• 周内每隔几天老鼠进食大蒜谷物油。

    Rats were given garlic oil or corn oil every other day for two weeks.


  • 很多碳水化合物都是谷物谷物制品,谷物大米面包面条

    Many carbohydrates are either grains or made from grains, such as cereal, rice, bread and pasta.


  • 这些食物包括新鲜水果蔬菜全麦谷物的食物,全麦面包谷物

    These foods include fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain foods, such as whole grain bread or cereal.


  • 当然还有肠胃气涨消化谷物每天产生超过200的甲烷气体

    And of course, there is cow flatulence: as cattle digest grass or grain, they produce methane gas, of which they expel up to 200 L a day.


  • 今儿人类喜欢给菜园施肥因为的确植物生长产出更多瓜果蔬菜谷物

    Humans today are fond of fertilizing their gardens as this indeed causes the plants to grow and also produce more fruit vegetables nuts or grains.


  • 德拉姆的探索者们已经利用相机识别钱币谷物盒子之类物体应用使用者不用这些都照下来

    Dialameh's developers have employed cameras to build apps that can help identify objects, such as cash or cereal boxes, without requiring the user to snap a picture.


  • 鸟儿啄食浆果谷物好像非常快乐树丛中,停靠树枝并且百无聊赖地吟唱一成不变曲调。

    The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they sit in seeming happiness on the branches, and waste their lives in tuning one unvaried series of sounds.


  • 大多数美国人没有足够的水果蔬菜谷物

    Most Americans don't eat enough fruits, vegetables or whole grains.


  • 开始可能谷物鹅卵石现在碰巧数字名称记忆单词序列

    At first it may have been grains or pebbles but now it is a memorised sequence of words that happen to be the names of the numbers.


  • 实际上许多用来储存这些谷物仓却没有好,那些已经建好的粮仓却又空着储存了一半

    In practice, many of the silos for these grains have not yet been built, and those that have been built are empty or half-full.


  • 可能枯燥的,我们可以耕种谷物一个下午玉米采摘豆类水果蔬菜

    It might be boring, but we could all watch grains being tilled or spend an afternoon shucking corn or picking beans, fruits or vegetables.


  • 排除不可预见干旱洪水小麦谷物收成都2009年创下记录。

    Barring unforeseeable droughts or floods, both the wheat and cereals harvests in 2009 will set records.


  • 许多运动饮料以蔗糖高果糖谷物糖浆形式出现碳水化合物这些电解质结合一起。

    Most sports drinks contain a combination of water, carbohydrates in the form of sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup and electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium.


  • 不过由于有些人生孩子之前没有计划,个别国家规定:凡是谷物,不论用于制作面包早餐麦片其他食物,都要添加叶酸

    But because some people do not plan their pregnancies, several countries require that the grains used to make bread, breakfast cereals and suchlike be fortified with folic acid.


  • 尽量选择那种含有真正水果成分谷物制成的,玉米粉麦麸的都行。

    Opt for one that contains real fruit and is made from whole grain flour, corn meal or bran.


  • 因此顿营养均衡早饭吧,要一些适量蛋白质谷物碳水化合物还有水果蔬菜

    So, try to eat a balanced breakfast, with a source of protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and fruits or vegetables, as appropriate.


  • 富含水化合物蛋白质的食物,鸡蛋全麦谷物烤面包这样才有源源不断的能量

    Eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates and protein, like eggs and whole-wheat cereal or toast, so your energy lasts.


  • 严格的素食主义者精加工谷物强化豆制品含有维生素b - 12的营养补品获得

    Vegans can get vitamin B-12 from some enriched cereals, fortified soy products or by taking a supplement that contains this vitamin.


  • 他们大多数得都素(大部分是绿色黄色的菜蔬),他们吃粗谷物豆腐和其他豆科植物,很少吃乳制品鸡蛋

    They eat way more veggies than most people (mostly green and yellow ones), as well as whole grains, tofu, fish and other legumes.They eat very little sugar, and very little meat, dairy or eggs.


  • 他们大多数得都素(大部分是绿色黄色的菜蔬),他们吃粗谷物豆腐其他豆科植物很少乳制品鸡蛋

    They eat way more veggies than most people (mostly green and yellow ones), as well as whole grains, tofu, fish and other legumes. They eat very little sugar, and very little meat, dairy or eggs.


  • 全麦制成谷物制品也许会很少很多全麦。

    Cereal that \ \ \ 's made with whole grain may have a little or a lot.


  • 谷物产草量而言新品种性能相当于优于母本品系而且对霜霉病抗性显著增强

    These have performed as well as or better than their parent lines in terms of grain and straw yield, and possess a markedly improved resistance to downy mildew.


  • 加工磨坊厂谷物外层去除得到糙米精制的白米-西方广为食用那种米。

    When rice is processed, millers remove the outer layers of the grains to produce brown rice or more refined white rice - the kind most widely consumed in the West.


  • 水果蔬菜面包,麦片谷物小松饼很好的纤维来源

    Good sources of fiber are fresh fruits and vegetables and breads, cereals, or muffins that have lots of whole grain in them.


  • 研究结果认为:2008年的粮食价格危机主要原因不是粮食产量储备量减少不是肉类饲料谷物需求增长甚至也不是期货市场投机行为

    It concluded the crisis was not primarily driven by declines in crop yields or stocks, nor rising demand for meat and feed grains or even futures market speculation.


  • 之后投影仪放射一条绿色红色光线产品上,好让使用者知道这个谷物是否是使用者要求谷物

    Then, the projector beams a green or red light onto the item, letting the wearer know if the cereal meets user-defined criteria.


  • 研究还指出,那些一周更少谷物早餐孕妇相比每天至少吃一碗谷物类早餐的孕妇产出男婴的几率要大得

    The odds of a male also went up sharply "for women who consumed at least one bowl of breakfast cereal daily compared with those who ate less than or equal to one bowl of week, " the study reports.


  • 指出实际利率降低时商品生产商与其现在卖出商品,还不如公开秘密地保留他们资产——包括原油黄金谷物

    When real rates fall, he points out, commodity producers have more incentive to keep their asset—whether crude oil, gold or grain—in the ground or in a silo, than to sell today.


  • 利用谷物(全麦面团全麦面包),蔬菜瘦肉芝士可以这些饭食变得更加美味健康

    Using whole grains (like whole wheat pasta or whole wheat bread), vegetables, lean meats or beans, and reduced fat cheese can all make these meals more flavorful and healthful too.


  • 利用谷物(全麦面团全麦面包),蔬菜瘦肉芝士可以这些饭食变得更加美味健康

    Using whole grains (like whole wheat pasta or whole wheat bread), vegetables, lean meats or beans, and reduced fat cheese can all make these meals more flavorful and healthful too.


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