• 请勿折叠扭曲床垫,亦不可床垫上站立跳跃

    Do not bend or fold, stand or jump on the mattress as damage can occur.


  • 跳棋目标自己棋子步移动跳跃方式,全部转移到对家的地盘上。

    The objective of the game is to place one's pieces in the corner opposite their starting position of a pitted hexagram by single moves or jumps over other pieces.


  • 于是冰面反推回去提供了前进上升力量推动选手滑翔跳跃,而力量细节取决于选手们原作用力的特殊性。

    Well, the ground just pushes right back, supplying a force forward and up that propels the skaters into a glide or jump, depending on the particulars of the force they applied.


  • 但是他们本身的方式来说,现实生活中的狼可以高楼上空飞行跳跃他们漫画里的超级英雄一样富有力量

    Real wolverines can't fly or leap over tall buildings, but in their own way they are as powerful as comic book superheroes.


  • 可能会让他们鼓掌、跳跃跳舞。

    Jen might get them to clap, jump or dance.


  • Leap”也可以作为名词,意思是跳跃突然的移动。

    "Leap" can also be a noun, meaning a jump, or a sudden move.


  • 肌腱形似绳索,一头连着小腿腓肠肌比目鱼,另一头与跟相连人体行走跳跃跑动,行成向前的推力

    The rope-like tendon connects the calf muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, to the heel bone, and is responsible for pushing off when you walk, jump or run.


  • 非但没有违反惯性定律动物们行走奔跑躲闪跳跃飞行捕食逃生中,将惯性定律的优势充分发挥

    Far from violating the laws of motion, animals exploit them to their advantage as they walk, run, dodge and jink, leap and fly, pounce on prey or spring to safety.


  • 报道2008- 2017最后世界大米产量可能会有个大概10%跳跃主要是由于南方东南部亚洲国家丰富出口的激励。

    The report said world rice production is set to "make a leap of around 10 percent by the end of the 2008-2017 period, mainly buoyed by more abundant outputs in South and South - East Asia countries".


  • 最为困难的计算步法,因为跳跃其他棋子而且其他棋子那样直线对角线

    The hardest moves to compute are those of the knight, for it can leap over and around other pieces, and the moves are not in a straight line or diagonal like all of the other pieces.


  • 如果重中心位置,那么倾斜超过阈值后产生一个跳跃移动但是多数应用程序中,缓慢移动未知初始状态比较可取。

    Resetting the center position can create a jump movement upon tilt past a threshold, but is preferable in many applications to a slow drift or unknown initial state.


  • 这种跳跃没有明显动机人们猜测可能某种沟通优势地位等社交功能表现形式

    This type of breach takes place for no apparent reason, although it is speculated that it could have some form of social function of communication or dominance.


  • Tojumpthe gun。 To jump就是“跳高”跳跃”的“跳”。

    To jump the gun is to do something too soon.


  • 同时只要跳跃循环运行

    Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run.


  • 小腿任何影响可以设置愈合过程所以假如使用过多落地,他的跳跃也许致使痛苦恶化好几

    Any impact on the leg can set the healing process back so if he USES the leg too much or lands on it when he jumps this can cause his pain to worsen for several days.


  • 强壮力量可以全然跳跃中的鹿那样地柔和灵活象一只凝视惊醒野牛那样地坦白。

    Strength and power can be soft and supple as a stag in fullness of leap or as direct as a buffalo awakened from sleep in staring you down.


  • 如果所准备的主题服装带有其他辅助物品/ 道具安全理由而不能跳跃,但请放心我们会在现场决定能否携带辅助物品/ 道具来进行活动的。

    If you bring a costume that has elements / props to it, that might not be safe for jumping, don't worry, bring them along and we'll decide whether you can jump with them, or not.


  • 他们思维跳跃频率降低呼吸明显放缓,工作人际关系家庭有关那些通常引发焦虑感的想法,也随之减少。

    Their thoughts ping-pong less frequently, breathing slows noticeably, and thoughts that typically cue anxietyof work, of relationships, of family—become less consequential.


  • 不要跳跃只是因为邻居你的同事这样做。

    Don't jump into it just because your neighbor or your colleague is doing it.


  • 如果发现接近头部耳朵焦点只是认为,耳朵恢复开始而不是结束字面上跳跃的耳朵形状

    If you find you are entering too close to head with the "ear hop" focal, just think that the ear is where the recovery hop begins, not where it ends or literally hopping over the shape of the ear.


  • 跳跃,跨跃:跳过跃过尤指在手支撑物帮助下跃过。

    To jump or leap over, especially with the aid of a support such as the hands or a pole.


  • 记住,渴望种正常现象,一次渴望通常都要持续分钟吸烟的时候,几个深呼吸,过一会在一杯跳跃运动。

    Each craving usually lasts just a few minutes. When you have the urge to smoke, take some deep breaths and then drink a glass of water, or do some jumping jacks.


  • 直观上视作半动力系统随机中断(出现问题)时刻,亦可视作逐段决定马尔可夫过程首次随机跳跃时刻。

    In a sense, it can be seen as the time when semi-dynamic system is killed, or as the time the first random jump of piecewise deterministic Markov process.


  • 解决方案虽然不完美,但拖动它们将它们放在窗口错误区域解决了“跳跃元素问题

    The solution, although imperfect, solves the problem of "jumping" elements when dragging them or dropping them in the "wrong" area of the window.


  • 好几年,他们沿着公路跳跃驾驶加速下来街道时候,已经可能建立照相机汽车照片

    For years it has been possible to set up cameras to take pictures of cars as they speed along highways, jump lights or drive too fast down the street.


  • “空笔”手法古诗词中的运用:一是表现为内容的大跨度跳跃,造成画面省略空缺

    First, a great leap in content results in the omition or emptiness of the picture.


  • “空笔”手法古诗词中的运用:一是表现为内容的大跨度跳跃,造成画面省略空缺

    First, a great leap in content results in the omition or emptiness of the picture.


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