• 他们已经表示2018年前无法拥有自己战斗

    They have said they would be unable to acquire their own fighter planes before 2018.


  • 癌症多年战斗之后,今年2月,乔布斯已经察觉自己健康每况愈下,悄悄地把这个消息告诉给了几个老朋友然后这些人又悄悄告诉别人

    In February, Steven P. Jobs had learned that, after years of fighting cancer, his time was becoming shorter. He quietly told a few acquaintances, and they, in turn, whispered to others.


  • Google来说,自己剑下显然合理所以这项变化造成舆论入手使具有更好基础来应对社会战斗

    It doesn't make sense for Google to die by its own sword, so it's going to take the press hit that comes from this change so that it has better footing in the battle over social.


  • 穆纳姆(Moneim)一位身材魁梧大学生自己艾季达比耶市周围发生战斗的时候“抓住机会学习如何使用步枪

    Moneim, a burly university student, says he is “taking the opportunityof the fighting around Ajdabiya to learn how to use a rifle.


  • 打败只是自己战斗

    By trying to "fight it", you're only fighting yourself.


  • 许多决定自己创业,不是一个艰难就业市场战斗

    Many of these people will decide to go into business for themselves rather than fight a tough job market.


  • 人们一直努力我们每个人都相信,其实我们不是单枪匹马战斗,所以我们需要时刻提醒自己一点。

    For all the time black people spend trying to convince everyone else that we are not a monolith, we need to remind ourselves of that as well.


  • 即使英国石油公司,检查战斗墨西哥湾石油泄漏造成损害印度显示有多大自己最严重工业意外康复的。

    EVEN AS BP battles to check the damage caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, India is showing how far it is from recovering from its own worst industrial accident.


  • 我们看到冲突情绪不看之间打架,一种希望观察感觉方面自己战斗明白自己瞪着景象时会瞠目结舌。

    We see his conflicting emotions both to see and not to see, a sense that he wished to observe and yet he is at, in some ways, at war with himself, knowing to gawk, to stare at this sight.


  • 卡斯特雷萨纳自己所调查罪犯文学作品中的人物比较似乎自己想象亚瑟王骑士一场的英勇战斗横扫无敌。

    Castresana often compared the criminals he investigated to characters from literature, and he seemed to conceive of himself as an Arthurian knight swept up in one heroic battle after another.


  • 卡扎菲号召追随者战斗发誓重新恢复自己的黎波里法律秩序

    Qaddafi is still calling on his supporters to fight and vowing to restore his own version of law and order in Tripoli.


  • 解释使自己士兵孤注一掷拼杀向前战斗中,尽管这种鼓动性讲演并不为那些眼睁睁的看着退路硝烟截断的士兵所领悟。

    He explained this was to focus them on moving forward - a motivational speech that was not appreciated by many of the soldiers watching their retreat option go up in flames.


  • 来说已经没有回头路强迫自己相信最后某个时候思想停止战斗

    For me, there was no turning back. I forced myself to believe that in the end, at some point, the mind will stop fighting me.


  • 比恩战斗学院从来没觉得自己有幽闭恐惧症甚至隧道低矮天花板下蹒跚而行,千斤顶摇摇欲坠的时也没这种感觉。

    Bean never felt claustrophobic in Battle School. Not even on Eros, where the low ceilings of the Buggers' tunnels teetered over them like a car slipping off its jack.


  • 虽然一黎巴嫩组织一旁为哈马斯加油助威,然而自己无法加入战斗

    While the Lebanese group has been cheering on Hamas from the sidelines, it has refrained from entering the fray.


  • 亚瑟王莫德雷德作战,战斗杀死莫德雷德,自己也受了致命伤,不久死去

    In a battle between the forces of the two men, Arthur killed Modred but he mimself was seriously wounded and soon died.


  • 哈伯德说法自己治愈自己二战中的严重伤情,而原告证据表明,他从来没有战斗受过伤。

    As for Hubbard's claim that he had cured himself of grave injuries in the Second World War, the plaintiff's evidence indicated that he had never been wounded in battle.


  • 将会赢得冠军UFC历史上最大战斗使预测添加来自世界各地球迷自己演出阵容。

    Who will win the biggest title fight in UFC history? Make your prediction and add yourself to a lineup of fans from around the world.


  • 拼命地自己战斗使自己每天早晨的五点半起床结果

    Desperately battling with yourself every morning to wake up at 5:30am is to address the effect.


  • 弑星者两个暗卫战斗期间,他们分别自己简报,但是不管他们如何令人印象深刻,对于阻击德的学徒来说他们用处不大

    During Starkiller's battle with two guardsmen they each had their own detail but no matter how impressive they were of little use to one of Vader's apprentices.


  • 战斗看到自己人大败。

    He didn't die in the fight, but saw his men defeated.


  • 如果21世纪新的奇怪战斗奋斗做出自己贡献,你能为社会做出重要事情就是自己生活中击败恐惧找到自由

    If you want to contribute to this strange new 21st-century war effort, the most important thing you can do for society is to defeat fear and find freedom in your own life.


  • 他们赶到穆斯塔法,逮捕吉佐尔·德尔索,这个行为失常的的吉奥诺·西斯机器人工程师熔岩世界建立自己战斗机器人工厂。

    They traveled to Mustafar, to capture Gizor Dellso, a rogue Geonosian droid engineer who had erected his own battle droid factory on the fiery world.


  • 美国证券诉讼中,被告并不总是知道自己手上多大的力量他们应该和解的时候,他们可能会选择战斗掉诉讼。

    DEFENDANTS in American securities suits do not always know how strong a hand they hold. They may fight and lose their case, when they should have settled.


  • 美国证券诉讼中,被告并不总是知道自己手上多大的力量他们应该和解的时候,他们可能会选择战斗掉诉讼。

    DEFENDANTS in American securities suits do not always know how strong a hand they hold. They may fight and lose their case, when they should have settled.


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