• 罗伯特先生战争伟业表现了孩子般的欢欣崇拜隐藏这部伟大著作后面调子去时对所有战争中失去的深切的悲痛

    Mr Roberts shows boyish pleasure and admiration at the great feats of arms he describes. But the underlying tones of this magnificent book are in a minor key: furious sorrow at the waste of it all.


  • 拖延至今步骤不仅能帮助阿富汗战争伊拉克战争退伍士兵能给几代为我们所有战争自豪地服役甚至牺牲的英勇前辈们带来帮助。

    This is a long-overdue step that will help veterans not just of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, but generations of their brave predecessors who proudly served and sacrificed in all our wars.


  • 正是交通运输战争中的使用解释了为什么欧亚大陆内部游牧主义是所有主要游牧形式流动性和最具军国主义色彩的。

    It is the use of horses for transportation and warfare that explains why Inner Eurasian pastoralism proved the most mobile and the most militaristic of all major forms of pastoralism.


  • 所有这些不好事情我们反对就是我们独立战争以来一直做的事情。

    All these bad things we have to fight against and that is what we are doing since the War of Independence.


  • 例如乌鲁克两个守护神——阿努天空,是所有其他主宰;伊娜娜,是战争女神还有其他不同城市守护神。

    Uruk, for instance, had two patron gods—Anu, the god of the sky and sovereign of all other gods, and Inanna, a goddess of love and war—and there were others, patrons of different cities.


  • 战争结束后,所有的奴隶都获得自由。

    All slaves were set free when the Civil War ended.


  • 几乎使所有参战人员都变得野蛮的战争

    It was a war that bestialized almost everyone who fought in it.


  • 所有现行战争法及相关规则之下带明确的军事目的直接杀伤平民就是犯罪

    Under all established norms and laws of war (and by most accounts under Islamic law,too) the deliberate targeting of civilians for no direct military purpose is just a crime.


  • 这种禁止南斯拉夫战争中显示出它意义因为当时实际上所有地区的固定机翼军放飞机都被控制了—波斯尼亚塞尔维亚人

    The ban made sense for the Yugoslav war, as virtually all the fixed-wing military aircraft in the region were under the control of one sidethe Bosnian Serbs.


  • 数以百万女婴胎被重男轻女的父母杀害所有世界主要弊病 ——战争饥饿自然灾害——没有任何一个可以与之相提并论

    Of all the world’s major illssuch as war, hunger, and natural disastersnone can quite compare to the millions of baby girls and female fetuses killed by parents who prefer boys.


  • 但是所有这些功能不是用来巨型游戏现代战争2——使科学家能够分析海量的数据以及运行模拟数据,而这些较小计算机上运算可能需要几个星期的时间。

    But all this power isn't being used to play giant games of Modern Warfare 2 - it enables scientists to analyse massive data sets and run simulations that might take weeks on lesser computers.


  • 不仅脑中拥有控制一场大规模战争所有要素而且重要的是他对于意想不到变化作出迅速的反应。

    He could not only hold all the elements of a vast battle in his mind but, more important, could also respond quickly when they shifted in unexpected ways.


  • 中学时,傅瑞威尔密西根阿伯原国界书店名常客,那里,阅读所有有关越南战争回忆录

    By middle school, Fravel was a habitué of the original Borders bookstore in Ann Arbor, Mich. , and had read virtually all of the major memoirs written about the Vietnam War.


  • 每次采访时田南总是争辩大灌篮”是形容使伊拉克战争名正言顺多么容易,而不是所有人都关注那些情报本身质量

    In every interview, Mr Tenet argues that he used the phrase "Slam Dunk" to describe how easy it would be to make the case for war, not the quality of the intelligence itself-as if anybody CARES.


  • 战争期间所有都花在了上。那时很快明白了一个世界,另一种文化我们永远融入不了这里

    And I put my money where my mouth was because I went to war, but I understood pretty quickly that this was another place, another culture, and we would never fit in there.


  • 面对好像自己很远所有针对所有霍布斯战争”,只要自己没有卷入,人都会本能的启动自我保护机制,变得麻木起来。

    Faced with what looks from afar like a Hobbesian war of all against all, if not a descent into hell itself, the normal instinct of human beings to exercise their moral faculties grows numb.


  • 维克多-弗莱明这部1939年的影片所有女性电影,它不仅是表现美国南北战争史诗级巨作,还是一部女性“菲多嘀嘀”特质经典不朽之作。

    The mother of all chick flicks, Victor Fleming's 1939 film is a masterful Civil War epic, but also a timeless classic of girly "fiddle-dee-dee" power.


  • 战争热带风暴地震海啸疾病暴发饥荒放射性事故化学品泄漏所有这些紧急情况都必定会公众健康带来严重影响

    Wars, cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, disease outbreaks, famine, radiological incidents and chemical spills - all are emergencies that, invariably, impact heavily on public health.


  • 高额战争成本压榨催生出一种新的社会形态,损耗殆尽之国家”这个词来形容也许是贴切的,因为这样的国家中军事已经其他所有社会功能里面将资源抽空殆尽

    The cost squeeze has led to a new type of society, perhaps best termed a "depleted" state, in which the military has drained resources from all other social functions.


  • 第一天晚上John讲了生活;讲战争期间身上发生所有事情;讲背叛了他的同胞;讲他在敌军国家科学委员会工作怎样遇到上帝的。

    The very first night John told me about his own life; what all happened to him during the war; that he had betrayed his own people; how God met him when he was working for the enemy, the NSB.


  • 1915年,弗洛伊德首先形容这场战争,除了异常令人感到“沮丧或是失望意外,是抛弃了所有和平年代限制”的战争

    In 1915, Freud, among the first to describe it, unveiled the prodigious "disappointment" or "disillusion" of the war, a war that rejected "all the restrictions pledged in times of peace."


  • 然而恰恰是在那个地方问题;于是,某个以为自己已经发现行为准则,便渴望强迫其他所有在那里止步,正是这种渴望导致了数不清的战争冲突

    But just where is the great question; and the desire of one person, who thinks he has discovered the norm, to compel all other men to stop there, has led to war and strife untold.


  • 一位指挥这些马车军官一生中,这次残酷战争所学到的东西要远所有参加战斗中学到东西都要

    Suffering was terrible. An officer who led the wagon train said he learned more about the horrors of war on that one trip than he had learned in all of his battles.


  • 2006年,人们使用并且通过互联网视频影响所有事情关于战争观点娱乐突发奇想

    And in 2006 people took advantage of it, using Internet video to influence everything from opinion about the war to notions about what constitutes entertainment.


  • 但是一点点和平不断驱散战争的阴影时,所有这些作为个体他们都有着过去来自身体躯壳之外的点滴过去。

    But, all these people as individuals have had memories, and specific ‘pasts’ that came out of their shells, while tiny bits of peace were breaking the dusty cloud of war.


  • 但是一点点和平不断驱散战争的阴影时,所有这些作为个体他们都有着过去,来自身体躯壳之外的点滴过去。

    But, all these people as individuals have had memories, and specific ‘pasts' that came out of their shells, while tiny bits of peace were breaking the dusty cloud of war.


  • 武装冲突而言所有气候变冷时期,任何有效社会机制不能减少战争数量也不能无限期地延缓战争爆发时间

    For armed conflict, the positive social mechanisms could neither reduce the number of wars nor indefinitely postpone The Times of war outbreak in any cooling periods.


  • 武装冲突而言所有气候变冷时期,任何有效社会机制不能减少战争数量也不能无限期地延缓战争爆发时间

    For armed conflict, the positive social mechanisms could neither reduce the number of wars nor indefinitely postpone The Times of war outbreak in any cooling periods.


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