• 1945年至1962年期间,受《加州艺术建筑杂志委托才华横溢现代建筑师们设计房屋案例研究作品集 ”,趋势又一本土影响

    The "Case Study Houses" commissioned from talented modern architects by California Arts & Architecture magazine between 1945 and 1962 were yet another homegrown influence on the "less is more" trend.


  • 同样,三名巴黎建筑师也在研究一种廉价方法改善翻修现存公寓有着住户现代房屋

    And three architects in Paris have researched an inexpensive way to improve and renovate existing modern housing developments while residents stay in their apartments.


  • 最近IMF研究报告表明多数亚洲国家1999年起,房屋价格增长没有跟上收入增长

    A recent study by the IMF finds that in most Asian countries house prices have not kept pace with incomes since 1999.


  • 不少研究表明尽管人们轿车房屋上锁,但还是有许多从来不保护自己移动设备

    Numerous studies have shown that although people lock their cars and their homes, many do not secure their mobile devices.


  • 为了把握心理研究人员通过训练使明白放在房屋一侧里有食物一侧的碗却是空的。

    To measure canine psychology, researchers trained dogs to recognize that bowls on one side of a room contained food, while bowls on the other side were empty.


  • 这项研究揭示不仅建筑商需要改变房屋设计建造数目众多消费企业需要调整现有的收费标准

    The study highlights that not only do housebuilders need to change the types and number of homes they are building, but many consumer companies need to consider changing their charging policies.


  • 剑桥房屋及规划研究中心进行调查,英国很多三个小孩以上家庭负担不起新的社会住房租金

    But the research, by Cambridge University academics, indicates that the new market-pegged social rents will be unaffordable for families with three or more children in many parts of the country.


  • 地产研究公司FirstAmerican CoreLogic数据显示,今年7月底特律房屋售价值仅是可怜的7100美元(即最高房价最低房价的中间值),而3年前7.3万美元。

    And the median selling price for a home stood at a paltry $7,100 as of July, according to First American CoreLogic Inc., a real-estate research firm -- down from $73,000 three years earlier.


  • 为了把握心理研究人员通过训练使明白放在房屋一侧里有食物一侧却是空的。

    Psychology, researchers trained dogs to recognize that bowls on one side of a room contained food, while bowls on the other side were empty.


  • 道路噪音高血压根据环境健康》(Environmental Health)一项研究交通噪音水平较高房屋居住出现高血压的可能性大。

    Road noise and hypertension: People living in homes exposed to high levels of road-traffic noise were more likely to report having hypertension, according to a study in Environmental Health.


  • 加固……为了安全的生活环境”,由商业家居建筑安全研究(the Institutefor Business and Home Safety,译者没有查到此机构的中文译名)负责一个项目详细地说明了建筑技术能够帮助房屋更好地抵抗灾害

    "Fortified... For safer living," a program of the Institute for Business and home Safety, specifies building techniques that can help homes better withstand disaster.


  • 大体上研究人员可以几千年前人们制造的时候留下指纹辨别金字塔墓葬房屋

    In essence, mud bricks created by people thousands of years ago have left fingerprints that today’s researchers can identify as pyramids, tombs, or homes.


  • 研究作者发现如果还贷缺口房屋价值的10%以内,几乎没人选择贷款违约,一部分原因是搬迁费用不低。

    Few would opt to renege on their mortgage if the equity gap were below 10% of their home's value, the authors find, partly because of the costs of moving.


  • 统计研究指出最近跳涨消费价格归因于加速上升房屋所有权成本数据来自于对房屋价格的计算

    Statistical boffins point out that recent jumps in consumer prices are due to an acceleration in the imputed cost of home ownership, an artificial figure that is calculated from rental prices.


  • 房屋研究戏剧排练试验提供了足够工作空间

    These premises provide ample working space for research as well as theatrical rehearsals and experimentation.


  • 研究这座房屋平面图

    She studied the plan of the house.


  • 研究人员认为来自美国其余48发现起来,这个地点石头工艺品房屋结构动物残骸西伯利亚Ushki的发现接近。

    Researchers believe the stone artefacts, house structure and animal remains more closely resemble items found at Siberia's Ushki Lake than anything from America's lower 48 states.


  • 通过房屋所遇到的问题进行分析研究找到解决问题的方法,防患于未然。

    Through the analysis of the problems in the extra floor building, solutions should be found to solve the problems.


  • 研究目标:?了解房屋租赁协议基本组成。

    Research Goal:? To understand the basics of house lease agreement.


  • 房屋作为管理主要研究对象之一具有明显几何特征

    As one of the mainly research objects in cadastre management, the house has the obvious geometry features.


  • 此项研究中,对收集各种房屋灰尘样本分析来看,所含的细菌群落很大程度上是否饲养猫狗宠物小孩是否送日托等方面影响

    In the study, testing on samples of collected house dust demonstrated that bacterial populations are greatly impacted by the presence of dogs and cats and whether or not children attend day care.


  • 根据中国指数研究提供官方数据显示未售房屋存量在最近得以减少,去年初近30月的销售量,减少目前的15个月。

    Figures from the China Index Academy, a data provider, show that the stock of unsold homes has decreased recently, from nearly 30 months 'worth of sales early last year to 15 now.


  • 本周研究表明英国拥有欧洲最小房屋

    Research out this week has revealed that the UK has some of the smallest properties in Europe.


  • 砖混结构多层房屋出现裂缝现象进行分析研究

    This paper analyses and studies the phenomenon of the multilayer building crevice of the brick and concrete structure.


  • 砖混结构多层房屋出现裂缝现象进行分析研究

    This paper analyses and studies the phenomenon of the multilayer building crevice of the brick and concrete structure.


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