• 与 exec()命令一起使用可以结果保存数组中允许构建一个HTML表单,它们进一步允许您运行其他命令

    Using this in concert with the exec() command and dumping the results to an array allows you to build an HTML table or form that then allows you to run other commands.


  • 脚本使用ipvsadm命令工具动态realserver添加lvs从中删除

    Both of those scripts use of the ipvsadm command-line tool to dynamically add and remove realservers from the LVS tables.


  • vi 中可以使用 /命令搜索字符串需要以字面字符串正则表达式的形式指定匹配模式

    You can search for strings in vi using the / command, specifying the pattern to match either as a literal string or as a regular expression.


  • 如果实用程序报告没有区别(一般来讲意味着没有任何反馈回送到命令shell提示符),那么表示两个文档相同的,然而,种情况很少发生

    If, as rarely occurs, the utility reports back no differences (generally this means that nothing is echoed back to the command line or shell prompt), then the documents are the same.


  • 命令多个选项您可以选择进行完整备份增量备份,脱机备份联机备份。

    You have several options for these commands to enable you to do full or incremental backups, either offline or online.


  • 通常不是想要的,因为合法管理员通常底层主机命令直接连接管理队列管理器。

    This is usually not what you want since a legitimate administrator will usually connect directly or administer the queue manager from the command line at the underlying host.


  • 尤其适用于输错时仅仅稍微修改一下命令——回想命令直接编辑快得多。

    This is particularly useful if you made a mistake, or want to just change the command slightly - it can be quicker than recalling the command and then editing it directly.


  • 大脑察觉到威胁它就命令身体释放大量激素,使具备应对挑战能力称作反应

    When your brain perceives a threat, it signals your body to release a burst of hormones to fuel your capacity for a response.This has been labeled the "fight-or-flight" response.


  • list命令可选参数意味着命令可以列出具体文件所有文件,取决于调用命令方式

    The optional parameters to the list command imply that the command can list specific files, or all the files, depending on how the command was invoked.


  • 除了简单命令列表之外,还可以使用menu元素创建工具弹出式上下文菜单需要将type属性设置toolbarpopup

    In addition to simple lists of commands, you can use the menu element to create a toolbar or pop-up context menu by setting the type attribute to toolbar or popup.


  • 一开始非常灵活主要是因为强大的命令接口(CLI)shell

    It is also extremely flexible right out of the box, largely because of its powerful command-line interface (CLI), or shell.


  • 命令bashshell本身可能启动(生成)新的shell子进程执行某一任务称为forking

    When a command or the bash shell itself initiates (or spawns) a new shell sub-process to perform a task, it is known as forking.


  • 命令需要Linux内核2.4.11更高版本,目前通常没问题

    This command requires Linux kernel version 2.4.11 or greater, which isn't much of a problem today.


  • 无疑上级命令样做的,但是命令极为泛泛,必须来加以解释就在解释上,决定十四人,二十个人的生命

    No doubt under a higher command, but its orders, which are more general, require interpretation by him and upon that interpretation depends the life of ten, fourteen or twenty men.


  • 定言命令是绝对性的。意味着,它参考依赖任何其他目的。大家现在可以看到组平行对立之间联系

    A categorical imperative commands categorically, which just means without reference to or dependence on any further purpose and so you see the connection among these three parallel contrasts.


  • 生产产生处于草案方式并且试图对阶段产生任何影响然后必需用户确认取消命令

    The production orders generated are in draft mode and don't have at this stage any influence. Then it's necessary that a user confirms or cancels this order.


  • 包括当时规定航线航班证明许可副本以及修改免除命令

    This will include copies of current certificates and authorizations for services on specified routes, together with amendments or exemption orders.


  • 意味着可以通过使用编写你所使用的操作系统中的任何命令轻松扩展工具

    This means that you can easily extend these tools by using or writing any program for the OS that you are working on.


  • 意味着可以通过使用编写你所使用的操作系统中的任何命令轻松扩展工具

    This means that you can easily extend these tools by using or writing any program for the OS that you are working on.


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