• 所以胡说八道的销售术阻止了另一个西装

    So his nonsense salemanship prevented me from buying another suit.


  • 天使需要遵守道德规范所以鲁利那样,总是老老实实的掏钱衣服不是像克鲁利那样无中生有的把衣服编出来。

    Angels had certain moral standards to maintain and so, unlike Crowley, he preferred to buy his clothes rather than wish them into being from raw firmament.


  • 太太说:“结婚丈夫父母的房,写的我丈夫的名字所以岳父母(应为父母,原文有误——译注)根据新的法律无权获得一半房产。”

    "My husband's parents bought it when we married. It's in my husband's name so he and his parents-in-law are saying that under the new law I am not entitled to half of it," said Mrs Zhang.


  • 现在美国不了,所以我们块。

    But now he is in the States, so he asks us to get one for him.


  • 可是后来那家杂志关闭了所以现在是一个自由作家;把写的文章出售任何愿意的杂志。

    But the magazine closed so now he works freelance selling his articles to any magazine or newspaper that will buy them.


  • 后来锅盖不小心弄破了不过没有新的锅盖,只是身上块布一角盖住锅子所以每当坐下时,都会靠近锅子而坐。

    And it so happened that the lid of the pot broke. But the monk didn't buy a new one; he just used one corner of his cloth to cover the pot.


  • 原来儿子毕业成绩优秀,所以父亲必须掏钱给儿子第一辆车跟朋友打听知不知道哪个价钱比较好的经销商

    3:Well, Randy graduated with high grades. So I have to hold up my end and dig up the money to get him his first car. Say, you know any dealer where I can get a good price?


  • 大家听懂了吗?原来只想辆没什么额外设备廉价但是结果却下了座椅天窗之类那些并不必需的设备。 什么原因迫使花钱这些装置呢?得归究于推销员的强行推销手段了。所以这儿hard sell意思就是“强行推销”,也就是硬让别人东西。

    1I wanted a cheap car without a lot of extras. But the salesman gave me a hard sell so I ended up with stuff I didn't need, like leather seats, a sun roof and a lot of other things.


  • 本来只想辆没什么额外设备廉价那个推销员软磨硬泡让下了座椅天窗之类那些并不必需的设备。 什么原因迫使花钱这些装置的呢?得归究于推销员的强行推销手段了。所以这儿hard sell意思就是“强行推销”,也就是硬让别人东西。

    I wanted a cheap car without a lot of extras. But the salesman gave me a hard sell so I ended up with stuff I didn't need, like leather seats, a sun roof and a lot of other things.


  • 约瑟芬次答应给十二岁得女儿一个脸谱,但了解到那样的话女儿必须说自己已经十三 岁了,所以他,女儿个月仍然对这件事耿耿于怀。

    Josephson says his 12-year-old daughter is still upset six months after he reneged on allowing her a Facebook account once he learned she'd have to claim to be 13.


  • 所以决定电脑动画工作室命名皮克斯动画工作室。

    So he decided to bought a computer animation studio and named it Pizar animation studio.


  • 的,所以决定朋友电话,告诉这件事。

    I just bought it, so I decided to give my friend a phone call to tell him about it.


  • 知道飞碟非常有价值的所以漫不经心走进店里提出美元只猫。

    He knows that the saucer is extremely old and very valuable, so he walks casually into the store and offers to buy the cat for two dollars.


  • 因为一般接受任何商品的支付手段,所以一个面包的,卖面包得到了钱,就可以用钱或者所想的任何别的东西。

    Because money is generally accepted as payment for may purchase, a baker who sells bread for money can use the money to buy meat or anything else he wants.


  • 所以试图劝说如果食品

    So I was trying to coax him if he let me buy food.


  • 所以只要口袋足够乌龟煮吃

    So whenever he had enough money in his pocket, he'd go buy a turtle to cook.


  • 每个生活费拿出好几百那些食物所以自己总是不够特别是每个月最后几天

    Every month he has to spend hundreds out of his living expenses to buy food for those cats and dogs, so he always can't have enough money for himself, especially in the last several days of the month.


  • 由于不得不支付更多钱去羊毛衫受关税保护产品所以每一样东西都减少了。

    Because he has to pay more for sweaters and other protected goods, he can buy less of everything else.


  • 这个摊主做生意,顾客热情从不缺斤短两所以大伙儿都菜。

    That vendor knows how to do business. He is always warm to his customers and never gives short weight. That's why everybody buys from him.


  • 比尔以前一家杂志编辑可是后来那家杂志关闭了所以现在个自由作家;把写的文章出售任何愿意的杂志。

    Bill used to be editor of a magazine. But the magazine closed so now he works freelance selling his articles to any magazine or newspaper that will buy them.


  • 推销珠宝是偷来的,所以

    He tried to sell me some jewellery, but I thought it had been ripped off so I wouldn't buy it.


  • 我们时候觉得应该需要时间适应所以一直都是让打替补的。

    When we brought him to the club we thought it would take him a while to adapt and that we would mainly use him as a substitute.


  • 一个朋友所以假如提到名字合算它们选择很多。

    He is a friend of mine, so if you mention my name, he'll give you a good deal on a watch. They have a great selection.


  • 所以一直没有电视机。

    SO he didn't buy a TV.


  • 出版了一通俗小说,赚了很多钱,所以他能力心房和轿车。

    Now that he published a earthliness novel , he can afford a new house and a car.


  • 有钱--如此有钱。所以可以任何的东西。

    He is rich-so much so that he can buy anything he wants.


  • 并没有多少金钱所以不能自己有很多好的东西

    He didn't have much money. So he couldn't buy himself many good things.


  • 我们素食主义者所以总会很多新鲜水果,这样吃到健康食物

    We are vegetarian so I brought lots of fresh vegetables and made sure he was eating healthy food.


  • 我们素食主义者所以总会很多新鲜水果,这样吃到健康食物

    We are vegetarian so I brought lots of fresh vegetables and made sure he was eating healthy food.


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