• 小时我们房子停了下来

    An hour later, we stopped in front of a small house.


  • 参观姐姐房子觉得小朋友公寓多么不同

    After I visited my elder sister's house, I was reminded just how different the apartment living with a child was.


  • 2006年搬进房子时候开始装饰浴室那里放着几罐油漆

    I started decorating the bathroom in 2006 when I moved into this house, the tins of painting are still lying there nine years later.


  • 拿到商业会计学位并毕业入职了一家公共会计事务所结了婚,买了,还房子置办了很多东西一个孩子

    After graduating with a degree in business and accounting, she joined a public accounting firm, married, bought a house, put lots of stuff in it, and had a baby.


  • 邻居们说,这些自己开车并且房子没有雇佣看门人。 原因看门人往往会得到家庭的大量信息

    The men drove themselves and, once the house was built, did not employ a gate watchman, often the employee who is the greatest source of information about families.


  • 当然灾害来临就得取得这样贷款房子损毁估价当然要打折扣了。

    The time to get such a loan is obviously before disaster strikes. The appraisal might not go so well after your house is flattened.


  • 缺乏兴趣,你很快就会感觉到:你可能努力尝试过,但感觉貌似能够解决或者房子,你没有一些健康食物

    You'll pretty quickly hit a point when you feel apathetic: maybe you're tired and don't feel like working out, or you don't have any healthy food in the house.


  • 缺乏兴趣,你很快的就会感觉到:你可能努力尝试过,但感觉貌似不能够解决或者房子,你没有一些健康食物

    You’ll pretty quickly hit a point when you feel apathetic: maybe you’re tired and don’t feel like working out, or you don’t have any healthy food in the house.


  • 房东开始验收房子房间里转了一,突然尖叫起来:“你们把我家弄成什么样子了,墙上到处是铁钉,还让我怎么继续出租啊!”

    Then the landlord began examining the house. After looking around, the landlord screamed, “Damn God!


  • 记者采访村长邻居们获知,上周,这位丈夫朋友们把他的财产到了房子一边锯子锯,用凿子凿,把房子一分为二。

    Last week, the husband and his friends moved his belongings to one side of the house -- and sawed and chiseled it off, said the reporter, who interviewed the village chief and neighbors.


  • 需要查看就知道其中一个男人跟踪一个盯着丝房子

    He didn't have to glance back to know that one of the men was following him, the other staying with Stephanie at the house.


  • 早晨,这座房子一家之主打着呵欠起床,洗5:30分叫醒所有人早饭,他们上学

    The man of the house yawned and rubbed his face. He had to be up at 5:30 to wake everyone and get them breakfast before he took them to school.


  • 房子外面调好颜料两手颜料,腋下夹着罩衣,刷子,蹒跚着朝房门走去。

    He mixed the paint outside andwaddled to the door with a gallon in each hand, the drop cloth under his arm, anda wide brush in his mouth.


  • 银行因为房主房贷利率调整不能支付更高的贷款而收回这些房子试图重新出售这些房子也是造成这种现象部分原因。

    That is partly the result of Banks trying to resell homes they have foreclosed on because owners could not make higher payments on adjustable-rate mortgages.


  • 遍寻整个房子后走出29阳台看到梯子支撑着铁栏杆

    After searching the apartment, he walked out to the 29th-floor balcony and saw a ladder propped up against the railing.


  • 经过设计以及施工建造,“能够知道,盖这个房子。”

    After a year of design and two years of construction, he said, "it's comforting to know that it was built right."


  • 自从我们重新让搬进这个房子想法门口挂一个窗帘,将她的房间和她弟弟起来

    I have had the idea in my head since we moved her to this room to put a curtain up in the opening that connects her room to her little brother's room.


  • 房子的租金是每月一万美元。竞选派对食物饮料有线电视一系列自从搬进产生费用共计十三万美元。

    Perry has also spent $130, 000 in campaign donations to throw parties, buy food and drink, and pay for cable TV and a host of other services since he moved in, the records show.


  • 2010年36照片智利Tubul,毁坏的房子残垣断壁散落大水退去泥浆中。

    Smashedhouses and other debris lie scattered in the mud left after watersreceded from the village of Tubul, Chile, as seen in a March 6, 2010, aerial photograph.


  • 房间搞好也承认房子确实可爱,他甚至告诉我做的很好,我会说也很喜欢它。

    He even told me I did a nice painting job. Then I died.


  • 房子袋鼠一前一跳着

    There are two kangaroo jump in house one behind the other one.


  • 我们很安静小区里了一套房子必需品打开钱包数了一下只有一百

    We rented a house in a quiet village, bought necessities, opened the wallet, counted, there are only one hundred pieces of.


  • 他们诺亚买下房子几个星期见面的,斯来的时候自酿酒和不伦瑞克炖肉,他们酩酊大醉和讲故事中度过了他们见面的第一晚。

    They had met a couple of weeks after Noah bought the house, when Gus had shown up with some.


  • 太阳能十项全能房子用来作为一个卡瓜斯,波多黎各技术园区永久展示

    After the Solar Decathlon, the house will be used as a permanent exhibit for a technical park in Caguas, Puerto Rico.


  • 西双版纳父母了一房子发现此地逃避北京理想居所

    After buying a home in Xishuangbanna for her parents, she found it the ideal sanctuary from Beijing's choking smog.


  • 撒切尔走了斯坦房子里悄悄搜寻。

    When Thatcher was gone, Stein prowled the empty house.


  • 记者离开白宫是不是广场对面了一房子

    Reporter: Didn't she, after she left this house, have a home just across the square?


  • 消失树林里,但几分钟,就又出现了,朝着房子跑来

    Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again toward the house.


  • 消失树林里,但几分钟,就又出现了,朝着房子跑来

    Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again toward the house.


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