• 不喜欢跳跃,所以我在跳高方面很弱。

    I don't like jumping, so I am weak in the high jump.


  • 的挑战中了解到,没有智能手机,更容易陷入深度工作,所以我在更短的时间内完成了的任务。

    As I learned in my challenge, by not having my smartphone, I fell into deep work more easily, so I completed my tasks in a shorter time.


  • 由于他们所以同一天下午就去他们吊唁

    Their homes happened to be near each other, so I paid condolence calls on the two families on the same afternoon.


  • 英语所以课堂上经常使用戏剧比如角色扮演。

    I'm in an English lecture, so use a lot of drama in my classes such as role-plays.


  • 必须保护它们不受野生动物鸟类的伤害,所以我在它们周围筑了一道篱笆。

    I had to protect them from wild animals and birds, so I made a fence around them.


  • 最后得到数据不仅仅格兰特周边地区的数据,所以我在报告中包括了一些地区数据。

    It ends up that I have data on more than just the immediate Grant City area, so I also included some regional data in the report.


  • 当然事情的时候,人们并不抗拒告诉他们想法所以每个阶段得到很多反馈

    Certainly, people weren't afraid to tell me what they thought about it as I was making it so I was able to get lots of feedback at every stage.


  • 所以?这间饭店怎么没有楼?

    So I'm on the fifth floor?How come this hotel has no fourth floor.


  • 所以根据过去经验正确假设未来经验。

    So I am extrapolating from the past experience to my future experience correctly.


  • 所以我怒中起誓,说,他们断不可进入安息

    Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.


  • 所以起誓,说,他们不可进入安息

    So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.'


  • 卖空单位一年期债券刚好抵消,所以1925年的买入为零。

    If I short the one-period bond it cancels out, so I've made no net purchase in 1925.


  • 不想别人留下的工作,所以我在辞职完成项目

    I don't want others to pick up the slack, so I have to finish this project before I quit.


  • 可是不肯走近来;所以第二告诉了,这使她大失所望。

    But he would not come near it; and so I informed her in the morning, to her great disappointment.


  • 因为这里没有那么多有关恐龙物质资料所以考虑如何将研究继续

    Because there wasn't as much dinosaur material back then, I wanted to see if it held up.


  • 喜欢深浅不同蓝色所以我楼梯上写下喜欢所有蓝色的名字。

    I absolutely love all shades of blue. On the stairs, I have written all my favourite tones of blue.


  • 要保留哪里记忆所以我摆设衣服花费实际上需要

    I want to treasure the memories of where I am, so I spend money on knick-knacks or clothes that I don't really need.


  • iv对象包装密钥以及初始矢量所以需要指定密钥初始矢量传递这个对象。

    The iv object now wraps the key as well as the initial vector, so I will pass this object whenever I need to specify the key and the initial vector.


  • 杰克不是老师昨天过您告诉一切事情总是一耳所以堵上

    Jack: No, Sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me went in one ear and out of the other, so I'm trying to stop it!


  • 数组存取语法好地映射集合所以清单8更新jukebox,把情况都做了重载

    The array access syntax maps quite well to collections, so I update the JukeBox class to overload both cases in Listing 8.


  • 已经了这么时间书,所以知道课堂上讲推导好像冰水一样,所以我在这个的时候很小心。

    I've been teaching long enough to know that doing derivations in class is equivalent to pouring ice water on the proceedings, so I do this sparingly.


  • 所以听证会两个拜访了:,员工们搜集的信息真的的那些事情确实发生了。

    So I went to see him about two weeks before the hearing, and I told him, I said: "you know the fact your staff has gathered are true, what you think really did happen."


  • 多年来,因为自己的故事远远不够,所以文章中加入很多其他素材:一个地方,一个角色,一首歌曲。

    Over the years, I have included other details in my writing I could not possibly have known on my own: a place, a character, a song.


  • 仍然可以感觉到“桔红色”资源——步骤3——瓶颈所以我在的瓶颈之前安排两天缓冲时间。

    I still feel that the orange resourceStep 3a — is a potential bottleneck, so I schedule a two-day buffer before the potential bottleneck.


  • 幸运的是,武汉方言标准普通话之间的差距还不是非常所以北京与北京人交流时遇到的障碍不算大。

    Fortunately, the Wuhan dialect wasn't extremely different from standard Mandarin, so I haven't had too much trouble communicating here in Beijing.


  • 以往经验表明C主罚点球喜欢右上角所以裁判指向点球移到了球门背后的这个角度。结果,猜中了。

    I had known from past experience that Ronaldo prefers to hit his penalties into that corner so when the referee pointed to the spot I moved behind the net and guessed right.


  • 因为知道继续从事用户界面工作所以我Pineapplesoft工作时研究了如何使用XSLT处理器

    Since I knew I would work on the user interface, I studied how we use XSLT processors here at Pineapplesoft. I found three distinct cases.


  • (不过直至今天差不多过去三十了,做到一点还是有些困难。)所以大学成绩正好完美地表现了某些嗜好

    I had not yet learned the discipline to apply myself to unpleasant tasks (even today, nearly thirty years later, it presents difficulties), so my grades were a perfect reflection of my obsessions.


  • 所以思考其实是否本身装饰品甚至一把象征性很强的之类的,衬托出勇气力量或者用来引吸女士的注意力呢。

    So I wonder actually if it's a decorative thing, or even something like a ceremonial sword to make you look brave, powerful, and maybe to pull women.


  • 很多人咨询关于食的问题,所以facebook创建了一个名为SandysSalad页面,以便把的纯素生食经历贡献给大家。

    I have received so many inquiries about my raw lifestyle I created a Facebook page called Sandy's Salad dedicated completely to my raw journey.


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