• 名来自象牙海岸大个子枚打硬币扔回给伯恩利球迷或许他希望可以让这些穷酸的家伙们用来买票回们的穷乡僻壤

    The big Ivorian with a small threshhold for pain chucked a coin into the Burnley fan section, in hopes of rewarding the poverty-stricken town with a bit of cash for the trip home.


  • 最重要或许希望方会谈对手中间播撒分歧,进而增加讨价还价的筹码。

    Most of all, perhaps, he wanted to sow dissent among North Korea's foreign partners in the six-party talks, and so strengthen his own bargaining position.


  • 希望公众或许破译这份密码看成是业余爱好或者是游戏一份工作。

    He hopes a member of the public might connect it with a hobby, a game or a line of work.


  • 每一天希望分,但是仍然心存希冀:或许是因为联系我的,可能快忙完了。

    But still, I harbored a hope that he did not contact me maybe because he was too busy and that he would contact me soon.


  • 显示出拿着工资东西毫无兴趣,然而就是这样一个如此冷漠售货员或许当初也是满怀希望热情开始工作的。

    He displays no interest either in you or in the goods he is paid to sell. Yet possibly that very clerk who is now so apathetic began his career with hope and enthusiasm.


  • 最后回到学校(哈佛大学),获得了心理学博士学位,他希望退休后或许要当一个青年辅导员,充分利用自己的心理学知识。

    And he eventually went back to school (Harvard) and got his Ph.D., in psychology, which he hopes to put to use in his retirement by perhaps becoming a youth counselor.


  • 马云一直在与巴茨博弈希望回购这笔股份或许希望收购整个雅虎

    He has battled with Bartz and would like that stake back — and maybe all of Yahoo.


  • 时常想到,提到或许唯一一个从未的,希望落空从未背叛或者,让我失望,我一直把当做真正朋友

    And I always thought of him and said about him is maybe the only person who has never defeated any expectation of mine. He's never betrayed me or let me down. I always think of him as a true friend.


  • 希望Lil Wayne(小韦恩)能够出狱后少惹麻烦或许粉丝可以再2011年格莱美颁奖典礼上迎接回归

    Hopefully Lil Wayne stays out of trouble after he gets out and maybe his fans can welcome him back at the 2011 Grammy awards.


  • 安德森的结尾围绕免费词给出了五十商业模型列表希望读者们或许从中找到适合自己领域的一种。

    Mr Anderson finishes his book with a list of 50 business models built around Free, presumably so that the reader can find the model that is most likely to apply in his own field.


  • 从U20世界杯回来时,教练我说了球队的伤病情况,说现在球队需要我。今年或许机会代表一队踢球,我希望能够留下来一队站位脚跟

    I thought I would have a chance to play this year as well so I thought I should stay and try and get a place in the first team.


  • 海耶斯或许得休息几个月了,小腿都变形了!希望没事但是看上去很糟糕

    Chuck Hayes might be out for a few months. His knee turned the other way. Hopefully he'll be okay, but it didn't look good.


  • 例如如果一个帽子3d模型,您或许希望一直个人头部的模型上方5个单位的位置。

    For example, if you have a 3d model of a hat, you might want to specify that it always stays five units above a 3d model of a certain person's head.


  • 或许现在真的应当更多锻炼身体,无论如何希望早日康复。

    Maybe he really should do more exercises from now on Anyway, I hope he couldgetover soon.


  • 本地学问或许仍然路线中国剧场的公寓,希望的凶手返回到发生地点。

    Local lore has it that his ghost still walks the route from the Chinese Theater to his apartment, perhaps hoping that his murderer will return to the scene.


  • 或许年轻人要是这种经历早就放弃希望或是走上犯罪的道路了。

    After what he had been through, many youngsters would have given up hope or turned to crime.


  • 我们并不希望离开如果尤文图斯开出转会费合适的话,我们或许考虑一下。

    We don't really want him to leave but maybe it makes sense if the fee that has been bandied about is the correct fee from Juventus.


  • 希望爸爸享用一些糖果或是的祭品,或许可以闻到那些鲜花的香味。

    I hope that my dad will come to eat some candy or stuff, and he could probably smell all these flowers from up where he is.


  • 希望得到详细数据,在今年些时候,或许解释这个谜团

    He hopes more detailed data, expected later this year, will explain the mystery.


  • 是的认为听起来希望,”点头说道,“我一种预感我们或许可以一点,让我们分享世界。”

    "Yes, I believe it sounds hopeful," he nodded. "And I have a hunch we might do well to have him share a bit of his world with us."


  • 现在还有妻子,还有个孩子或许还会再有一个,希望帮助下度过难关。

    But he has a wife now, a child and possibly more to come, and I'm hoping he'll get through with their help.


  • 或许冠军杯可以出战,但是如果风险的话,我们希望再等等

    Perhaps he will be ready for the Champions League, but if there is any risk then we prefer to wait.


  • 或许现在真的应当更多地锻炼身体,无论如何希望早日康复。

    Maybe he really should do more exercises from now on Anyway, I hope he could get over soon.


  • 或许自己正如休息室被人打扰客人一样: : “这个家伙?挺让人不舒服的,希望不要讨人嫌。”

    You would be apt to say to yourself as guests do when disturbed in drawing-rooms by other guests: "Who's this chap? Seems rather queer."


  • 或许自己正如休息室被人打扰客人一样: : “这个家伙?挺让人不舒服的,希望不要讨人嫌。”

    You would be apt to say to yourself as guests do when disturbed in drawing-rooms by other guests: "Who's this chap? Seems rather queer."


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