• 钻石或许美丽恒久另有一种透明矿石我们有价值

    Diamonds might be prettier and more durable, but there's another translucent rock that's even more valuable to us.


  • 的确伤感了具有浓厚悲剧色彩,或许美丽却是凄楚的美丽就像折断了翅膀蝴蝶

    Indeed, it is too sentimental, which is characteristic of tragedy, perhaps beautiful, but it is pain beauty, like be broken wings butterfly.


  • 或许只能南非看到天堂鸟花,但是访问一下本地花店你就会发现:天堂鸟花但是世界上美丽的花之一也是受欢迎的花之一。

    The bird of paradise may be found in South Africa. However, check your local florist: this plant is not only one of the most beautiful in the world, but one of the most popular as well.


  • 黄色沙滩或许最常见美丽丝毫逊色。

    Yellow sand beaches may be common, but they're no less beautiful.


  • 如此惬意美丽地方或许就是许多外国人印象中的乌克兰

    The cosy and very cute place. Probably this is how many foreigners imagine Ukraine.


  • 或许这些卫生习惯始于亚当第一洗澡梳头夏娃的约;可能始于夏娃第一次搽上青草制的化妆品使自己美丽

    Perhaps these practices started when Adam first took a bath and combed his hair before going on a date with Eve. Or maybe they began when Eve put on some herbal makeup to make herself more beautiful.


  • 或许是,又或许不是,就那种微妙的界限,等待着美丽有礼貌那些美丽可爱的人注意自己不一样的。

    Perhaps so, perhaps not, as there is a subtle line between wanting to look politely presentable for others, and being attached to looking good to draw attention to oneself.


  • 看到舞台上那些令人眼花缭乱服饰幻想一般的舞台布景,或许能够理解意思演出不仅仅展示美丽的元素,有时要令你产生反感

    With its sparkling costumes and hallucinatory staging, you sort of understand what he means: it's not enough for this kind of show just to be pretty — it has to disgust you, too.


  • 或许就是人类认为花卉美丽的的原因

    Perhaps this is why humans think of flowers as beautiful.


  • 时间我们王国所有其它花卉学会必需音调再次创造或许使我们以前更为美丽

    Over time our kingdom along with all other flowers will learn the tones necessary to create light again, and the light shall make us perhaps even more beautiful than before.


  • 幸福爱情得支离破碎或许会发现只不过是错误时间错误的地点个错误的一起了个美丽的错误罢了

    When the happiness of love is when you fell and fragmented, and perhaps find just in a wrong place at the wrong time the wrong person, together with the one guilty of a beautiful was just a mistake.


  • 或许美国美丽爱丽丝仙境

    Perhaps America the beautiful become Alice's wonderland.


  • 或许选为国土上最美丽的,让觉得难受了。

    Maybe it just bothers you, I was voted fairest in the land.


  • 香烟遇上火柴,就注定伤害或许放弃才是美丽结局

    The cigarette meets matches, destined to be injured, perhaps it is the final result most beautiful to give up.


  • 害羞了或许希望一切止步于吧——美丽缥缈的关系——这种如此微妙,以至一个错误举动就可能毁掉一切。

    I was too shy and she probably wanted to keep it this way-a beautiful ethereal relationship-a love so delicate that one wrong move might ruin everything.


  • 片刻后,你会觉得这真让人烦心平凡无奇或许光鲜美丽更动人吧,那个法国汽车销售员一样。

    After a while it got boring and just like the French car dealer I started to wonder if maybe ordinary is preferable to extraordinary.


  • 母亲问题源泉,不停着,而女儿静静聆听着或许被认作是这位妇人美丽侍女

    The mother was like a fountain of questions; and the daughter, who listened but never spoke, might have passed for the beautiful maid of the fountain.


  • 为什么梵高会创作《星空》那幅呢?或许是因为天空美丽每个人都喜欢仰望星空提醒我们天空中东西时刻盯着我们。

    Why did he paint The Starry Night? Maybe because the sky is beautiful, and everybody likes looking at it, and it reminds us that something's up there watching over all of us.


  • 脑海里颐和园安静美丽和谐的地方,名字一样。或许之后我会故地重游

    In my mind , it's a quiet place , beautiful and harmony , just like its name . Maybe , one month later , I'll see her again .


  • 可以控制平静能够带来美丽或许作家拥有宁静是因为她们充满了有创造力意志。被平静围绕让人感到如此安慰

    The serenity of being in control. The beauty it can bring. Perhaps the serenity of the writers is also because they're filled with creative spirit. There is such a solace in surrendering to it.


  • 这种现象背后原因不得而知或许美丽产生自信吧。

    It is unclear what is behind the phenomenon but it may be that beauty breeds confidence.


  • 放在桌上或许看起来可以演化成美丽风景

    Places on the table, perhaps looks like is very beautiful, may evolve a beautiful scenery.


  • 野蛮或许全智贤小小的弱点清纯中略略绽放迷茫的美丽,却是足以击中全体男人最大的弱点。

    Maybe, sassy is a little foible of Jun-Ji-Hyun, but beauty spreaded from her pureness and sassy, is the best army to hit all men's biggest foible.


  • 萤火虫,萤火虫,编织出一个美丽的梦。或许了,但是在乎

    The firefly, the firefly, made a sweet dream. maybe I should go away, but I cre you.


  • 或许这些美丽热情原本就在预料之中,领略她美好一面的同时,却又尽量想去发现哪些缺憾

    Yet, perhaps taking all this as expected, while admiring its many attractive aspects, I tried to find out whether there was a flaw in the jewel.


  • 或许这些美丽热情原本就在预料之中,领略她美好一面的同时,却又尽量想去发现哪些缺憾

    Yet, perhaps taking all this as expected, while admiring its many attractive aspects, I tried to find out whether there was a flaw in the jewel.


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