• 验收人员数量周期费用请投标方每人所需周期、费用报价5计入总价

    Quantities, cycles and costs of Pre-acceptance staffs shall be quoted by per staff by bidders, and reckoning in total price by 5 persons.


  • 他们会影响运行程序周期

    They only affect the number of cycles required to run the program.


  • 如果正在使用事务处理日志必须考虑运行所需额外周期

    If you're using transaction logging, you must account for the extra cycles needed to run it.


  • cpi越高,则运行指令所需周期越多这意味着程序运行性能未达到最优

    A higher CPI value indicates that more cycles were necessary to run the instruction, implying suboptimal execution of the program.


  • 大部分规则实现都允许动态更新规则支持无需进行其他组件类型通常所需开发和部署周期的情况下进行更改

    Most rule implementations permit dynamic update of the rules, enabling changes without the usual development-and-deployment cycle required of other component types.


  • 节约CPU周期一种方法减少运行PHP应用程序所需重复工作

    Yet another way to conserve CPU cycles is simply to reduce the amount of rework required to run your PHP application.


  • 内核模式时间减少降低执行同一工作所需总体CPU周期

    The reduction in time spent in kernel mode reduces the overall CPU cycles required to do the same work.


  • 选项包括控制所需要的基本编程结构例如有条件执行决策流程周期循环

    The palette also includes basic programming constructs that allow for controlling the flow, such as decision points for conditional execution, and loops for process cycles.


  • 这些战略迁移所需工作量迁移周期方面差异很大,1

    These strategies have widely different characteristics with respect to migration effort and migration period, as shown in figure 1.


  • 这种情况下,要使用更快CPU时间优化底层代码减少运行所需CPU周期

    In this case, you find yourself throwing faster CPUs at the problem and spending some time optimizing the underlying code to make it run in fewer cycles.


  • 暂停时间垃圾收集周期完成所需时间。

    The pause time is the amount of time that a garbage collection cycle took to complete.


  • 租借(借用)管理软件生命周期各个阶段(包括运行应用程序本身)所需的应用程序基础设施

    Renting (or borrowing) the application infrastructures required at all levels for managing the software life cycle, including running the applications themselves.


  • 我们使用非常简单生命周期从而方便了解IntegrationDeveloper所需步骤

    We'll use a very simple life cycle so that you can easily see the different steps required in Integration Developer.


  • 通过使用上述方法,Web服务客户机将可以方便地完成一个发布周期应用程序进行所需任何更改

    Using the approach described, your Web service clients have the convenience of a full release cycle timeframe to make any required changes to their applications.


  • PublisherRegistration支持管理发布注册生命周期所需功能

    Publisher registration supports the functionality needed to manage the life cycle of a publisher registration.


  • 本文探索面向服务SPL方法所需跨越所有开发生命周期阶段活动——面向服务软件产品线(Service - Oriented Soft wareProduct Line,SoSPL)方法。

    This article explores the activities needed in a service-oriented SPL methodology that spans all phases of the development life cycle-a service-oriented Software Product Lines (SoSPL) methodology.


  • 包括分配个人数量技能工龄混合以及项目生命周期每个阶段所需的个人时间

    Includes quantity of personnel assigned, skill and seniority mix, and personnel time required for each phase of the program lifecycle.


  • 同样项目执行者通常因项目生命周期变化而变化,这是为了满足每个阶段所需工作技能水平变化

    Also, the players on a project usually change as it moves through its life span, simply to meet the changing level of effort and skills required in each phase.


  • 模块化方法整体成本降低一个测试人员可以通过这些所需更新软件生命周期内进行集中支持脚本位置

    This modular approach lowers total cost of ownership to a point where testers can sustain scripts by centralizing much of these required updates over the lifetime of your software.


  • 通常情况下,需求项目生命周期内发生变化,即使没有别的原因交付项目所需时间常常超出业务修改所需的时间。

    More often than not, requirements will evolve over the life of the project, if for no other reason than the time it takes to deliver a project often exceeds the time businesses need to make changes.


  • 帮助可以建模应用程序功能并且获得所需的条件,于是你可以有效设地系统并且缩短开发周期

    Because you are able to model application functionality and help capture requirements with use cases, you are able to design your system more efficiently earlier in its lifecycle.


  • RUP生命周期沿着充分表现项目所需工作的微观迭代维度描述 RUP。

    The RUP Lifecycle Diagram depicts RUP along a micro-iterative dimension that adequately represents the effort required for small projects.


  • 证明服务已经经历服务生命周期状态所需步骤包括其间对等检查

    It demonstrates that the service has adhered to the required sequence of steps for the service lifecycle status, including intermediate peer reviews.


  • 这些资源拥有多个预留参数循环周期需要处理时间(也就是完成处理所需时间),以及截止时间。

    These resources have several reserve parameters, such as the period of recurrence, the required processing time (that is, the amount of time needed for processing), and the deadline.


  • 列出了用于预置解除预置用户帐户的最佳实践解释了可用于这些用户启用所需生命周期业务流程选项

    It also outlined best practices for provisioning and decommissioning user accounts, and explained options available to enable the desired lifecycle business processes for these users.


  • 一些较小网站根本无法承受世界各地重建数据中心基础设施工程周期财力

    Some smaller sites simply can't afford the engineering and financial resources it takes to duplicate their infrastructure in data centers all over the world.


  • 周期结束时最终得到不是企业需要软件企业项目开始认为的。

    What you wind up with at the end of this cycle is software that isn't what the business needsit's what the business thought it needed when the project started.


  • 系列文章概述实现灵活业务流程所需技术以及开发生命周期,这些技术开发流程使得业务流程可以满足不断变化需求

    This article series presents an overview of the development lifecycle and technologies needed to implement agile business processes that can meet continually evolving requirements.


  • WASCE_SCRIPTS软件包提供wasce镜像安装所需位置,安装earwar文件启动服务器所需生命周期脚本

    The WASCE_SCRIPTS package provides the life cycle scripts to install our WASCE image to the desired location, to install the EAR or WAR file, and to start the server.


  • Web容器这些组件中检测相关的注释然后开始组件生命周期之前注入所需依赖关系

    The Web container will detect annotations on such components and then inject the necessary dependencies before the component lifecycle is initiated.


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