• 其他药物食物可能之起不良反应

    Other medications or foods may react unfavourably with it.


  • 《细胞》杂志周四所发表的一篇文章中,一组研究人员汇报了新的适应模式,这并非是对空气或食物的适应,而是对海洋的适应。

    On Thursday, in an article published in Cell, a team of researchers reported a new kind of adaptation not to air or to food, but to the ocean.


  • 其他来自厨房的盐食物生来自带的。

    The rest comes from the kitchen salt shaker or occurs naturally in food.


  • 想要食物的时候,她将会很快学习走近

    She will soon learn to come to you when she wants water or food.


  • 我家微薄的收入可乐不在预算食物

    On my family's modest income, coke was not a part of our budget or diet.


  • 他们期间需要任何其它液体食物甚至需要

    No other liquid or food, not even water, is needed during this period.


  • HIV不能通过空气食物传播并且体外不会存活太久

    HIV does not travel through air or food and cannot live long outside the body.


  • NGO报告显示儿童因为隐形收费食物匮乏而无法正规上学

    NGO reports also indicated children were unable to attend school regularly because of hidden fees or insufficient food.


  • 暴露病毒食物的时候,现代医学仅仅检测那些生病的人。

    When a group of people are exposed to a virus or food toxin, modern medicine examines only those who get sick.


  • 有些病案源于了脏水大部分来自食物中源于粪便食物残渣。

    Some cases arise from drinking filthy water, most are from ingesting traces of faeces from the hands or in food.


  • 洪水警报食物危机往往会发出一定程度警告也有能够做出回应准备的时间。

    Often with flood warnings or food crises there's a degree of warning and a period of being able to build up a response.


  • HIV病毒不能通过空气、食物传播而且在离开人体后的存活时间很短。

    HIV is not an airborne, water-borne or food-borne virus, and does not survive for very long outside the human body.


  • 阿富汗有许多疾病通过食物传播的,因此美军的主要措施就是改善基础卫生条件。

    Because many diseases in Afghanistan are also water - or food-borne, efforts also focus on basic hygiene.


  • 通过这些照片他们糖果纹理食物陆地甜点乡村)成功创造出新的宇宙

    Through these photographs they have managed to create a whole new micro universe in the vein of candyland (or foodland, or dessertland).


  • 实际上一些脑部扫描显示我们大脑同伴排斥反应威胁身体健康食物供应的反应一样强烈。

    Some brain-scan studies, in fact, suggest that our brains react to peer exclusion much as they respond to threats to physical health or food supply.


  • 社会福利会直接支付接受者银行账户作为燃料食物补贴发放,后者容易被不端的官员窃取

    Social benefits could be paid directly into recipients' bank accounts rather than as subsidised fuel and food that is too easily stolen by crooked officials.


  • 我们希望员工浪费时间谈论运动视频游戏食物其他任何工作没有直接关系的话题。

    We don’t want employees wasting time talking about sports or video games or food or anything else that isn’t directly related to their jobs.


  • 任何食物食物成分可能基本营养以外健康好处,故国际食品信息理事会定义为功能性食品

    Functional foods are defined by the International food Information Council as any food or food component that may have health benefits beyond basic nutrition.


  • 来自国际移民组织最近估计表示370,000居住简易住房”,主要是难民营得不到卫生设施食物

    Recent estimates from the International Organization for Migration show that 370, 000 people are living in "improvised shelter," outside largely in camps without access to water, sanitation or food.


  • 拥抱食物很多感到快乐尤其是英国俄罗斯,这两个国家三分之一受访者他们拥抱食物得到安慰

    Hugs and food also made a lot of people happy, especially in Britain and Russia, where almost a third of people said they are likely to find comfort in a hug or seek it in food.


  • 研究者透露,在食物样品加入荧光素酶荧光素可以用来检测atp这样就可以确定样品中是否存有细菌其他病原体

    Researchers realised that adding luciferase and luciferin to a sample of water or food could be used to detect ATP, and thus determine whether the sample contained bacteria or other pathogens.


  • 手头食物分发送人,锁藏起来,把钥匙交给邻居们

    Give away any food you have on hand, or lock it up and give the key to the neighbours.


  • 每次食物摄取可能会影响我们情绪思维过程

    Every ingestion of food can affect our mood or thinking processes.


  • 预防霍乱最好方法水煮沸过滤并且煮熟食物

    The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food.


  • 有机食品纯粹的不含人工化学制剂杀虫剂食物

    Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.


  • 选择不吃的食物显然你的健康有好处。

    The foods you choose to eat as well as those you choose to avoid clearly contribute to your well-being.


  • 分享面包其他食物人类共同传统可以促进团结信任

    Sharing bread or other foods is a common human tradition that can promote unity and trust.


  • 可以带上食物饮料其他客人分享

    You can also bring food or drinks to share with the other guests.


  • 可以带上食物饮料其他客人分享

    You can also bring food or drinks to share with the other guests.


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