• 他们学校取得进步时,他们就开始

    As they make progress at school, they start wearing it.


  • 最可悲孩子们瞥见面罩消防队员时认为他们看到怪物躲了起来

    Saddest of all is when children catch a glimpse of the masked the fire fighter but hide because they think they have seen a monster.


  • 先生记者谈话总是很古怪,以致有人称为“英格兰语言杰克逊•波洛克美国抽象派表现主义艺术家)”。 虽然他自己从未受到诋毁,但是他的团队受到丑闻攻击时,他和媒体的关系日益紧张。

    Mr Daley’s odd dialogue with reporters (one calls himthe Jackson Pollock of the English language”) grew strained as scandals felled allies but never reached the mayor himself.


  • 马斯拼命工作的时候,在曼哈顿神情沮丧蒙德正和妻子女儿一起前去吃饭

    While Lomas was beavering away a dejected Diamond was going for dinner with his wife and daughter in Manhattan.


  • 按照法庭本月早些时候听取的证词,警察命令阿齐兹走出辆轿车自己太阳镜摘下时,他们惊奇发现此人的两个眼眶内竟然空空如也。

    When Aziz, who is also partially deaf, was asked to step out of the car and remove his sunglasses, the officer was surprised to see he did not have any eyes, the court heard earlier this month.


  • 那时,“企业家这个很少用到提及时往往都带有贬义的,感觉像男人街角兜售胳膊的那些表。

    Then, the word entrepreneur was rarely used, and when it was used, it tended to be in a negative way, like referring to the guy on the street corner selling watches on his arm.


  • 睁开眼大脑清醒了的时候,他看见了查尔斯··兰茨,他的往日大有不同,正把斧子指挥着他的人冲向安德里利。

    As his eyes snapped open and his brain awoke with a fright, Andry caught a glimpse of Charles Deslondes, a new look on his face, ordering his fellow slaves toward Andry with an axe.


  • 现在电影看到的那种眼睛可以买到接触式镜片,绝对吓死人。

    Now the scary eyes seen in movies can be purchased and worn (under the form of contact lenses) and they will definitely help you obtain a scary look!


  • 独自出门时,并且总是天黑以后,便经常穿一身工人的短上衣长裤顶鸭舌帽遮起来。

    When he went out alone, which was generally at night, he was always dressed in a workingman's trousers and blouse, and wore a cap which concealed his face.


  • 开始由于没有隐形眼镜,很难看清,但是他看清时,发现是一个人头那里没有身体仅仅一个悬浮的头在那里。

    He told me it was difficult at first to focus because he didn't have his contacts in, but as he took a good look, he could see there was no body, just a head.


  • 玉问起墙上照片时,教授指着瀚峰照片,告诉她弹钢琴自己儿子

    Her son was the one who played the piano, Professor Dai answered when Siyu asked, and pointed out the pictures of Hanfeng.


  • 果然不出所料禁令在昨天付诸实施之际,有电视镜头拍到警察在巴黎圣母院逮捕面纱女子,这段视频引发了强烈的关注。

    Sure enough, the scenes captured by television cameras yesterday, as the law came into effect, of two veiled women being arrested by the police outside Notre Dame cathedral were dramatic.


  • 更加激烈的竞争意味着比尔斯可能能够过去方式控制价格:即市场疲软时它购进钻石市场需求旺盛时它卖出钻石。

    More competition means De Beers can no longer control prices the way it used to: by buying diamonds when markets are weak and selling when they strengthen.


  • 战争持续时间海伦发现自己爱着拉斯,于是俄底修斯奥米底斯化妆进城来窃取帕拉斯(守护特洛伊城的神像)神像时,帮助了他们

    The battle continued for a very long time, Helen felt she still loved Menelaus, and she helped Odysseus and Diomedes when they came in disguise to steal the Palladium.


  • 弗雷迪主人帕特丽夏思维利对此表示:“弗雷迪第一次看到西时,就飞快地院子一下子跳到了西背上。”

    Owner Patricia Swinley said: "When he first saw Daisy he rushed across the yard and just jumped straight on her back.


  • 诺莱流行的影片类型数枪战片、爱情片神话故事。墨镜的光头男子正在扮演一个歹徒

    The most popular genres in Nollywood are crime, romance and witchcraft. The slick-looking young man in the sunglasses is playing a gangster in a fraud syndicate


  • 同样,也一些显然肤浅EEG技术应用产品。比如一对头上耳朵集中注意时竖起来,TA放松的时候倒下

    There are some decidedly frivolous applications for EEG technology, too, such as a pair of cat ears on a hairband that stand up when the wearer is concentrating and lie down when he or she is relaxed.


  • 哈吉观察茨威格赫斯科维兹是怎么工作的,导演产生了兴趣山达基让他给提做一个30秒的广告时,抓住了这个机会

    Observing Zwick and Herskovitz at work got Haggis interested in directing, and when the church asked him to make a thirty-second ad about Dianetics he seized the chance.


  • 二十世纪60年代,彼得·蒙德MIT读研时候,花了很多时间来学习优雅的、风靡一时完全竞争市场模型

    When Peter Diamond was a graduate student at MIT in the early 1960s, he spent much of his time studying the elegant new models of perfectly functioning markets that were all the rage in those days.


  • 开始关闭电路时哈尔害怕,我害怕,夫。

    And Hal says, as Dave begins to shut down Hal's circuits, "I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave."


  • 但是话题转向Kinect黑客却沉默了。

    But when the topic turns to the Kinect hackers, Mundie's demeanor turns taciturn.


  • 引用例子,是关于三岁小孙子孩子父亲一起看尼尔·蒙德音乐会的时候,他开始模仿这些,因为这我们一个玩具吉他,孩子经常漫不经心地去拨动它,那么接下来就是:上音乐课。

    He cites the example of his 3-year-old grandson, who began mimicking Neil Diamond while watching a concert with his father. That led to the purchase of a toy guitar, which the boy strums constantly.


  • 一个拳击手套靠近时,你会下意识躲闪. 如果一个正在逼近你的人手拳击手套,躲开明智的选择。

    WHEN the man approaching you is wearing boxing gloves, it makes sense to duck.


  • 杰克只小小的一顶可爱的帽子非常喜欢但是坐着的时候,的帽子没有办法头上

    Jack is a little goose. He has a lovely hat. He likes wearing it very much. But when he sits, his hat can't stay on his head.


  • 太阳落山的时候,回家

    When the sun set, I took Debbie home.


  • 杰克只小一顶可爱的帽子非常喜欢但是坐着时,的帽子便不能头上

    Jack is a little goose. He has a lovely hat. He likes wearing it very much. But when he sits, his hat can't stay on his head.


  • 杰克只小一顶可爱的帽子非常喜欢但是坐着时,的帽子便不能头上

    Jack is a little goose. He has a lovely hat. He likes wearing it very much. But when he sits, his hat can't stay on his head.


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