• 意味着某人在说话写作时不考虑其听众或读者

    It means someone speaks or writes without considering his listeners or readers.


  • 蒙蔽他们的站点读者,并引导网站

    Manipulating their site or readers into coming to your site.


  • 因此,这项研究也许不能解释其他种类作品读者时的情况。

    This study might not extend to other types of writing and other types of readers.


  • 应该使用读者作家而不是两者混合物

    And you should be either using two streams or a Reader and a Writer, not a mixture of both.


  • 最近这种致歉格外冒险,彼时感到满意顾客读者此刻愤愤不平。

    But the recent commercial apologies are especially risky. Some formerly satisfied customers or readers will be retroactively aggrieved.


  • 自己,与传记作者读者不同,别人痛苦总会返回自己痛苦。

    He cannot begin to see himself as his biographer or reader sees him, for the pain of others always reverts back to his own.


  • 旅游代理商写旅游文章的作家指导顾客读者选择旅馆方面发挥重要作用

    Travel agents and travel writers play an important part in referring their clients or readers to one hotel or another.


  • 主张女性主义角度重新阐释“忠实”,认为译者应该忠实“写作方案作者读者

    It reinterprets "fidelity" from a feminist perspective and argues that "fidelity" should be directed towards the "writing project" instead of the author or the reader.


  • 常用一种办法永远不要假定阐述某种技术特性听众(读者)自动确定能带来的效益

    One technique commonly used is to never assume the listener (or reader) will automatically determine the Benefits of a new technology when you explain its Features.


  • 突破19世纪以来作者作品读者中心文学研究从而文学作出了新的理解

    Since this broke through the 19th century take the author either the work or the reader as the central literature research, Thus has made the new understanding to the literature.


  • 广告传播方式,用来说服观众(观众听众读者)产品创意服务采取一些行动

    Advertising is a form of communication used to convince the audience (viewers, listeners or readers) to take some action on the products and ideas, or services.


  • 问题作为幽默接受者听者读者如何找到幽默话语关联性从而感受到话语的幽默效果

    But the problem is how as a recipient, the listener or reader of the humors finds the relevance, and thus feels the humorous effects.


  • 作者在此赋予“形象新的含义——隐含习语中的情景读者头脑中联想到图像

    Here, the term "image" assumes a new connotation-the scene implied in an idiom or the associative imagination of a picture in the reader's mind after he has read this idiom.


  • 一般来说说话作者高估听众读者,所以,则成语嘲讽的主要是听众观众,不是说话者。

    In general speaking, the speaker or writer has over-estimated his listeners or readers. In these cases, the idiom mocks the audience rather than the speaker.


  • 这些变化大到国家图书馆事业的重新构建、图书馆服务观念变更,小到图书馆工作方式读者需求行为的改变。

    These changes include not only national library industry reorganization and service concept upgrade but library internal working style modification and reader demand update as well.


  • 虽然这个图书馆所有开放,但所有读者必须支付会员费订阅费才能借书

    Although this library was open to everyone, all readers had to pay a membership or subscription fee in order to borrow books.


  • 研究集团调查发现美国人认为出现新闻现象主要的原因读者错误”,不是编造故事报道中的事实错误

    A survey by Barna research group found the top reason given by Americas for the fake news phenomenon is "reader error," more so than made-up stories or factual mistakes in reporting.


  • 读者邀请人们阅读他们喜欢诗歌文章

    Readers invites people to read poems and articles they like or wrote.


  • 尔顿伊利亚特》中出了瑰宝,这块瑰宝给我们读者带来的影响如同美杜莎所带来的影响。

    Milton has dug up a gem from the pages of The Iliad, and this gem has something like a Medusa effect on the poem or on us as readers.


  • 如果令人惊讶之处过多导致读者最后失望绝望而抛开

    If the surprises are too great, it will cause the reader to overwork and eventually leave it out of disappointment or despair.


  • 人们新闻媒体有着令人震惊不信任,其根源不是报道不准确报道技巧低下,而是记者读者的世界观每天都发生冲突

    The astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.


  • 相信现代读者不可能知道阿曼诗歌散文与任何一受过教育16世纪读者之间关联

    I believe that a modern reader cannot know the associations that a line of ancient oman poetry or prose had for any particular educated sixteenth-century reader.


  • 秀的读者通常会使用流程图网状图来更好地理解他们看的书。

    Good readers often use a flowchart (流程图) or webs (网状图) to have better picture of what they read.


  • 们包括《中国诗词大会》,这是一个传统的中国诗歌比赛,还有《朗读者》,这个节目邀请人们朗读自己喜欢创作的诗和文章。

    They include the Chinese Poetry Conference, a traditional Chinese poetry competition and Readers, a program that invites people to read poems and articles they like or wrote.


  • 对于任何一个网站来说表单非常重要一部分因为它们允许读者客户进行交互

    Forms are a very important part of any website, because they allow your readers or customers to interact with you.


  • 很多读者虔诚虔诚,都不会中途弃她而去。

    Many of her readers, religious or not, will be more than halfway with her.


  • 如果钢琴演奏者地图读者坚持练习,他们技能水平消失更快而且恢复起来大脑处理这项任务联系起来的需要更长的时间

    Unless the piano player or map reader keeps that up, their skill level will diminish more quickly and take longer to recover than a person whose brain is wired to handle the task.


  • 如果钢琴演奏者地图读者坚持练习,他们技能水平消失更快而且恢复起来大脑处理这项任务联系起来的需要更长的时间

    Unless the piano player or map reader keeps that up, their skill level will diminish more quickly and take longer to recover than a person whose brain is wired to handle the task.


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