带包括其他苹果产品在内的很多类似无线标准规格笔记本手机进入以色列,却从来没有任何问题。

    Travelers have been bringing laptops and cellphones configured to U. S. standards, including other Apple devices with the same wireless configuration, into Israel for years without incident.


  • 有些预测认为这种规格苹果手机有可能创下前所未有的销售佳绩。

    Several forecasts suggest that such a phone from Apple might generate record-breaking sales.


  • 设计简洁又别致随意调节手机放置区域。可以放置各种规格移动电话。

    Instruction:Product of simple but elegant design. The area of place mobile is adjustable. It is suitable for various mobile models.


  • 我见一些网站吹嘘数百朋友假如他们登陆自己电脑接到一个规格手机,就即刻离开了光缆

    I've seen some people's sites boasting hundreds of friends, all moments away down a fiber optic cable, providing they are logged on to their computers or hooked up to a high-spec cell phone.


  • 规格适用于1027圆扁形直流无铁芯振动微电机。手机及按摩器上使用

    This specification applies to 1027dc coin type coreless vibration motors to be used for pagers or mobile phone.


  • 没有任何细节尚未就正辰机器人智能手机具体规格所以我们没有什么样处理器怎样谷歌机器人的版本运行想法

    There are no details as yet on the exact specifications on the Oppo Android Smartphone, so we have no idea what sort of processor it will come with or what version of Google Android it will run.


  • INQ聊天具有较高规格全球定位系统),虽然没有一个智能手机操作系统有人INQ的权力解决他们的机器人移动明年

    The INQ Chat just has the higher spec (having a GPS too), although it does not have the power of a smartphone OS, someone that INQ will be resolving next year with their move to Android.


  • INQ聊天具有较高规格全球定位系统),虽然没有一个智能手机操作系统有人INQ的权力解决他们的机器人移动明年

    The INQ Chat just has the higher spec (having a GPS too), although it does not have the power of a smartphone OS, someone that INQ will be resolving next year with their move to Android.


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