• 结结巴巴:“邻居表姐实际上叔叔一起工作然后邀请我们野餐所以我们正好碰巧这个地区。”

    He stutters out, "your neighbor's cousin actually works with my uncle, and she invited us to a picnic, and so we just happened to be in the area."


  • 所以让人继续去说那些语言真正原因只是因为它们我们人类共同遗产不可替代一部分。

    So the reason to keep languages alive is really just because they are an irreplaceable part of our common human heritage.


  • 道格确实网络的,所以如果搬家伯利兹的话还是可以继续博客只是换种方式——白色沙滩上写。

    Doug said that yes, they do have Internet, so if we move to Belize I can keep blogging, but I'll be doing it with my toes in the white sand.


  • 所以的“他地不是我之前的工作的。

    So, my "screw you" is not to my former job.


  • 几天,雪拉:“现在还要继续所以不想知道。”

    "Right now I want to continue to love her, so I don't want to know," Sheila says, a few days later.


  • 服罪其实她并不明白怎么回事所以就按照他了。

    She did not really understand what was going on, so she did as she.


  • 这位记者不仅认为此事司空见惯,还感到一丝宽慰:“他们慢慢来,所以我们终于时间轻松轻松度假了。”

    The reporter was not only blasé; he was relieved: "They said to take it easy, so we finally get time to relax, go on vacation."


  • 所以智慧,用智慧或作的智者差遣先知使徒,到他们那里有的他们杀害,有的他们要逼迫。

    Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute.


  • 2没有全部这些图书总数,所以没法今年多少百分比的图书跟科学有关

    2i did not add up the total number of books in all the lists, so I cannot say what percentage of books this year were science related.


  • 活下基本的要求所以,我就只有跑到深圳

    I have said that living is the most essential need. So I went to Shenzhen.


  • 原因时,跟我他家当时只能得起一个孩子上大学,因为他聪明的,所以就供他上了。

    When I asked him why, he said his family could not afford to send more than one child and decided he was the most clever.


  • 坚持对于表达自己参加投票人民这样舞弊行为不能被接受的。所以人们走上街头抗议

    He insists that for a population that wanted to express itself and vote, this kind of fraud is unacceptable and thus people have taken to the streets to protest.


  • 伊丽莎白·韦斯特,摄制组第一赞比亚产假,所以纪录片制作上她只参与有限的工作”。

    Betsy West said that she was on maternity leave during the first trip to Zambia and played a "limited role" in the story's production.


  • 总结:“人们所以愿意尝试,都是因为害怕失败。”

    "I think people refuse to try things because they fear failure," he observes.


  • 所以为了支持真相出,使用以上陈诉的方法创造条件

    So in order to encourage truth-telling, use the above methods to create the conditions.


  • 所以如果真的提纯比方乙醇混合物里提纯乙醇,就是操作方法

    So of course if you're really purifying, say, ethanol from an ethanol water mixture, that's how you do it.


  • 给哥记住提议吃饭时,会假惺惺地饿所以傻乎乎地决定好点地方吃饭,因为你想她反正也吃得不多应该负担的起。

    Remember when you took her out and she said "I'm not hungry" so you figured you could take her to a nice place because you were able to afford a nice meal at this fine restaurant.


  • (没错知道所有人都这么的确是真的)可能明天工作上学路上就会死所以好好今天状况学学吧。

    (Yes I am aware that everyone says that, but it's true.) you could die tomorrow on your way to work or school, so make the best out of the situation that stands before you today.


  • 不过,发表工作场所健康管理期刊》上研究报告也雇员们因为上班时间健身所以不忠于职守内疚感

    However, their work in the Journal of Workplace Health Management, did find employees struggled to fit exercise around their work and felt guilty about being away from their desks.


  • 布朗菲尔德伙伴咨询公司的一个合作人员工没有意识到健身俱乐部健身要另外收费的,所以结账没有引起注意。

    A Brownfield partner said an employee didn't realize that there was a separate charge to use the fitness club and didn't notice it on the hotel bill.


  • 卡罗·丽娜:“由于名字被批准,女儿的护照办下来,所以我们只好取消了旅行计划哪儿不了。”

    "We've had to cancel trips and can't get anywhere because we can't get her a passport without an approved name," Karolina said.


  • 因为他们懒惰的,所以:‘我们祭祀我们。’

    They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, 'Let us go and sacrifice to our God.


  • 人们觉得人类已经适应了这种环境所以人们适应环境的时候,会展示出更多基因标记。”采访中,里恩佐狄安娜

    "One could argue that we are adapted to that and that most signals are seen when people adapt to new environments," Dr. Di Rienzo said in an interview.


  • 几乎没有触及促使贫穷地方所以一直贫穷的那些根深蒂固的文化行为问题,更不用解决了。

    But it barely seemed to grasp, let alone fix, the ingrained cultural and behavioural problems that help to keep some poor places poor.


  • 布朗菲尔伙伴咨询公司的一个合作人该员工没有意识到健身俱乐部健身另外收费的,所以结账没有引起注意

    Brownfield partner said an employee didn't realize that there was a separate charge to use the fitness club and didn't notice it on the hotel bill.


  • 警察所以警局路上停车是因为阿尔·安尼当时变得极度狂躁出了警车后排靠人行道一侧的车窗使得脚被固定在车外。

    Police said the journey to the police station was halted because Al-Ani became extremely violent and kicked out the rear nearside window, leaving his foot sticking out.


  • 警察所以警局路上停车是因为阿尔·安尼当时变得极度狂躁出了警车后排靠人行道一侧的车窗使得脚被固定在车外。

    Police said the journey to the police station was halted because Al-Ani became extremely violent and kicked out the rear nearside window, leaving his foot sticking out.


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