• 肝脏虚拟手术仿真系统包括图像预处理、图像分割体积估计,虚拟切割仿真功能

    Virtual liver surgery simulation system consists of image pre-processing, image segmentation, volume estimation, the virtual cutting simulation and other functions.


  • 本文通过软组织生物力学特性分析,将粘弹性模型应用于手术仿真中软组织变形研究

    Through analysis of biomechanics property of soft tissue, this paper applies the viscoelastic model in the study of soft tissue deformation in surgery simulation.


  • 通过手术机器人控制系统集成虚拟手术仿真可以机器人系统的主从运动控制提供精确定位信息

    Besides, by integrating with surgical robots, virtual surgery simulation could also afford accurate positioning information to master-and-slave motion control of the robot systems.


  • 虚拟手术仿真虚拟现实技术现代医学领域一个重要应用快速精确碰撞检测是虚拟手术仿真基础

    Surgery simulation is an important application of virtual reality in the field of modern medical. Quick and exact collision detection is the base of surgery simulation.


  • 本文针对支撑喉镜喉部手术虚拟系统进行研究,建立了虚拟手术系统,实现了喉部声带肿物切除手术仿真

    Based on laryngeal surgery with laryngoscope, a virtual surgery system is established and it can realize the simulation of vocal cord tumor cutting with force feedback.


  • 为了提高虚拟手术仿真系统进行实际作业能力提出了以BP神经网络模型代替有限元模型,实现实时生物力学响应

    To raise capacity that virtual surgical simulation system deals with real work, this article introduces BP NN model instead of finite element model, and realizes real-time biomechanical response.


  • 该系统提供实时分辨率视觉觉反馈具有很强的真实感虚拟现实技术手术仿真训练中的实用化探索了有益的路子。

    Real time high resolution visual feedback and force feedback provide high fidelity for users, which explores a profitable path for the practical usage of virtual reality technology in surge…


  • 实验结果表明,支撑喉镜手术仿真系统成功地实现了机器人系统位姿信息采集处理流程后续运动控制提供了精确输入数据

    Experimental results show that this system successfully realizes sampling process of information on poses of master hands of ENT robot system, provides sequent motion control with accurate input data;


  • 近年来,医学影像容积重建技术诊断医学手术规划模拟仿真整形假肢外科放射治疗规划、解剖教学方面起着越来越重要的作用。

    In recent years, the VR technique for medical images is widely used in diagnosis, surgery planning and simulating, plastic and artificial limb surgery, radiotherapy planning, and teaching in anatomy.


  • 腹腔内部组织模型腹腔微创外科手术机器人仿真平台中的操作对象

    The models in abdomen oriented to celiac minimally invasive surgery are the objects operated in the simulation platform of the model of celiac minimally invasive surgical robot.


  • 针对医学器械特殊要求实际应用场合,进行仿真分析医生制订手术方案提供支持

    For the special requirement and actual application status of medical instrument, the simulation analysis was taken, giving chirurgeon a support to make operating plan.


  • 方法选择32手术病理证实胆囊息肉患者,口服对比剂行胆囊ct仿真内窥镜成像彩色超声(简称彩超)比较

    Methods CT virtual endoscopy findings of 32 patients with polyps of the gallbladder proved pathologically were presented by using oral iodine contrast, and compared with color Doppler ultrasound.


  • 摘要软组织仿真研究利用计算机技术对真实软组织进行模拟以便研究医学工作者提供辅助帮助科研工作者更好进行虚拟手术

    Absrtact: Simulation of soft tissue USES computer science and technology to modeling for the soft tissue which will help doctors and scientists to research.


  • 医学整形手术目前比较常见外科手术三维效果仿真成为提高手术成功率的重要手段

    The plastic surgery is a kind of familiar surgical operation currently, and the imitation of its 3-d effect becomes an important means to raise the surgical operation success rate.


  • 医学整形手术目前比较常见外科手术三维效果仿真成为提高手术成功率的重要手段

    The plastic surgery is a kind of familiar surgical operation currently, and the imitation of its 3-d effect becomes an important means to raise the surgical operation success rate.


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