• 会议准备份报告警告说,世界粮食市场的“结构性问题可能会引起战争饥荒除非粮食产量20年里能够翻一番

    A report prepared for the meeting warns of "structural" problems in world food markets that risk war and famine - unless food output is doubled in 20 years.


  • 埃及参加捐助国会议代表筹集了44亿美元,帮助重建加沙。加沙以色列哈马斯最近发生的冲突中受到战争的摧毁。

    Representatives from donor nations meeting in Egypt have pledged more than $4.4 billion in new aid to help rebuild the war-torn Gaza Strip after the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.


  • 1864年,欧洲国家首次战争期间掠夺问题谈判达成日内瓦公约;1899年,自海牙会议始,进行了一系列会议。 这些都对战胜者占有战利品提出了限制

    The Geneva Conventions, the first of which was negotiated by European nations in 1864, and a series of meetings that began in The Hague in 1899, also set limits on the victor’s right to claim spoils.


  • 希拉里告诉员们行动属于战争权利法案管辖范围内,该任务其他决定需要乃们的授权

    Clinton told members of Congress the administration acted within the requirements of the War Powers act and needed no authorization for further decisions on the mission, lawmakers said.


  • 今天叙利亚同盟俄罗斯宣布大马士革原则上同意出席国际会议,该会议旨在结束叙利亚持续战争

    Today its Russian ally announced Damascus had agreed in principle to attend an international conference aimed at ending more than two years of warfare in Syria.


  • 周二美国选民将会前往投票站选举州长,充斥着他们头脑的是战争失业率以及创纪录赤字

    American voters go to the polls Tuesday to choose national lawmakers and state leaders, with two wars, high unemployment and record deficits on their minds.


  • 如果我们得到更多有关各国所谓“货币战争立场的信息,本周末G20财长会议或饶有趣味

    This weekend's G20 finance ministers' meeting could turn out to be interesting if we get a more candid sense of each country's stance in the so-called "currency war".


  • 国际货币基金组织会议之后欧元上扬。此次会议解决所谓的“货币战争”,而欧元可能成为这场“战争牺牲品。

    The euro was given a boost after the IMF meeting, which failed to resolve the so-called "currency war" and the single currency may end up being the loser in this "war".


  • 坦白地说,参谋长联席会议认为战略将会使我们错误时间,错误的地点,错误的对手卷入一场错误的战争

    Frankly, in the opinion of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this strategy would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time and with the wrong enemy.


  • 尽管乔治代表的身份前往费城参加第二次大陆会议时,玛萨仍然留在了维尔努,但战争年代常常陪伴丈夫前往司令部

    Even though Martha remained at Mount Vernon when George went to Philadelphia as a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, she frequently accompanied him to his headquarters during the war years.


  • 首次宣布停战案把1918年11月11日描写“人类有记载历史上最具破坏性血腥意义深远战争”的终结。

    The resolution of the Congress which first proclaimed Armistice Day, described November 11, 1918, as the end of "the most destructive, sanguinary and far-reaching war in the history of human annals."


  • 首次宣布停战案把1918年11月11日描写“人类有记载历史上最具破坏性血腥意义深远战争”的终结。

    The resolution of the Congress which first proclaimed Armistice Day, described November 11, 1918, as the end of "the most destructive, sanguinary and far-reaching war in the history of human annals."


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