• 它们推动经济向前发展科学发现场所,是培养获得保持竞争优势所需人才主要手段

    They are the place of the scientific discoveries that move economies forward, and the primary means of educating the talent required to obtain and maintain competitive advantage.


  • 雇主资助所需人才能力下降。

    Employers would have less ability to sponsor the people they need.


  • 本文项目功能展开基础上,建立岗位所需人才评价体系

    This article sets up a talent evaluating system based on QFD of project.


  • 企业除了依靠招聘渠道获取所需人才另一重要途径通过现有员工培训实现

    Enterprises can obtain the required personnel depending on recruitment. However, another more important way to achieve competent people is training for the existing staff.


  • 同时饭店人力资源管理实践提供了一个有效的管理工具; 对于培养适合企业所需人才的各旅游高校职业学校来说,更具有指导意义。

    Meantime, it is a practical tool for human resource management and can guide schools who cultivate students specializing in tourism and hotel management.


  • 科夫认为劳动力市场人才流失率的升高,意味着企业必须更加努力地雇佣挽留他们所需人才就会形成杠杆

    Coughlin says higher churn in the labor market also means companies will have to work harder to hire and retain the workers they need, and this creates leverage.


  • 知识经济劳动者素质提出了新的要求,探讨知识经济时代所需创造性人才特殊能力以及如何培养问题是很有必要的。

    According to the demand on the laborer's quality under the intellectual economy, the paper probes into the special ability of creative personnel and the problem of how to train such personnel.


  • 面临高级技工严重短缺如何培养社会技能人才广大技工教育者思考面临问题

    Face the senior skilled worker serious shortage, how high technical ability talents training the society to need are skilled worker's educator's problems thought and faced.


  • 以往,公司往往寻找那些可以胜任公司运营所需要的人才

    Companies used to be relaxed about finding enough qualified people to run their operations.


  • 培养时代所需高素质艺术创造性人才出发提出现代素描教学的核心思想主要目标

    This paper proposes the kernal conceptions and main Objectives of modern sketch teaching from a viewpoint of training highly qualified artistic talents.


  • 知识经济时代高等职业教育主要任务社会培养所需高素质应用型人才

    In the era of knowledge economy, higher vocational education the main task is to nurture and train the community of high-quality talent.


  • 这样研究结果有利于企业采取相应人力资源管理措施更好地留住企业所需人才

    The findings are advantageous in taking corresponding measures of Human Resources Management for the enterprise, better retaining the talented persons which the enterprise needs.


  • 正如人才招聘体现出来那样,IBM就是那些学习能力很强的人。

    As the recruitment of talent, as reflected, IBM is required for those who no longer very strong learning ability.


  • 成功企业成功留住自己所需人才基础上发展壮大的。

    All of the successful enterprises develop on the basis of succeeding in keeping talents needed.


  • 为了方便企业甄选高级管理人才,本文就“高级职业经理人胜任特质评定量表”的编制过程及其量表的结构分析报告

    To meet enterprises need to select executives, the report gave a description of making of an assessment scale of senior managers competence and of the structure analysis of the scale.


  • 我们培训我们员工使之成为我们所需人才

    We will train our hirelings to be the right people we really need.


  • 高等职业教育重要使命就是行业企业培养高级应用型技术人才

    One of the important missions of higher vocational education is to train advanced technical talents needed for industries arid companies.


  • 为了改变这种状况,教师必须转变传统课堂教学观念,充分发挥学生的主观能动性培养现代社会所需要的高素质人才

    To train high qualified talent for modern society, we must alter traditional teaching mentality in class and inspire students' participation consciousness.


  • 社会工作督导社工机构服务质量得以保证方向盘,也是社会工作所需要的中高级人才

    Social work supervision is to ensure the steering wheel of the service quality in the social work agency, and also is the senior personnel of social work in need.


  • 积极培养银行所需精通国际会计实务、会计标准国际经济法高级金融人才

    Finally, we must train the high-grade financial talent that bank needs, and is proficient in international accounting material object and accounting standard as well as international economic law.


  • 职员是的雅各布斯夫人。从法律角度上看,这个意思所有银行都可能需要一个事先通知,取款人才有权储蓄帐户其他附息的帐户中取出的款项。

    Clerk:Yes, Mrs. Jacobs, it technically means that . All banks may technically require prenotification before they must honour withdrawal requests on savings or other interest bearing accounts.


  • 希望就是所需人才,我也坚信能够胜任我的工作。

    I hope that you need talent, and I firmly believe I can do, I will give you.


  • 课程目标培养当代大学生具有适应信息时代知识经济时代新型学习理论、学习方法,培养具有信息素质、终身学习能力人才

    The target of curriculum is to cultivate the students having new ideas of learning and the ability of creation, which are needed in information and knowledge economy age.


  • 培养适应未来知识经济时代所需合格人才教学主要目的

    It is our main teaching aim to train the qualified students to meet the requirement of the future knowledge economic times.


  • 意味着社会体育专业肩负培养新世纪社会体育专门人才的重任

    This signifies that the society sports specialty will take on the important task to cultivate the new ability person to satisfied the society sports specially needs.


  • 课程为为学生设定深度能力培养计划,提供专业内所需的所有知识技能,为插画业培养未来创作技术型人才

    This course aims to equip students with advanced capability, knowledge and skills to bring up innovative and technical person in the future.


  • 正如人力资源专家阿德先生所说他们常常减少雇员的人数超过他们股份管理型人才

    But according to human resources experts like Mr Adler, they often reduce their headcount more than they necessarily need to in order to re-stock their pipeline of fresh talent.


  • 坚信:贵单位所需的,正是复合型创造型的人才我,正坚定不移这个方向努力着

    I believe that you need, it is complex, creative talent, and I firmly towards this direction.


  • 坚信:贵单位所需的,正是复合型创造型的人才我,正坚定不移这个方向努力着

    I believe that you need, it is complex, creative talent, and I firmly towards this direction.


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