• 我们学习知识所以我们知道很多美国人学习是为了创造性或者学习中保持了创造性,所以他们创造很多东西

    We learn to get knowledge, so we know much; the Americans learn to be creative, or learn and keep creative, so they create many things.


  • 现代很多事情因为大家都知道所以我们也希望孩子们也知道就像莎士比亚重要作品一些经典场景。

    In modern times, there are many other things we expect children to know simply because everyone knows them, like the plots of the major Shakespeare plays.


  • 因为之前没人知道我们公司知道我们产品我们很多竞争对手广告所以我们广告人注意除非我们的广告多于我们的竞争对手。

    Because nobody knows our company and products before, and our many competitors are advertising also, so our advertisement will not be noticed unless we advertise more than our competitors.


  • 首先感谢制作这个网页主人因为所以我们可以在这里知道很多关于B最新消息

    First, thank you very much for the web host. Because you, so we can here knows a lot about the latest news by bieber Justin.


  • 作为全球豪华汽车劳斯莱斯一向很多梦寐以求所以我们知道一下,中国劳斯莱斯的整个市场中占有什么样的位置

    So I believe as the most luxurious auto brands, it is the dream of many people. So we'd like to know the position of the Chinese market in the overall markets of Rolls-Royce?


  • 因为即使作为一个新西兰人,也不知道有关保护我们美丽的国家所有规则所以到了很多

    I learnt a lot too, because even as a New Zealander, I didn't know all the rules about protecting our beautiful country.


  • 太太吃了一些知道大家都是这样的,可这些药根本不管用,而且,附近很多人都生病,所以我们想请最好给她检查一下然后告诉我们怎么一回事

    My wife has given her things, you know, like people do, but it don't do no good. And there's been a lot of sickness around. So we tho't you'd better look her over and tell us what is the matter.


  • 知道使得很多选手骨骼达到瑞士出来所以一直办法轴承低的价格我们表现寻找传说中的瑞士。

    I know this puts Bones Swiss out of reach for many skaters and so I have been searching for a bearing that approaches the performance of our legendary Swiss at a lower price.


  • 知道没有很多的时间,所以我们现在开始讨论业务议题在意吗?

    Now, I've been meaning to talk to you about your business. Is now a good time?


  • 尽管手机很多的手机公司知道到了哪里到了世界一个地方所以我们知道或者社会需要更多明确规定

    While you use the phone, many mobile phone companies have to know where you, to which a place in the world, so we need to know, or the community also need to have more clearly defined.


  • 凯拉丰富的想象力,知道很多历史知识所以我们认为我们都是这个优秀的入选者。

    Carla has a good imagination, and I know a lot of history, so we thought we'd be good __1__ for the team.


  • 不管怎样,我们经历很多所以明白知道怎么会

    I mean, after all we've been through. So I figured, you know, "What the hell?"


  • 我们赛前就知道巴萨中场倒脚很多所以我们尽力阻止他们他们到边路上去,因为他们不是一支十分擅长传中的球队

    We knew that Barca are a team that play a lot through the middle so we tried to stop that and get them on the flanks because they aren't a team that delivers too many crosses.


  • 有意思的,除了为了自己可能我们知道这个孩子将来很多所以我们一起把他大。

    There's something quite special here. Other than for just myself, I think we all realize that this child may one day help lots of people. So let's raise it together.


  • 有意思的,除了为了自己可能我们知道这个孩子将来很多所以我们一起把他大。

    There's something quite special here. Other than for just myself, I think we all realize that this child may one day help lots of people. So let's raise it together.


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