• 所以我们一直讨论营养环境中的元素对于物体发展健康生活繁殖必不可少的

    So we've been talking about nutrients, the elements in the environment that are essential for living organisms to develop, live a healthy life, and reproduce.


  • 所以,当我们看到物体咖啡原来还那个位置一旦转过头来再看到了另一个位置去了。

    So, by the time we perceive an object like the coffee cup in one location, it will have already changed location as we move toward it.


  • 所以这些物体存的作用力

    So these are the only forces that act on this object.


  • 所以可以,飞船弹簧测量,物体质量振荡,如果你知道弹簧常数,也是实际操作中,所用方法

    So you can actually measure the mass of an object using a spring on the shuttle and let it oscillate if you know the spring constant, and that's the way it's actually done.


  • 所以对我要弄清楚问题有不同观点,“知道我们只是物体

    So, I make various claims of the sort that I've been making about, "Well look, you know, we're just physical objects.


  • 因为系统往往使用高频电波所以波长较短),当遇到很小物体时( 译者注 :波长短,频散很严重,导致探测深度浅。

    That is because such systems use high-frequency (and therefore short-wavelength) radio waves that readily bounce off small objects that they encounter.


  • 我们物理学时,没有结合任何有形物体来学,所以我们对于门功课认识相应地停留在书本上

    We read our physics without any reference to physical objects and so our knowledge of the subject was correspondingly bookish.


  • 1992年,普拉博士克隆了“绿色荧光蛋白”(gfp),所以不再必须是从活着物体提取

    In 1992 Dr Prasher also cloned GFP, so that it no longer had to be harvested from living creatures.


  • 由于这些结构出现可以追溯到各代祖先所以它们可以作为进化标志没有物体身上的退化器官祖先没有的。

    Because these structures can be traced back through the ancestors, they essentially serve as a marker of evolution; no organism can have a vestigial organ that hasn't been found in its forefathers.


  • 所以我们不能看到宇宙里可见视野之外仅仅是因为超越视野之外的物体所发射光线已经没有时间送达给我们

    WE CANNOT see what lies beyond the visible horizon of our universe, simply because light emitted beyond that horizon has not had time to reach us.


  • 所以科学家们可以中子星添进他们可以实验室里进行测试物体列表中了。

    So, scientists can add neutron stars to their list of cosmic things they can test in the lab.


  • 我们正在他们的栖息地。”,“所以世界上适合物体居住地方真的很少。”

    "We're destroying habitats," she says, "So there are fewer places for organisms to live."


  • 比如说几乎所有构成生物蛋白氨基酸都是左手性的,所以出现右手手性自我复制生物分子可能意味着发现了外星物体

    Almost all amino acids that make up biological proteins, for instance, are left-handed, so a self-replicating biological molecule of right-handed chirality could be suggestive of an alien organism.


  • 因为理论上没有任何物体速度光速所以一旦进入视界,任何物体都不能逃离

    Because nothing can theoretically travel faster than the speed of light, nothing escapes once it's passed the event horizon.


  • 因为根本没有办法确定物体物体移动所以我们可以把两个物体中的任何一个物体认定是在移动着的物体

    As there is no way of deciding which of the two objects is moving, we can choose either one as the moving object.


  • 所以就是,我,无穷远处这点,也就是距离这个物体距离为R处

    So here comes the work that Walter Lewin has to do when we go from infinity to that point, which is capital R, radius, from this object.


  • 两个物体距离近,两者间相互引力越大引力作用其自身所以极小距离时开始反馈

    The closer two objects are to each other, the stronger the gravitational attraction between them; but gravity also ACTS on itself, and as a result, at very small distances a feedback loop starts.


  • 考虑所有这些在一个物体中都是有限所以必然存在某种机制预防大脑的消耗逐渐超出负荷

    Given that an organism has limited supplies of all of these things, something must happen to prevent the cost of having a brain from gradually spiralling out of control.


  • 所以综合,物体有力,车轮不会受到力,但是一个,净作用力,就是推进的。

    And so the net, the sum of all forces on that object there is no net force on that wheel but there is a net torque, and that's why it's going to precess.


  • 所以卡尔发现科技具有强迫性是不足为怪的。科技的需求超过我们的需求。我们只是细胞物体才是主体

    No wonder Carr finds technology oppressive. Its needs trump ours! We're just cells, and the organism's the main thing.


  • 所以·,因瓦根总结道如果拥有物体拆开所有的零件重组,你手上的并非原来的那个物体

    So van Inwagen concludes, if you have an object, and you take it apart, and then put them all back together again, you don't have the very same object that you started out with.


  • 因为阻力,因为液体中的阻力物体速度这个方向所以一个相反阻力。

    Because of the resistive forces, because of the drag by the liquid, the object is going to get a velocity in this direction, so there's going to be a component of the resistive force opposing it.


  • 所以物体重心经常处于悬挂之下

    So the center of mass will always find itself below the point of suspension.


  • 确定的物体A,has,a,certain,property。,这里的A和b一样所以b

    A F Here we have A as the same thing as this thing b therefore b is f.


  • 重要的,这里事实上最终,这个容易达到但是努力达到,所以物体事实上静止。

    What is less trivial is that there is a point here whereby, =0 indeed, the net forces are zero and it is not easy to achieve that, but I will try to put it there so that it, indeed, stays put.


  • 有意思的是我们觉得这样的三段论容易判断:“没有飞行物体企鹅所有企鹅都是鸟类所以有些鸟类不是飞行物。”

    Interestingly, syllogisms are easier to evaluate in the form "no flying things are penguins; all penguins are birds; so some birds are not fliers."


  • 因为许多有毒物体尝起来都是的,所以我们会更易发现苦的东西并非对我们有益。

    We likely find bitter bad because many toxic substances are bitter.


  • 所以如果一个物体包含房间所有家具那么所有家具要么渲染,要么全渲染。

    So if you have one object that contains all the furniture in your room then either all or none of the entire set of furniture will be culled.


  • 由于卤素灯泡会变得所以必须灯具置于距离其他物体至少20厘米的地方。

    The lamp must be placed at least 20 cm from other objects as halogen bulbs get very hot.


  • 的。所以他们所有夜间发光物体都叫做

    PROF. : Right. So they called any glowing night-time object, a star.


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