• 伯特·弗利金杰负责管理一家名为战略资源集团咨询公司

    Burt Flickinger runs the consulting firm Strategy Resource Group.


  • 一名员工表示,“公司能感受到小型本土化团队亲密感,也能拥有全球性大企业资源战略方法。”

    "The company has the intimate feel of a small, local team combined with the resources and strategic approach of a global business," says an employee.


  • 如果一个公司资源分配过程没有好好管理的话,战略的执行结果将完全不同管理层预想

    If a company's resource allocation process is not managed masterfully, what emerges from it can be very different from what management intended.


  • 沃尔玛放弃了20%杂货大约有1000种商品那个地区商店Burt Flickinger这样负责管理咨询公司战略资源集团

    Wal-Mart got rid of 20 percent of its groceries, about 10, 000 items in that area of the store, says Burt Flickinger, who runs the consulting firm Strategy Resource Group.


  • 意味着公司存在战略的“核心非核心资源能力只有那些核心竞争力产生显著而持续差异

    This means that, there are strategically 'core' and 'non-core' resources and capabilities in a firm, of which only core competences make significant persistent differences.


  • 报道,位CEO说过,它不仅缺少足够的人来帮助执行公司战略而且缺少“有才华人力资源纵观来帮助他招聘那些他所需要经理人们”。

    One CEO was reported as saying that not only did he not have enough talent to carry out the company’s strategy, but he did not even have “the talent needed in HR to hire the missing managers”.


  • 最后,文章结合中石油第二建设公司具体情况探讨公司实现战略目标而必须作出的几个关键性资源整合问题

    Finally, linking up the concrete circumstances, we probe several critical resources integration problems of SCC company that are very important to meet its strategic objective.


  • 进入新世纪以来,部分上市公司开始实施归核化经营战略,将资源集中核心业务上来

    In this new century, some listed companies start to implement refocusing strategy, focusing their resources on the core businesses.


  • 并且根据公司今后战略目标利用多元回归模型马尔可夫模型人力资源需求供给情况进行了预测。

    Based on the goals of development strategy of the company, the paper predicts the demands and supply of human resources by means of multiple linear regression model and Markov's model.


  • 提出运用先进信息资源战略规划方法来指导WH钢铁公司产销信息系统建设

    Put forward with the method of advanced information resource strategic program guide the WH steel company's information of production and marketing systematic construction.


  • 上汽战略就是“耐心等待”,而他们也等得。 这是因为尽管很多方面只能算是一个新的公司,但资源并不缺乏。

    SAIC can afford its patient entry strategy because despite being a new company in many ways, it has no shortage of resources.


  • 总结分析了石油资源国有化浪潮以来跨国石油公司战略调整

    The article concludes and analyzes the strategic readjustment having been made by multinational oil companies since the oil resources nationalization wave.


  • 保险公司经营由于缺乏明确战略产品贪大求全,难以集中使用资源,产品销售未能实现专业化等因素,影响产品销售的广度、客户服务的满意度以及管理的深度。

    Due to the lack of clear strategy and an inappropriately broad product range, insurance companies are unable to centralize their resources in operation and are far from being specialized in sales.


  • 第一部长克雷文交代所有希望投标公司提供战略画、分红一个包括公司分配画的资源的列单。

    First Minister Craven instructed companies wishing to bid to set forth a strategic plan, a profit sharing proposal, and a list of existing corporate resources to be committed to the project.


  • 塔里木盆地我国重要油气资源战略接替区,也是新星石油公司重点勘探开发区

    Tarim Basin is a new strategic area of oil and gas resources in China and also a key site of exploration and development for CNSPC.


  • 长期以来,美国一直努力实施全球资源战略鼓励本国公司海外勘探开发矿产资源,以获取廉价、优质的矿产资源,保证本国资源需求。

    All along America always implements global resource strategy and encourages domestic companies accessing to overseas resource exploration and obtaining cheap resource to guarantee domestic demand.


  • 据此,中集团公司提出资源基地战略设想

    Accordingly, CNNC has put forward strategic idea outline about "giant base of uranium resources".


  • 浑江发电公司实施战略人力资源管理成为趋势,一种方向,一种需要。

    Hunjiang Power Company implements the strategy human resources management to become one kind of tendency, one kind of direction, one kind of need.


  • 竞争中,不同公司根据自己资源环境制定出突出自己竞争优势公司战略

    The different company should make the company strategy to stand out its competitive advantage due to its limitation to resource and environment.


  • 本文人力资源管理企业战略结合角度,研究白云山制药公司的人力资源管理活动

    In this article, the activities of human resource management of Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Company was studied from the combined directions of human resource management and corporation strategy.


  • 公司金融战略正在深刻地影响企业竞争力价值,金融资源作为品牌载体品牌价值的扩张铺路。

    Corporate financial strategy is a profound impact on the competitiveness of enterprises and their values. Financial resources as a brand carrier, pave the way for the expansion of brand value.


  • 美国资源开采跨国公司行动主要特征表现高度跨国经营并购重组活跃多元地域战略市场目标倾斜等方面

    The main characteristics of American transnational companies include highly international operation, actively merger and reorganization, diversified regional strategy and inclining market objectives.


  • 以美国为代表的西方发达国家一直努力实施全球资源战略鼓励本国公司到海外勘探开发矿产。

    Western developed countries have long adopted energy strategy in a global perspective, encouraging their companies to invest and explore mineral resources overseas.


  • 延长退休年龄帮助企业许多公司需要采取能够更好的利用临时工技能以及技术人力资源战略

    Raising the retirement age will help organisations, but many will also need to adopt human resource strategies that make greater use of temporary and interim skills, as well as technology.


  • 分析企业有价值资源形成对于有效地构建成功的公司战略有着重要的意义。

    It is very important to analyze the structure of enterprise 'valuable resources for effectively building up successful corporate strategy.


  • 分析企业有价值资源形成对于有效地构建成功的公司战略有着重要的意义。

    It is very important to analyze the structure of enterprise 'valuable resources for effectively building up successful corporate strategy.


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